Why are people being racist over

Then use that as your statement, because that can be part of the lore. Don’t discount it completely.

I figured it was common knowledge. But people are acting like there have never been black or Asian characters in the game. :man_shrugging: Didn’t know I needed to spoon feed y’all too.


That’s pretty sad. Makes you wonder if it wasn’t some punks trying to get a rise out of people while laughing about it together.


Considering what qualifies as “racist” these days, it’s basically impossible for them not to be. Going by the actual definition, I have not seen any racist posts.


it’s 2019, everyone gets offended about everything


No1 cares about black&asian options many games already have them, all the racists keep their mouths shut, clearly a bait thread for attention.


I made a black tauren shaman trial and got insulted. That surprised the hell out of me.

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I’m sure it was, but that was so long ago. I think that was during Wrath or BC, I know it was before cata for sure. I just reported em and moved on.


Humans are already in WoW lore, so all races are already in WoW lore.

I mean . . .what do you expect from bitter, lonely men longing for a shred of attention? They aren’t smart enough to get attention in any creative or positive way, so they go with hate. Hate is super easy. It’s all they have.

We’d probably all be better off if we didn’t even bother glancing at the guys who spew rage and hate all the time. And, with that, I am going to go away for the rest of the day.


fantastic. should of been options in the game… just bein’ silly.
World Of Warcraft: Social Justice Warrior Edition

Gamers fear change. That is the only reason people are whining over the new race looks.


People have seen Warcraft Humans with specific names and possibly slightly darker skin tones.

But to discount the fact that there has been no national isolationism. No lack of intermingling between the Human nations. Genetic diversity, as little as you dislike it, wouldn’t be able to account for people looking so different. To call people “racist” because they can’t come to terms with the science part of it, and the fact that there has not been any “magic” changing people either, is a bit disingenuous.

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Yikes. There’s nothing wrong with wanting your character to look more like you.


Besides we are all cursed machines, Trolls, or mutated trolls.

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Uh because that’s what racists DO?

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Trying to use science and genetics to explain away various ethnicities in a game full of monsters, demons, and goat people lol.

I believe the phrase “get over it” is appropriate here.


It’s not science. It’s a video game.


Yes, those people should get over it. But to not be able to even see their side of the argument, being completely blind and anti-empathetic to them, isn’t going to help either.

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i haven’t seen this at all