Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

Well, looks like there’s definitely at least one person hereabouts that can’t use their head.

Honestly funny to read coming from you.

Yea we can all see its half the community with their heads in their butts. Its a game. You still dont seem to realize that. It maybe shave 90 seconds off of a raid. Hearthing and buying then getting summoned doesnt take time. Nobody needs this mount lmao.

It’s too expensive for some.

It’s almost 6 months of game time. Not everyone can afford that.

Making fun of poverty though… not cool. It just makes you look :cold_face: :cold_face: :cold_face:

They took the Bronto out of the game-people could actually earn that.

It’s greed. Plain and simple. At least while it was obtainable in game you could farm the gold for it to have. It was obtainable by people who don’t have tons of cash.

This is just my opinion, I don’t care if anyone is in agreement.
I don’t come to this forum for validation.

Maybe they will put this in the Trading Post.
Boy would that make others upset that spent the $90…
The Feldrake that a friend of mine spent a huge amount of money for sent her over the edge when they did that.

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“I don’t give Blizz any money because I pay for my sub in tokens.”

Actually you are giving them $5 extra each month. You are providing the market for people to sell tokens. This means someone is paying both their own sub and yours at the increased price of $20.

If you were paying $15 per month for your sub and nobody was buying a token to sell you, Blizz would be making $5 less.


It is obtainable in game with gold. What are you talking about. Call of duty is obtainable in game using the AH to buy tokens and add balance to your account.

Its like yall dont realize the old brutosaur is $400-500. They just didnt list it in the store. Only for gold in game.

It’s trolling.
Or genuinely obtuse.
Either way, it’s something better left alone.
Unless you like banging your head against a wall. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m posting here, aren’t I?

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The old Brutosaur was 5 million gold out of their multiple gold capped accounts at the time actually.

All of that leftover gold is likely the entire reason it was made to begin with.

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So why cant you pay 1.2 to 1.8 million from your multiple gold capped accounts this time?

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Yea nothing is sacred anymore I’ve come to accept that. Besides maybe the PvP gladiator mounts. I was a little irritated when they released the ethereal portal hearth through a twitch drop or whatever it was since I got it back in the day, but at this point I’m just like whatever I guess other people can enjoy it now too. I also only spent like $40 to get it in 2011 and I’m sure it was at a ridiculous price by now before they released it. I’m sure they’ll release all the rest of the TCG stuff through twitch drops or the TP minus the spectral tiger.

I honestly don’t care how stupid people spend their money.

I guarantee you buy so much stuff in your life that is stupid to people. Just because you don’t agree with how someone spends their money doesn’t make them stupid.

$90 is just a drop in the bucket to some people. I spend more money going out to dinner that i literally crap out later. $90 ain’t nothing for something that will get thousands of hours of use.

I find it insane because of the price comparative to other things in gaming.

Like I said an entire AAA game costs less than this mount that took a fraction of a percent of the time and resources it takes to make an entire game.

My wife did so. I neither need nor want it.

I’m just saying that nobody was buying the brutosaur for $500. It’s kind of getting boring to see this revisionist take on the situation at the time.

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Just like no one is buying the new one for $90. Thats why the AH ran out of tokens. Because several people bought it for gold. Its option for those that dont have time to farm that gold but still want it, they can pay $90. Its like you think youre being forced to get this mount.

Well. Except for the part where I clearly am not.

You don’t play many main stream games then.

LoL is “free” but i bet you most people have hundreds of dollars in skins.

Gw2 is a one time buy & people have spend hundreds on the shop.

You just see a big number & it scares you but you’d be willing to spend $20 Monday then another 30$ Tuesday & round it off with another $40 Friday.

These companies know that they’re not stupid. A lot of people spend more money on free games than WoW.

So why cry on forums about it. Actions speak a lot louder than words. Bill clinton said he did not have sexual relations with that woman, but he did.

Crying about crying on the forums is a far greater endeavor. Stay on course champ.

Lmao what ever helps you sleep at night