Isn’t forum posts asking about horde VS horde to allow faster que times for horde how it was brought in??
Why’s this any different??
This isn’t a TBC replica.
Isn’t forum posts asking about horde VS horde to allow faster que times for horde how it was brought in??
Why’s this any different??
This isn’t a TBC replica.
i want dual spec for myself for sure, but lets not pretend its going to solve any tank issues. lol.
Exactly blizzard already tried #nochanges in Classic and saw it didn’t work, which is why they changed their stance for TBC Classic.
The truth from 12+ years ago isn’t really relevant. They may not add dual spec. They may wait until the final phase of TBCC. Neither of these mean they are doing so based on a statement / approach taken 12+ years ago. It doesn’t even mean (nor imply) that they are “trying to keep it the same as 15 years ago.”
Basically, you are applying a value judgment without any evidence. All we know is that they may or may not have considered the change and if they did consider it they decided against it for any number of possible reasons.
For me. The retail “talent tree” is trash.
Honestly it does just about the same thing as the multi points talent tree. Where everyone uses only 4-5 different build at most depending on PvP or PvE .
Multi point talent actualy makes you feel like you’re chosing how you’re playing your character. Gives you the feeling that maybe you could largely improve if you tried out X talent over Y talent. The thrill of theory crafting etc.
As you climb the levels you get that increasing feeling of power as you get deeper in the talent tree and unlock new abilities or sick passives.
All that is lost with the very few customisation the modern tree brings. Add to that that you start with your final talent ability straight up LVL 10(haven’t played retail since legion. Not 100% sure) with new abilities appearing out of the blue or scaling abilities really kills it.
Nothing beats the hype of being near/reaching that sweet water elemental or shaman dual wielding. Or the power spike you feel every time you learn a new rank of frostbolt for example
I actually don’t think there is a “logical” argument in favour of dual spec specifically, though.
If you think that the talent system is fundamentally poorly designed, then Dual Spec is just a slightly less poorly-designed version thereof. You should advocate making re-speccing much easier (such as having several spec “loadouts” under the existing talent system).
Conversely, if you want to preserve authenticity then you probably should advocate changes to make re-speccing even more inconvenient.
Which makes it still better than the current situation, and slightly less poorly designed when in fact it covers the needs of quite a lot of people while also being better for everyone is a mis statement.
I don’t disagree but I don’t really understand going through all the effort and analysis to release a sub-par enhancement. Unless it’s an interim solution pending a more substantive adjustment.
Again… you could (inaccurately) say the same for literally any other type of homogenization. Make all PVE gear purchasable… Make it possible to play any class. Etc etc.
But obviously there are downsides… Like the fact it makes every decision a little less meaningful and every character a little less unique.
“Duel” spec wont bring tanks and healers in. I doubt they want to duel each other
This is classic btw… You have people saying “DONT FALL FOR THE SLIPPERY SLOPE FALLACY” while literally in the same thread people arguing for the same thing saying “Well you’ve already made some changes. Whats a few more?”
Sliiide on down that (totally imaginary) slope.
You’re talking about skipping bosses and PvE altogether, that’s a lot different than dual spec is.
As far as decisions go which do you refer to? We all use a website to tell us what’s best for pve or pvp for our classes.
The talent trees are already figured out.
Knights of the Old Republic had a “Duelling” talent tree that increased your hit and crit rating when using only a single one-handed weapon and nothing in your off-hand. It was cool.
Imo because it goes against a progressive class specialization and undermines the potential of hybrid builds. I’m not opposed to it so to say, but in reality, all they need to do is make respec cost cap at a reasonable cost like 10g, and then it’s just an issue of how lazy or motivated you are to travel, click a few buttons, and spend a little cheddar to have your trainer wipe the slate Clean. Duel spec requires a whole new gui and script to do the gear and talent swaps, so it is a bit beyond the scope of “small changes.” Just my op.
Sounds interesting. And sorry just amusing how most people call it “duel” spec, not even knowing what they are asking for. Tells alot.
Reminds me of the same Republican nonsense “don’t legalize this or that” in fear of things gradually worsening…
You can still technically dual spec like 90% of people in TBC that buy endless gold and keep paying 100G respec…
Dual spec makes more sense than being able to just buy a level 58 boost?
I still don’t see the issue given how dead this game feels.
Make dual spec cost 5,000G then?
Hahaha, yeah I know - people saying it just always reminds me of KOTOR for that reason.
Lol. It’s not about authenticity. Dual spec wasnt even in the game period. This is some variant of tbc. Adding dual spec would be adding a core element of another xpac into another. You don’t see how not wanting dual spec is warranted? Seriously?
I think the original talent system was vastly superior to what replaced it. But I can see how it was unsustainable in the long run. You can’t just keep making it longer every expansion. Eventually something had to be done as it would get unwieldy
Well that’s not what people are saying.
What they’re saying is “#nochanges doesn’t apply anymore, here’s the proof”