Why are people so upset at new ah mount?

Yeah the food’ll be good but my enjoyment of it won’t last long. The mount I’ll have indefinitely.

Point being, everything’s expensive now. 90 is a lot, but it’s also not. When you were young 100$ could buy the world, couple days ago I spent 50 dollars on stuff to make frito pie.

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$90 is more than fully-priced games with all the bells and whistles.

A reskinned brutosaur doesn’t produce the same amount of entertainment as an entire game and I think you know that lol.

The cost isn’t the total problem here, exactly- it’s what little you’re getting out of it.

I’d expect to own a house in WoW for that kind of cash, not just a lame mount.

I’d never spend over like $10 on a skin in any game, personally. And even that is steep for me. Because it’s just a skin.

This is a macro-transction lol, I remember when skins were like $1.99 - $5.


this is like ow2 levels of bad, yuck… one step forward and 6 steps back into the grave

You could also counter argue , food will sustain you and keep you alive … a mount in game will disappear once/if blizzard decides they wanna shut down this game .


I’m pretty sure that’s most of it.

What?, there is a new AH mount???!

You can buy ships worth 500$ at Star Citizen :roll_eyes: and collectors editions for WOW have been going on for more than the AH mount too.

My personal issue is just that it is a limited mount, just like the former AH mount. They should let the mount in the shop forever, so that people who like it can farm the gold for it.
I also think making the mount available as a reward in the 20th anniversary would have been a good idea, as they brought so much old stuff back, why not the mount as well?

Excuse me?

POE requires that you spend at least 25$ to even be able to play the game, as you need the storage. While at WOW you can buy storage ingame, you can not at POE.

QA is so good, that streamers are able to abuse exploits on patch day since years and gain a huge profit.


Well yeah but what I mean by it, is that most people are gonna go “lol ur poor” for not buying it.

When the reality is, spending 90 on any kind of skin is just… wrong lol.

A lot of us do have the money, but wouldn’t spend it on something as frivolous as this.

Especially when the game itself is in a state like right now, 11.5 is a mess of a patch.


I wish i had “90 bucks for a digital dino” money.

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I have a counter argument. Your profile is a panda, your race is a gnome. Your name is shortnstowt. Short like a gnome, stowt like a panda. This riddle is what will sustain me.


Yeah though I’d also argue that the attitude of “it’s okay because they aren’t literally the worst in the industry” has contributed to things getting to the state they’re currently at, and will continue to contribute to things getting worse in the future.

Makes the whole thing a race to the bottom.


$90 in-store? That’s cheap. That’s only 1.4 M gold in tokens.

Nah man. I go straight to fighting on the forums after attempts to make peace.

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Wait my profile says im a gnome still ? Heck yea !

I race changed cause my healers were all "we cant see you to target you in raid wah wah wah wah "


Man **** Gnome Privilege!!! The Trolls have it the worst.

No shame on that.

Panda = Master Race

You paid for a race change?? Oh man here we go again. The patch just released a mess and they lowered the prices of services so people would just throw money at them. I’m sorry I can’t even type that with a serious face. For the record I got a shaman since the pre patch I went from troll>orc>tauren>troll.

Well I’m glad you’ve upgraded to a race with all their fingers. o7

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the only people who should maybe be upset are the guys that paid gold cap to snipe off the a.h., but I’m assuming anyone doing that has plenty of money already so…Yeah, people are saying it’s a lot of money but it’s way less than the BFA version.

Do you think there would be less of an uproar if they just charged 20$ for revised t2 instead of in game earning? And do you think more people would of bought that instead of the mount?

Personally, in my own opinion, I think its a bit more of the latter. They don’t need to buy it, this is a FOMO issue here.

I will say that I can also see people being upset because they were under the impression that the bruto was to be an exclusive mount. And the only way to get that now was to gold cap from the BMAH, so it can be shown as an expression of wealth. THIS is the other side of FOMO, where they can show it off to the others who can’t afford it. Now, anyone can buy it for technically less money than it did originally, and they now feel slighted.

In short, people are upset that they no longer have an “exclusive” mount.

Now on the other hand, there are definitely people who are upset just for the fact it exists. But again, in my opinion, you don’t NEED to buy it. You don’t even need to look at it if you don’t want to (although if looking at it triggers you, then maybe take a step away from the computer for a bit, it’s not that serious.) You can make the argument that this is just corporate greed, but what else is new? It’s not like this is a new thing that has never happened before, this has been going on for years.

Anyways, if people are mad, that’s fine. But let’s not pretend that it’s because the mount is no longer a signifier of the exclusive high roller club.

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