Why are people being racist over

The only issue I potentially saw was I use the extremely pale complexions and I am curious if being very pale will mean you are asian which is the lazy way to do things and probably how blizz will do it… They should have all racial features people want since humans are insanely boring in a fantasy setting. The positive side of this is vulpera being added means all my human characters (save one paladin) can become foxes so this is a “not my problem” problem now :fox_face:

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The only thing i saw someone complain about was how there were no “latino” representation…silly i know

Lore born out of myth. I hate the bastardization of myth. Shows complete disregard for the heritage of other cultures. Using the race card doesn’t cut it. It’s cultural contamination spurred on by arrogance and entitlement. Cultures deserve to have their mythologies remain intact.


Also no anglo representation. No human race in Azeroth speaks English. I demand justice!

I have been on the forums all dsy and i have seen lots of people complaining about the people complaining but i have not even seen one complaint other than 1 lore complaint


They clearly haven’t seen the warcraft movie. They are already like that. Just mot represented ingame.

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Broken lore something something

Making money off you for a cheap gimmick that makes no sense in the world something something

This is exactly how 76 and Tracer are LGBT in America but not in China as well. They just want your money. This self insert culture crap is getting old tbh,


Can you provide examples?

My, this sounds an awful lot like the idea of the inclusion of a certain other race xD

Genetics in wow are magic anyway, there isn’t any reason to be bothered that some humans have physical differences. If a twice mutated former steel golem can interbreed with a twice mutated troll and produce a child then genetics arne’t real. Same for orcs interbreeding with aliens from an entirely different planet. Nothing in wow is logical, and humans don’t need to be from different continents and climates to have different skintones. They just do.


This idea that “LMAO MAGIC” can explain everything away leads to shallow and crappy worlds. Tbh this game needs to die now. They are cashing out and nobody can see it.

It’s not even “LMAO MAGIC” this is just lore. Genetics in wow don’t work like real life and if someone isn’t bothered that humans and elves and orcs and draenei and everything in between can interbreed then they shouldn’t be so booty sore that humans can be black and asian in appearance without evolutionary factors. Humans aren’t even a result of evolution in WoW their entire existence from start to finish is magic.


The anatomy of a Tauren would kill them in our planet. Don’t try to put logic into the game. It is a spinoff and often a parody of many things from our reality.

Hard to have interbreeding of blacks and asians with EK humans WHEN THEY DONT EXIST.

Awful. And before you call me racist I am extremely Mexican so don’t even try it. I just like good worlds and story sorry.

Kool aide is too strong here. I’m out.

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You can be racist and mexican.


Take it from a formerly Southern Baptist queer, if I was a homophobic gay man, you can be a racist mexican.


Never said I cant be but the knee jerk is that i am some alt right white person trying to be edgy. This is trash and I have no idea why people fall for this garbage. They don’t care about including my race they care about my money.

I can’t believe this many racists play this game. Absolutely disgusting!

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They already have your money dude.

I’m pretty sure this is a lie. Where is it said that they aren’t gay in China?