Why are people opposed to duel spec?

TBCC isn’t TBC. Never was, and never will be.

I don’t think they considered FvF battlegrounds or the chronoboon back in the day either. Folks also couldn’t level the new races during the pre-patch, or buy a level 58 boost.

But here we are. :man_shrugging:

Dual spec was not a core element of Wrath, it’s a QoL change that happened to be added in wrath that does something that can already be done just a better way. It is in no way directly tied to Wrath.

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I know you’re just trolling but my god if people want wrath so bad just wait. Let tbc classic maintain a fraction of its dignity.


Blizzard said a lot of things that seem to be contradictory. You make up a bs story that fits your agenda but you have no idea how they actually feel about the balance between authentic and some changes.

Patrick Dawson: “No changes” being our guiding principle for WoW Classic made it very easy to make decisions on it. We just went to the reference client and went to that. But one thing we learned as we went through the release of the content in Classic is that [no changes] may not always be in the best interest of the players. It was authentic, but it’s not what modern players want. The community today is so different from what the community was back in 2007 that it had us take a different philosophy with Burning Crusade, where we actually started to allow ourselves to make some changes that were in the best interests of the players that will continue to develop alongside the community.

It has no dignity left.


I agree, though it does make me question why they never returned to it (or a similar model) after the level squish in Shadowlands.

Im a i guess what people call a vanilla andy? I despise tbc despite still playing it for my guild, but im defending the game for what it was. Something is wrong with this picture.

People ask for dual spec because it’s a small change that seems like it could be easily added. There’s a greater possibility that a small qol change would be added than a multispec system. While some sort of multispec system might be better for most people dual spec is enough to solve their problems with the current respeccing system.

Dual spec can be learned at what level 40? From any trainer anywhere?

Please explain how that is intrinsically tied to anything in wrath, it’s not like it’s part of a quest chain requiring killing the lich king.

These are the same people rehashing the same arguments, the same detractors willfully ignoring the large number of changes, and Blizzard’s own words keeping the door open to additional ones - all with the intent of trolling you, and increasing their post count.

There is no reasoning with a wall, Redheadwhatever literally has never responded with a genuine reasoned contradiction when the Patrick Dawson comments have been posted repeatedly. It’s almost like… he isn’t here for a discussion. He posts 15 year old comments that have no relevance on an already changed, updated, and unfaithful recreation of TBC.

It’s cool though, the truth comes through eventually.

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I mean that’s a bad argument… You could say the same for timewalking or any of the other bad systems from retail. Why not have Pet Battles? It’s not like those are “intrinsically” tied to any particular expansion

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Time walking actually has real implications on loot and is directly tied to the LFD.

Pet battles yeah, who cares? Not like there’s even that many pets in game at this point anyways.

Almost like not all changes are the same and they can be evaluated and decided on individually.

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They have perfect relevance… None of the reasons cited from 15 years ago involved some hard-line no changes philosophy… Neth said
the answer is still "no" to both for the same reasons we've always given. There should be real investment into choosing a spec and reducing the cost or making it easy to do simple swaps would make the whole purpose moot.
The costs are deemed reasonable.

Also, I wanted to point out that the argument about people respeccing for Arena teams makes the assumption that everyone is somehow running in one and thus needs multiple respecs. This is not true. Not everyone is respeccing between PvE and PvP and it's not a majority of players that need to.

Applies just as much today as it did then. And the answer is still… no.

Cost to benefit is a fair concern but I would feel comfortable speculating that the work effort difference between dual spec and some multi-spec system (or just removing the re-spec cost altogether) would be negligible.

Maybe it’s the BA in me but intentionally releasing an enhancement that doesn’t actually fix the intended problem just sounds crazy.

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Except that blizzard has explicitly said changes are on board for TBC Classic.

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Who is opposed?

I would love a dueling spec :smirk:


tbc classic is less authentic than private servers

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If fixes the intended problem for me. It seems it fixes the intended problem for most people. You’re not the first person to ask for more than dual spec. Like before no one is jumping on your band wagon. If dual spec didn’t fix the problem for most people there would be a swell of support for a larger solution. And I would join them even though dual spec is enough for me.

Sure is. Just like classic vanilla - as stupid and inaccurate as they were. Each was closer to the overall experience. Although vanilla still being dumb due to world buffs, things are at least tuned up on pservers.
