Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

Game companies are getting greedier. Nothing from older years hold up anymore.

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Well yours is a different looking one, your apart of the og ah mount club now. I wouldn’t get mad at an mmo for wasting your time though

True it’s different, Still just doesn’t feel nice.

The new one does have a few more bells and whistles but at least there’s the satisfaction you didn’t spend money on it, for whatever that’s worth.

I hope they add it to the mount show off in the event just to grind people’s gears

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because it is absurdly priced…thats a week worth of groceries for my family

Me personally, I just think the price is hilarious and don’t care one way or the other that it exists, I have no plans to buy it

Kinda like that one item in Team Fortress 2 that just sends out a server-wide message whenever you gift it to someone that costs like $100 or something

With mythic raid tier gear going on sale for gold/cash in the shop in season 2 and beyond there is really not that much to be upset about.

Ain’t nothing “micro” about a 90$ store mount. Talk about brainwashed/brain addled. Tell you what, I’m happy to have lived through and experienced a time when games had map pack and that’s it. No BS about how your “operator” looks or some spasm inducing tracers on guns. No loot boxes orany of that trash. No 90 dollar in game mounts offering a level of convenience that nothing else currenly available through in game means, offers. The current crop of people calling themselves gamers are a disgrace to the moniker.

Happily bending over so far their backs break while still defending the pain and asking to be bent far enough to sever their spines.

Time travel? Yes, please. Send me back to when CoD4 first released.

Riot just released a LoL skin for $500

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Anyone buying that should have their bank accounts seized for stupidity.

And here I had forgotten about that. Even more hilarious is knowing that Faker doesn’t even use the skin himself

It’s a cash cow for Blizzard, for sure. But a lot of people have already bought it, and are really enjoying it.

“The poor’s are mad is definitely a real thing.” You must be poor because your acting like a poor who is mad.

There’s no alternative source, so there’s no being ripped off on price. It does what it says it does, so there’s no being ripped off on functionality.

You could argue that it’s really a value-added situation as it does so much more than advertised. Look at the forums!

Absolutely any purchase, this one included, could be deemed not worth it. That’s fair. The humor comes in when the barbs start flying. Look at all the fun this mount is creating!

I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed.


The problem isn’t so much the mount, but that the game is in a horribly buggy state and they are so tone deaf that they’d release the mount without fixing a good number of the bugs first.

Weekly quests not resetting, quests disappearing from log when logging in and out, class ability bugs both good and bad, and the game randomly kicking people out of arenas and battlegrounds and docking players 200 rating…

I mean they should work on game polish first. They are making so much money on subscriptions and microtransactions we have the right to expect a polished game.

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Same tired a$$ old response to people not wanting to drop 90 bucks on a !@#$ing mount. plenty of people out there capable of dropping the money, but smart enough to control themselves.

Forthepoor is definately not what this mount is…

The problem with the mount is that even if they cut the price in half it would be way too much. 30 to 40 dollars… maybe. 90 is insane. it doesn’t even come with game time.

Nah not mad; making fun of these shameless corporat game devs telling me to “celebrate camaraderie” and 20 years of supporting their product with a predatory "micro"transaction. Absolutely ridiculous on their part to release this during anniversary with that message. I wouldn’t care otherwise, buy the damn thing who cares. It’s the timing of it all and how much they pissed off the player base yet again that’s funny… absolute goblins hahahaha
:clown_face: :popcorn: