Why are people opposed to duel spec?

Its not going to happen and they’re wasting their breath. Its like asking for Heroic 10 mans, or flying in Classic. These are features of their expansions and they’re not going to release them now and undercut the sell in the future.

Through the act of ignoring the infinite spam about it.

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Dual spec was not a core component of Wrath, it was just a nice QoL feature that they happened to add then. They could easily add it now in TBC Classic, people will be gtting Wrath Classic for you know all of northrend.

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So because they havent explicitly said they definitely WONT do it, you’re taking that as a tacit indication they will?

Well you heard it here folks. Sounds like Lemon Pop-tart flying unicorn mounts are back on the table!


If you’re on a megaserver, or a server with a healthy LFG - then you absolutely wouldn’t think dual spec is needed or understand why people are asking for it.

If you’re on a dead/dying server, trying to level an alt or grind dungeon rep, it’s probably a significant factor in why you can’t find/befriend other people to help.

I spent 2 weeks trying to find enough groups to get Thrallmar exalted on my warlock, and another 2 weeks trying to get enough lower city rep/dungeons on my druid so I could even get into heroics to get my epic flight form. Did I mention that I was tanking for LC dungeons? Couldn’t find enough people.

This is on a server with 1200 active raiders on WCL. I can only imagine the ones that are worse off.

I hope so.

Also, I think you have him backwards. He was saying they aren’t going to add it.

No I’m taking it for what it is, that they haven’t announced anything one way or the other and we have no way of knowing what they will or will not do until blizzard tells us.

And as such we might as well keep discussing it.

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They also said tbcc was to be an authentic recreation of tbc.

And on top of that saying they are open to changes doesn’t mean all changes. They have a line somewhere. And considering we have a clear NO from the origional devs of tbc on dual spec, it’s not hard to imagine that line doesn’t allow for dual spec in tbcc.

So in your own words.

You will have dual spec in wotlkc. You might even get dual spec at the end of thcc, but I wouldn’t hold your breath for it to show up in tbcc either.


The difference is there isn’t infinite spam about Lemon Pop-tart flying unicorn mounts.

I encourage you guys to continue posting though! Maybe Blizzard will add it in for the last tier or maybe in the prepatch :rofl:

I’m not holding my breath, I’m also not going to listen to you telling me to shut up as you just want to shut down the discussion as you are terrified blizzard might in fact actually be considering it.

If blizzard happens to weigh in and say no I will listen to that.

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No you (you as in the people demanding dual spec) won’t. History proves this. Even after people got the hard NO back then they still cried for some form of multi spec.


“I gave a clear and direct answer on this based on recent discussions. You can believe that as you wish”

Dual spec literally has no negatives, unless you’re mad people aren’t throwing away gold…

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Oh so a post from over a decade that has no relevance to what blizzard thinks regarding dual spec in TBC Classic.

Like I said when blizzard gives an answer I’ll listen to it, I don’t care what you think since you just want people to stop talking about it as you are terrified blizzard might not agree with you.

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That was a good one. Tell it again!

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Tbcc is a remake of tbc. Blizzard has stated it is supposed to be an authentic recreation of tbc. So decisions from tbc do have weight for tbcc. But you refuse to accept this fact because as I showed before, even back then people did not accept the answer.

Well, you do have a hard time accepting the truth.

And I have proof


But facts don’t matter to your feelings do they?

Okay so blizzard has actually not said anything about dual spec in TBC Classic.

But they have explicitly said they would be willing to make changes to TBC Classic, a statement which completely invalidates your 15 year old post :slight_smile:


No it doesn’t. You WANT it to invalidate it, but it doesn’t. Tbc is the s

Source material for tbcc. If the source material was invalidated this wouldn’t be tbcc, it would be wow tbc 2.0. That’s not what it’s advertised as though. It’s advertised as an authentic recreation of tbc.

But go ahead and keep showing what a :clown_face: you are.

Why did they make changes then??

HvH is a recreation of tbc??

Horde and alliance pallys getting both seals???

They have changed tbc.


Hey all you have to do is provide anything from blizzard stating how they feel about dual spec in TBC Classic one way or the other.

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