Why are people being racist over

Do people really play humans for that reason? Or, do they make that choice because they don’t want to play some freak humanoid?

I play several humans and it is to annoy people like the op!

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That would be very cool. Then we’d have a living, breathing world and not just “token” people that are as jarring as the time Peaky Blinders randomly included a Jamaican preacher giving a sermon without a glance thrown his way by the entirely white passers-by.

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Thanks! I am more curious because it is sad they only show isolated cases of humans and they all act similarly. I want to see different human cultures being displayed. But I see what you’re getting at.


Anyone who sincerely has a problem with it is a garbage person whose equally garbage opinions shouldn’t matter.


Well it’s just gonna get worst when people take these new options and make offensive toons.

IDK, Azeroth is a pretty big world. Pandarens stayed hidden for quite a while, it wouldn’t be too big of a stretch of the imagination to include different races of humans with that in mind.

I’ve only played a few other MMOs: Warhammer, SWToR, and Rift. Playing WoW, I was a bit amazed at how little customizations there are for the player races. Sure, there may be a bit of politics involved in the inclusion of more varied racial features for human PCs going on here, but that doesn’t mean it should overall be a bad thing that we have more customization options.

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Its gets better because we all have more customization. If you dont want to play as someone that looks like you, go for it. Clearly there are people who do.

Bingo. And adding customization to a GLOBAL brand means more people might end up being interested in playing. More people=more money. There is a reason Overwatch watch was so successful, it is because nearly anyone could imagine someone that looked like them or be the same gender/orientation as them could be heroes.


I’m sure some people do, yeah. Unfortunately for me, I look nothing like the human characters and probably never will regardless of their skin tone unless I engage in a heavy routine of weight lifting and steroid use.


Absolutely nobody:


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Not always. I mean, you can self insert with an elf if you really would like to imagine yourself as an elf. Elves don’t look so much different from humans anyway.

I know some people like to play humans since they are the default race in pretty much any fantasy setting. Humans aren’t some kind of magical special snowflake race that lives for a long time (elves) and they aren’t one of the super strong monstrous races (orcs). They’re just, average, and don’t really stick out in the lore, and some people find that appealing.

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I really like and appreciate the sentiment of almost all of your post! Just want to check in and say that Warcraft being a global brand isn’t necessarily the hinge of this issue, because there are many Asian-American and black American players. In fact, I would hazard that Asian-Americans care about and would be more likely to spend on positive representation compared to Asian people in Asia.

Thank you for fighting the good fight!

This feature was long needed.

Although humans were modeled after European Castles and society, the culture always felt American.

Blizzard kind of worked around it by theming different races with cultural motifs from real life peoples, but finally you can just be a human.


I disagree with this. First WoW humans being derived from Vrkyul have nothing to do with their skin tone. Their theme is based off if Nordic type races, that does not dictate how they should look. If that is the case then Taruens, Orcs, pandas, and Trolls should be reworked to look like the theme they were based off. Second their skin tone has nothing to with evolution based off of environmental factors. There are very few races that have that, Trolls, Goblins, and maybe Murlocs; and and such are not one. Their skin and therefore skin tone is due to a curse. A curse that gave no specifics on if the skin tone would be white or not. Therefore since the constructs were based off of materials like stone, metal and earth you would assume that human, dwarf and gnome skin tone would be based on a more “earth” tone palette not just white.

Now from this we can gather that Blizzard decided to make them all white even though lore wise it really does not make sense to have that be the dominate skin tone or default if you will. We can only assume is was due to Blizzard wanting to pander to their largest demographic. Nothing wrong with that but it created the very sad oversight in restricting character customization. Now this oversight has been correct but some players complain about there being no lore when the lore is already there. WoW should not need new lore just to add what is now basic customization options to the game.


Very well said, but very few of the people bringing up hackneyed lore “concerns” about the new customization options actually care about lore, and you’re not going to reason them out of their racism smokescreen.

I know they shouldn’t need it, but would be nice to have some, just to make the world a bit more fleshed out.

Heck, the Redguard in Elder Scrolls have a very diverse and different culture than the Imperials, same with the Nord, which is why I wish WoW would add a bit more for these different human customizations, would be cool to see a different human culture that isn’t Stormwind or Boralus.

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This is my take on it as well, I have no issues with what is being done. In fact I have appreciated having access to the same options in other games I play such as Fallout 4.

I am hoping that this is only the beginning of what is to come. Red Shirt Guy once asked a question at BlizzCon where he noted that the southern parts of the continents all seemed to suggest that they were at the equator and he wondered something to the effect of if this meant there was a whole southern hemisphere to Azeroth to explore.

I would love it if WoW could be expanded to include representations of different human cultures that we are familiar with. I’d imagine it would be a lot of work the more unique you make them especially if each culture got its own assets. But nothing could be better than having other places to visit and experience.

I certainly don’t have an issue with what is being done. As far as the why and when, look at the world we live in and what is happening and I think it shows now is the time.

The who should be everyone. People should get to play a character that they want to play and not have to make due.

As someone who spends lots of time creating my own worlds, both fantasy and abstracts/exaggerations of our own real world I spend a lot of time designing and inventing cultures so I am also interested in the how. I hope they do it in such a way as to expand what they already have so that it can be said in lore yes there are Nordic types here but they aren’t the only ones that are here. These people are here too and this is their story.

Having said that, I am good if it becomes a situation where they say humanity in Azeroth has always been diverse. And it won’t bother me that they go this route. I just think it is missing a big chance at expanding on what we already know if the how ends up being it just is.


I don’t get the hate, weren’t these options already there, but they removed them in either WoD or Legion?

If there’s anything that needs to be hated, it’s that cinematic. no I won’t stop complaining about it.




cause the new generation thinks they are entitled to everything.

little they know even their toons and accounts are owned by Blizz, and they are not entitled to anything.