Why are people being racist over

Because it’s indicative of a general lack of worldbuilding in regard to humans in general. In a lot of RPGs people just pick humans because they’re vaguely physically identifiable with themselves. This inevitably results in those humans becoming boring as hell to cater to that mindset. Look at how Imperials went from Jungle Romans in TES:Daggerfall to generic fantasy humans in Oblivion. Honestly, how many interesting things can you think of in relation to humans in the plot of Warcraft recently? Now count how many of those things they don’t share with other races.

Maybe not to you, but plenty of people roleplay or enjoy a personal head canon so these ethnic groups mysteriously appearing from thin air is quite odd to rationalize. It’ll probably never be rationalized by Blizzard because it’s a political correctness minefield. Even Ion admitted it was mostly to appeal to people who wanted to make a character that looks like themselves, which I guess is fair enough.

Honestly I think this would just go away if Blizzard said “okay these guys are humans who have been living in Stranglethorn Vale for generations” and “these guys have been living in Tanaris.”


Threads have been deleted (for obvious reasons) but there have been a few.


What’s all this now? This seems like a manufactured crisis.


Or maybe I don’t go looking for things on a videogame forum to get me all riled up in the first place? But go ahead, and continue your burning crusade to nitpick every thread to find something that hurts your feefee’s if that’s what floats your boat.


I think it will spices up the selection of Goldshire.


If people are getting pissed over racial diversity in the game it’s clearly a reflection of how people think irl, super big oof to see that the US has gotten to that point.


I made a human with the darkest skin possible and black hair (I liked how the toon looked). I’m white IRL BTW. I was called a N***** in-game within fifteen minutes. So though for some it’s a lore thing, for others it definitely is not.


At the very least we they can make the few asian NPCs in the game look asian. Woo Ping comes to mind. There are brown and asian people in stormwind already. So it’s not like they have to do anything in the lore to do this. Just give the people that are already in stormwind a face.


It’s going to be worse in game. On the bright side, they’ll know who to ban quicker.


Because they don’t like extra ice cream flavors. If only they could taste more flavor then they’ll see how much wonderful it is to add more to your dish.


Even I got told in Goldshire that my undead skin was too “dark” and needed to change.

I’m super excited they made this change. Humans just got way more interesting imo. Excited to make a black female with white dreadlocks, or a scarred up Asian human. For granted in real life I’m black and Asian. But ultimately humans were just plain boring because they only had one aesthetic before. Now they’ve just become one of my favorite races! I always wanted to play a dark skinned human warrior with white hair and scars or something.


Very mature conversation, thank you for your valued input on this conversation. :heart:


Really. People are upset about this when the overwhelming elephant in the room is the Super Sylvanas problem?


If story and science aren’t things you care about, why are you asking your question?

Personally, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t even think they need a story reason. They can just be there for the players, not for the lore.

But if you instantly discount the story and you don’t care about science and evolution, why should people care about your opinion?

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I just hope that all the hairstyles and new options will be available for use with any color skin.


I’m not asking you to care about my opinion but these people have already been in the story since the beginning. :woman_shrugging:


That’s the best medicine too :stuck_out_tongue:. Taste of reality.

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At least she didn’t have a Sarah Kerrigan Dragon Ball Z beam duel with Bolvar.

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Yep! And it’ll be easy pickings. All the racists will come out to play once they see the skins.