The talent system itself was entirely reworked, not just the ability to change specs more easily. My understanding is people’s gripe is primarily with the former.
So should we add garrisons and titan forge to tbcc as well?
I mean they had reasons to add then right?
If your argument for dual spec is to have people able to do more things in the game without a gold cost, why not advocate for retails tri spec and talent system?
Or maybe adaptive gear that changes with your spec so you don’t “have to” farm new gear to change roles.
Or maybe loot boxes for being a tank/healer and lfd, lfr, exc.
Tbcc is supposed to be an authentic recreation of tbc. It’s not perfect, but there’s a line blizzard doesn’t want to cross. And considering the origional devs gave a hard NO to dual spec, the line seems pretty clear on this subject.
It suggests nothing. They were bought by Activision and decided it would be easier to create Call of Duty style loadouts after the same system was implemented in Diablo 3. It was a difference in vision for the trees. It is almost like you didn’t play back then or keep up with what was going on at the time.
You can’t have it both ways, mate. You can’t point to some changes and say “obviously, they changed it because the system was broken!” then to others and say “oh no, that was clearly a mistake”. It just undermines your entire argument and demonstrates only that you want dual spec because you like it.
Besides, you’re still not addressing my main argument.
The system wasn’t broken. It was never broken. I have also not once said it was ever broken. I said they changed it because they had a new vision for how talents should be allocated after that same system was implemented in Diablo 3. That doesn’t make a value judgment about either system. It is different. That’s it.
Just because you want to make stuff up in some revisionist history regarding when and why the talent trees were changed to loadouts doesn’t make those statements correct. Especially since there are those of us who were around then who can actually trace the history of how things went.
But hey, you do you. I would also love to live in a world where pink unicorns are chilling on the moon eating lemon flavored pop tarts, but that doesn’t make it reality.
I don’t, considering I’ve said on several occasions that you’re harping on that tangent to the neglect of my actual argument.
This is a common thing I have noticed in these threads. People latch onto some minor detail and fight tooth and nail for a concession, and then use that as some arbitrary proof that the entire argument is redundant.
It does and I don’t think the Retail system would work in TBCC. The ability to change specs more easily is certainly viable, though.
Eh, it still strikes me as a half-measure. If the system is bad then change it. If it’s not then keep it (or change it to preserve its original intent).
It’s not just that. It actually goes directly against the design goal intentions of tbc.
It’s like trying to turn a first person shooter game that is being remade as a classic into a puzzle game instead of a first person shooter and calling it a remake. If you remake a game with the intentions of it being a remake (heck even a remaster) you shouldn’t go directly against the design intention goals of the origional game.
You literally just did with your “they obviously changed the way dual spec worked because it was bad” stupidity.
Funny. This is a thing I have noticed on these threads as well. People make up some kind of “this happened back then” without even the slightest clue as to the historical reasons why a change was made.
Straight up, you can be against dual spec. There are some reasons why people are against it that make sense. I don’t agree with them, but they at least have some logical thought to them. “They obviously did such a bad job they changed it 2 expansions later” isn’t one of them.
Yeah, they are on the table, like horde vs. horde BGs and engineering belt in arena… but not dual specs. They’ve stayed away from it for a reason. TBC Classic is essentially over now. Even if they do add it, you’d get it for at most what, a single tier?