Why are people being racist over

Not for this garbage they wont. Enjoy the corpse of this once great game. I don’t care anymore.

Sounds like you could use a break to chill the hell out and put things in perspective anyway. Maybe someday you’ll leave that kneejerk racist reaction behind and just let people enjoy things.

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Have you read the things you typed? Something seems off with you? Might need a few lessons on culture and unintentional racism.

If you seen the warcraft movie humans look like us. If you see Wrathion he looks human with a human tone and hairstyle unavailable to us. The vrykul themselves have a darker complexion and are forged from different earths and metals. Gold and silvers. If they wanted to we can have gold and silver humans… The customization isnt ingame. Blood elves are supposed to have tattoos and hardened demon skin… That isnt represented ingame.

Night elves have more then one eye color… Not represented ingame. Tauren have a few grimtotem in the horde… Not represented ingame.

Dwarves have wildhammer… Not represented ingame… Yet

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Doubtful. I don’t think a truly racist person just wakes up one day and isn’t a racist.

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Exposure therapy really helps. Especially if a person is willing to change.

Its okay to be white.


Because gamers TM hate politics in their games and women and minorities are clearly politics xD


Who is being racist about any of it? Haven’t heard a peep about any of it, in fact the community seems excited for more diversity in all of the choice for new characters.

And honestly, who cares? Most people play their fantasy game…for fantasy, not to drag real world problems into it. This looks like you are just trying to stir the pot and honestly if there are people who are being racist bout this, you aren’t going to change their mind in a GD video game thread. Just let them be and do their thing and you do yours.

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Can you actually show us who is being racist about it? Any threads on here?

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It’s not the inclusion that’s upsetting, it’s the lack of lore to back it up. There’s a difference.

The inclusion itself is fine. I’m glad they’re in…but why are they? Some people just like that meaty lore, and adding something in without giving lore is a waste.

…Also now that I can be asian, I may make a human monk. Is that racist? :^)

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Because they grew up in a monocultural setting and never been around them enough to humanize them.


Its in lore though

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

Don’t include them?

  • Where’s all the minorities?
  • Racist 'cause all the models look Anglo, despite color.
  • Blizz fails on inclusion.
  • WTH Blizz, be woke. (“Positive” connotation.)

Include them?

  • Blizz is woke. (“Negative” connotation.)
  • My fantasy doesn’t include (Race X) features on characters.
  • (Science), so (Race X) doesn’t belong here.
  • It’s a cash grab via inclusion.

At the risk of being Cap’n Obvious, people have internal pain and pressure. These people need something to be angry about, because they don’t know any other way to let it out.

Hence this nonsense.
Hence why we always have to fight “internally” in this country.
Hence why we always have to be warring, somewhere on the globe.

Etc., etc.

I had no idea this was going on until you mentioned it. Thanks for that.

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Where do they fit in?

How do we determine which NPC is what race?
(like is Korgus really black or just some dark skinned dude?)

How long before awful internet gaming “press” get all uppity because a random Defias NPC spawns as black or asian?

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Where did you see this?

Why not? They don’t mesh with the lore and seemingly come out of nowhere (and don’t even pull out those handful of tribute NPCs that exist as indicative that they do). I don’t mind so much that there are more options, and might even make one myself, but the reason behind the more options are entirely political rather than organic within Warcraft. I just like internal logic in the fictional worlds I patronize. Sullying the canon to give people the opportunity to feel included is offensive and tokenizing.

So essentially this. Please stop sacrificing the integrity of everything at the altar of political correctness.

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I don’t have an issue with it. I’m just curious as if they’re gonna handwave the lore (which is most likely) because in lore all the humans are derived from Vrykul, which look very Nordic.

Who is being racist about this? The only thing even close to “racial” I’ve seen in the comments about it was someone asking if they could also be Hispanic.

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This is an astonishingly reasonable take, so I’m going to drop the dudebro victory dance façade for one post, and say that I’d really like to see such lore too, in a similar vein to the often darker-skinned Wildhammers, but I’ll take the no-explanation Asian faces if that’s what I can get.

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