Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

Its a rip off for what it is and is paving the way for the future of World of Microtransactions.

Because people will always complain about something.

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I don’t really care, and nothing we say here will matter anyway, but i think it’s pretty crappy to remove something from the game in order to FOMO people into buying a heap of gold before it’s gone (while saying it’s really to keep it rare and awesome so inflation doesn’t make it common), only to then dump the same kind of mount on the store at a massively inflated price.

There’s really no version of this where they come out looking good, they either lied the first time… or they actually meant it, and that noble reason no longer holds water for them when looking down the barrel of an avalanche of micro-transaction cheddar lol


If it was on a vendor for 1.5mil gold ppl would still be mad, if it was a twitch drop ppl will still be mad, if it was given to everyone logged in during the anniversary event ppl will still be mad, if they made it the same price as the other store mounts, you guessed it, ppl will still be mad. The only way ppl wouldn’t have been mad would have been to never have released it in the first place. For that matter let’s not change anything because no matter what they do ppl will be mad about it.

Triple AAA games cost like 140

I don’t understand how it’s insane. I don’t. Blizzard took time and resources to provide a service. I pay $70 at Jimmy Johns to take my wife and three adult children to get sandwiches. That’s insane to me!

I think it’s cool to complain now, I see it everywhere for so many things.

I know the tone is out of whack, and I don’t mean this the wrong way, but it’s all relative to me. When I was 8, I started working. When I wanted something, I worked for it. I feel like, there is so much time to get this. Mow lawns, get creative!!

Good Luck all, this is an amazing mount!

Yea if you buy it using ingame gold, but the cost is still high. Why? Because someone still has to buy those tokens, so they are still getting IRL money for each one of these sold. And lots of it. Other Bronto wasn’t a real money purchase unless you made it so, so not everyone was giving them real cash. Noone HAD to spend real money on that one somewhere down the line. With this one someone does.
So as I said, this is rewarding the dog for pooping on the floor. Expect it to poop on the floor more often.

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Because they are brokies….
What color is your Brutogatti?

It’s a blatant cash grab, that targets those with low impulse control.

I mean, the thing costs as much as 2 xpacs for crying out loud… how does that make sense?


It’s performative anger.

A) Wow tokens have existed for 10 years now at this point.
B) Wow tokens mean that in-game items that cost gold can be purchased with money.
C) Wow tokens mean that store items that cost money can be purchased with gold.

This mount is effectively a cheaper version of the original brutasaur for people that want to buy it with gold.

To me people getting angry have zero concept of how the wow tokens have worked in the game for 10 years or they are just getting angry performatively. I’m more incline to believe the later considering 10 years is a lot of time for people to grasp this concept.

It’s just hard for me to believe that people are so stupid that this brutasaur would make them angry when everyone has been buying store mounts with gold for so long.


I think it’s an opportunity to provide a service many people want. It’s okay to not want something, and not get upset if others do. I think it’s a great addition!

I’m not sure why people so desperately want this to be about them and how they spend their money rather than Blizzard and their practices.

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I’m upset because I still haven’t comprehended the concept of having an AH mount.

I have hearthed and walked to the AH and then realized I didn’t have to do that anymore….

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Probably ego. They invested in it after all so it can’t possibly be a questionable business practice, meaning it can only be jealousy.
Or they’re part of the crowd that have trouble comprehending hypotheticals, or are just partaking of a bit of low effort trolling.
Lots of reasons. Not a lot of them, I suspect, good.

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90$ mount or BG3 + Wendy’s nuggets.

You figure out what is important.


Happy I got mine. I can be lazy now and never go into the big city for anything for any reason except the great vault.

" Don’t ask questions, just consume product. "


stay out near my quests

What amuses me the most about it is that people are just airing their grievances about WoW’s business model.

Then others come in to tell them they should just not buy it but also be quiet about it.

Then those same people claim that the ones airing their grievances are trying to tell them how to spend their money.

Completely unaware that “don’t like it, don’t buy it, but be quiet” is not only telling people how to spend their money but also telling them how to use their voice. It’s delightfully hilarious.

Ah well. My wife got hers through in-game gold and I’m not really interested in one. A repair and mog vendor are a lot more useful for my kind of play.

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Long Long Ago, in an expansion far away. There was a small game that had 60 levels. It asked the community how they wanted to pay for the game. The overwhelming majority wanted a subscription, so they would have a base price for the game they loved. They wanted everyone on an even plain when playing the game.

Then the bad corporate man stepped in and started to add card games that added items. Then, they added charity mounts (because you know, good cause). Then they made purchasable pets, then mounts. Then toys. Then repair vendors, mailboxes, mounts.

Those same people realize if Microsoft makes more for mtx than they do for actually bringing in new subs. Then they will keep doing it instead of improving the game. This is the last stage of a game. When the company is losing revenue on subs, they try to milk the last bit through mtx. If you buy that mount, say goodbye to them trying to get more subs and making a good game.