Why are people being racist over

Literally not a single person I’ve seen has said a word about this. Who even runs in your circles and where are you hanging out to even see this?


Here on the forums in other topics regarding the additional customization. I mean you can look through this topic alone and see people arguing “why include other skin tones”.


I need to see a link or quote of anyone complaining about this. I simply dont see anyone doing so.

Show me a link to these posts.


Grandstanding re: manufactured controversy, clickbait title, accusatory tone…

0/10 thread.

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To clarify, if they DO add these customization options I’d be fine with it. I just wonder if this is really that important. No one matches my Native Alaskan build. Not Kul Tirans. Not humans. It’s not like I want to see myself anyway. In my own experience I wouldn’t want to be fat, short, and have puffy cheeks with small lips.

Edit: Not to mention Native Alaskans can range from pale to dark brown so there wouldn’t really be a point trying to do it.

“I don’t like playing as humans so no one should be able to play as humans!”

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To be fair, most people play Horde so is this really a huge deal? It’s really the human roleplayers that don’t get to self-insert. We all know how most people feel about the “roleplayers.”

Character customization is a big draw to MMOs. WoW is lacking in that and the ability to make a character you like is importation to a lot of people. So if a company is unwilling to give what is now basic customization features to attract new players or keep existing players happy why should people keep giving them money?

For some players characters are a representation of themselves. They may be an idolized version of themselves or they may be an extension of themselves that is able to “live and breath” in a world different than what they know. There is no right or wrong way to feel about your character and what your character means or is a reflection of.

People really need to stop pushing their ideas and opinions about how people should view or play their characters. We also need to stop treating this like some type of political statement, being woke, or whatever terms people come up with. For players like me it is just about getting the option after years to create the characters of my dreams. It is about getting more choices on my little murder hobos.


Who is? I’m personally super hyped to finally make my human monk Chinese, as he was always intended to be. As a bonus, I can also see this leading to more people making human characters, which means improved faction balance.

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You could’ve stopped there. That’s all the reason Blizzard needs to add this.

You can’t imagine it, but it’s common for people to play idealized versions of themselves in RPGs.


Your argument seems to be “If you care about the story and the world making sense, then you’re a racist.” Sorry, but your dismissive attitude isn’t going to help anyone.


That would be something I’d prefer as well. Even for this moo cow I’d like more customization options but I don’t need them really. I suppose I am old-fashioned in how I view video games. People play these games for a variety of reasons. It’s not like I don’t WANT people to be happy with what they play. But we also have major issues mechanic-wise. I don’t want Activision-Blizzard getting the wrong idea that the game is fine and nothing about the classes or anything else mechanical with the game is wrong.

It just doesn’t sound like something that should be in a RPG to me. To take on the role of something else was the essence, wasn’t it? Roleplay? As in, not something you currently are?

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Yeah, for sure. That’s why it’s important that they can do that, and not just be forced to play some buff white dude.

Though I’m on the same page as you in terms of what I want, different strokes for different folks.

No one is really a human who lives in Azeroth. It’s still roleplay.

Because have you like, met people before? There’s a lot of crappy ones out there, and plenty of them play World of Warcraft unfortunately. As soon as I saw the announcement I already knew some jerks were gonna be racist jerks about it, like clockwork.


Pandering is the problem, not color. This woke identity nonsense is cancer.

Are people making a big deal over it? I mean they’ve retconned entire species before, I don’t think even the biggest anti-sjw would make a fuss about it unless you specifically asked them their opinion. And if thats the case, let them have it, people have horrible opinions all the time… like thinking pepsi is better then coke, or chicago pizza is better then NY pizza.

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There’s literally one of them right above your post lol.