Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

Ye’re doin’ gr8

Im doing great enough to not care this much about an in game item for a game that im most likely going to drop after season 1.

You must not play many mainstream games outside of live service games, then.

There are a lot of AAA games without mtx that cost less than this mount does.

how many AH mounts can they sell after this?

it’s kinda a limited market. slippery slope took 5 years to get slippery?

What you mean those games you pay $60-70 for that last 9 hours?

And good job dodging the entire statement i made because you know it’s true.

idc abt it either way, benefits me when ppl afk chill by the mailbox and they still do it.
true unsung heros back in oribos when there was no ah, in fact a lot of us
would tip ppl who afk the ah by mailbox.

i just think its scummy that this was originally in game and now theyre movin it
to shop thats nearly $100. the moment cash shop was introduced the game
was always gonna go this route lol. nothing u can do abt it. the games
crap whether the dino is bought or not. let ppl have things in this crap game lol.

As with every other limited time item the moment it goes away from the store will be the moment the “Bring the Gilded Brutosaur back!” threads will start.

I was on vacation.

I have 12 kids and 43 cats to take care of.

My dog ate my keyboard.


There will be plenty of people that either miss it or couldn’t afford it on all three accounts before it went away that will be desperate by the time another rolls out.

Plus there will just be people that compulsively purchase just about everything that comes to the shop. Those types will be fine paying another Benjamin for a dragon with an auction house.

Just gotta think like Blizzard and people with more money than brains. It’s not that hard. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think I’ve ever run into a AAA game that’s lasted me 9 hours, and I generally beat games faster than everybody I know. Good job exaggerating because you know my statement is true.

I ignored the rest of the post because it’s not relevant to my opinion.

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How did I fit a thousand hours of Skyrim into just 9 hours? I’m just that good?

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So you’re Beating AAA games so fast the value of spending $60-70 is even worse.

and yes it absolutely is relevant. You just got smoked with a logical answer & you thought about how much money you have blown on cosmetics in other games.

Congratulations you was able to pick a game from the thousands upon thousands of games that exist that are not open world.

All of the above and then some. People are motivated by a lot of things. Those who bought it back in the day for a truly ridiculous amount of gold are upset for obvious reasons. Others are mad because it’s a very obvious money grab. Yet others still are rightly calling Blizzard out for when they said they would not be making the mount widely accessible. And of course there are also those who just can’t afford to drop $90 in this economy.

Personally, I have no problem with microtransactions and I have spent a hell of a lot more than $90 on them in the past but I would never buy something just because it provides a minor convenience. What motives me are shiny pixels in the form of transmogs! Longbois with a mailbox strapped to their backs just don’t do it for me. :man_shrugging:t2::rofl:

How did I fit a thousand hours of Call of Duty into just 9 hours? I’m just that good?

How did I do like 12 campaigns on Warhammer Total War in just 9 hours?

Should I continue?

You gotta be complete idiots here. Just google Avg game time of a AAA game. It’s 12 hours for “average gamers”

You dofuses pick from a low % of games that exist as a HA GOTCHA like you’re geniuses it’s so cringe.

Life is not fair, not everyone gets everything. A person has to make a personal choice is something in the cash shop worth it or not, its it worth real money or spending gold. That is only a question that the person can answer whom is asking themself.

Shouldn’t be up for debate, its that person own personal problem to figure out on their own. What they choose to do and how they choose to spend money or gold is totally up to them.

I’m upset about it because I find it really annoying to have giant mounts cluttering up my screen all the time, with inconsiderate jerks parking them right in front of mailboxes and crafting tables. It’s just one of those dozens of niggling things that are making it less fun to log in and play every day.

You seem to be the only one here that saw someone say that every AAA game will last a thousand hours.

I think the fact that SOME GAMES do exist for less than $90 in which you can spend a ton of hours suffices for the claim that was made.

You are right in what you are ultimately saying without realizing it though. That there are really only a few development teams out there that provide a gaming experience that is actually worth the price. :slight_smile:

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Even at my speed, I get a fair bit more than 9 hours. Any game that short I’d criticize for being way too short for a AAA game.

The shortest AAA game I’ve played in recent memory is probably Alan Wake 2 which I have about 30 hours in and beaten full game + DLC. Funny enough, that game wasn’t even $70 USD.

I don’t begrudge other people spending money on what they want and thinking this is worth it. I haven’t bought mtx in games in a while now but I’m sure I spend money on stuff other people think is insane.

but I’m also allowed to think that and think that the price is insane. Pointing out other live service games do it doesn’t change that.

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$90 USD or roughly 1.2 million to 1.5 million depending of AH prices of tokens, really for such a sought after AH/MB mount. Is a drop in the bucket if you really want it. If it not your piece of cake, then just pass on it and not worry about those who are getting it for that price.

And now days its like 2 door dash orders to Taco Bell cost maybe a 3rd.

Time to watch the fights i just spent $90 on, drink the bottle of stag jr i spent $80 on and eat $40 worth of wings i just picked up. And im not gonna point my finger and blame anyone other than myself for the money i spent. Its called adulthood and you 40 year old children should try it some time.

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