Why are people opposed to duel spec?

I wanna say 30. But I’m too lazy to look it up.

Gacha games are better than WoW. :rofl:

  1. I actually would prefer the “you have 2 or 3 spec slots you can swap in and out of for free, but if you want to change one it costs you gold” approach to talent trees, so I don’t actually mind what you said. My main reason for wanting multiple specs is to change up the playstyle on my character for a bit. Having 2 or 3 specs would accomplish this.

  2. Classic really did drive home the fact that authenticity for authenticity’s sake is a terrible way to run a game like this. Others will disagree with me on that point and that’s fine, but for me Classic showed me just how different the game feels 15 years later. Once I was beyond the initial nostalgia, it became pretty clear that some aspects of the game no longer fit the player base Blizzard wants to appeal to today. So, some changes would have been welcomed.

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Or if it just worked like bank slots and scales up, you want 3 specs, 2k gold, 4 specs 4k gold etc…

That solves the well 2 specs isn’t good enough issue that was raised and keeps the gold sink in a meaningful way that actually is player choice.


No idea why they haven’t put it in yet. It would have helped dungeons, especially heroics, and even arena. No one wants to respec several times a week to do several roles, so they just don’t do the other roles at all. You may as well spend the gold PAYING a tank to do the run for you.

At least wrath will have it.


So literally no response to Patrick Dawson’s comments about continuing to develop TBCC alongside the community? You’re actually confirming what I said, and immediately proving my point - I thank you.


the only difference between retail talents and TBCC talents is theres less to copy in retail not sure why you lie to your self and say theres meaningful choices every class is speced the exact same wether on retail or TBCC

Haven’t I called this out over and over? Form of control.

Those that don’t want things like LFD/R, DS, take their game for granted. They’re not the ones struggling to find groups for all their content. They’re not the ones with limited time to play which translates to a limited amount of gold to earn, which translates to a limited amount of changed specs at any given time.

At this point it looks like I’m going to get my potion master done…

at level 80 when I can finally solo the botanica boss on my own.

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Your talking about skipping all dailies, open world content, exc. Because you don’t need to farm to respec anymore with dual spec.

The want for dual spec is because people want to skip a part of the games content. The farming part.

So comparing it to free gear isn’t really that outlandish. You want to skip content but still get the reward.

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What about those of us who don’t care about the gold cost, but want dual profiles for ease of switching?

I don’t want to skip anything. What do you think of Patrick Dawsons comments about continuing to develop TBCC alongside the community?

Well for starters horde vs horde fixed a “wait in line” issue

Dual spec would be letting you skip intended content and still get the reward. Farming gold is intended content of tbc. You not liking that isn’t a design flaw with the game.

And if you think farming isn’t an intended design well, look at artifact power, covenant power, exc.

Wow has always had some form of farm. In tbc is rep and gold.

Dual spec let’s you skip a large percentage of that farm in the long run.

Well you have add-ons for that, but if blizzard let you “save” talent trees and hotbars for fast respecs I wouldn’t be against it. Still have to go to pay the gold though.

Try making friends.

I have never felt a tank shortage all of tbcc because I made friends with people. And I don’t just mean be in a guild with people. I know dozens of tanks/healers that are not in my guild. I’ve helped them do stuff they wanted to do. They have helped me. Ice supplied them with stuff I farmed so they didn’t have to farm and could help me do my thing, no longer needing to farm.

Heck, in the last 2 weeks I have donated over 60 golden fish sticks to my guild healers to have then help other friends not in my guild do stuff by removing one of their needed farming items from their list (and typically the most boring one to farm)

Making connections is how tbc was meant to be played. And in turn tbcc.

Well no, even to get gear in a GDKP would require you know what gold.

So no getting easier gear is not why people want dual spec.

Your problem of not playing the game to begin with?

Sorry nothing can fix that.

I would still have to farm both rep and gold with dual spec.


Gdkp wasn’t mentioned in what I replied to…

Dual spec does not give someone gear, in fact someone using dual spec needs more gear.

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The gold farmed would be FAR less in the long run, so you would be skipping 90% of the content.


It was being compared to free gear that someone else mentioned. Try to keep up.

Two sets of gear requires more gems/enchants/what not that one set.
