Why are people being racist over

And Wu Shen, the Stormwind Warrior trainer. Who is still in the game post-catacysm.

He also wears Samurai style armor.


These are the answers we need.


You’re clearly blowing something that I didn’t even know was a thing out of proportions, since I’ve yet to see any comments stating this kind of opinion when I’ve occasionally got on the forums.

And even if it’s here? Then so what if it’s again so very few people that have this kind of opinion, then just ignore them and let their opinion go with the wind. When you make a topic like this you’re actually giving them a platform to speak from and forcing everyone to look at the people you want to go away.


The country that only ended segregation in 1964 is “Getting” racist? Say it’s not so.

Look up convict leasing, read the immortal life of Henrietta Lacks, etc etc.

We’ve just always been.

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Exactly. I keep seeing this idea that there are angry white men (because it’s not racist or sexist if it’s a white man apparently) that are up in arms over this change. Where? Can anybody show me? No? It’s just a few posts that got immediately deleted? Then why does this thread exist?

Just glad the OP got flagged like he deserves.

They flagged me before and unflagged me once already. I’m sorry you think I deserve to be in trouble for bringing attention to a legit issue I’m seeing here on the forums, on Reddit, on Twitter. Hell you can go through and ready this thread and find several time examples waiting. Everyone who keeps saying “where is the proof” is just reading the OP and nothing else. I can’t control that. Plus the thread is full of peoples personal experiences dealing with racism in game.

At least it’ll make it easy to report and block once the changes are made.

I personally haven’t flagged you nor am I really trying to look at you in a negative light, I’m just being rather skeptical of everything that you’re claiming. If this is a matter of people saying certain things online in general then while it might sound cruel you’re just going to have to deal with it, and once again hope it just goes with the wind. Telling people to just stop doing something that they’re getting some sort of entertainment out of is never going to work.

As for dealing with things like that in game, yeah just block/mute or whatever to those types of people. Most of the people that say those kinda of things aren’t even really racist, they’re just trying to make whomever they’re targeting annoyed and as we can see it works quite a lot.

It’s not a legit issue. It’s a non-issue that you are making up in order to seem morally above other people. You’ve created these “racists” so you can tear them down publicly. You’re virtue signaling.

I’ve read the thread, I see nothing racist. The only people I even see questioning the change are doing so for lore reasons, and they aren’t even being argumentative about it. That’s not racist. If that offends you, it’s time to log off.

You seem angry, Bordeaux. Get it all out of your system, it’s healthier for you that way. Keep telling me more about what I’m doing. :heart:

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Not angry at all. Just pointing out a liar and a troll when I see one.

But keep trolling with your cutesy shtick, I’m sure it will work on someone else.

I’m glad the Internet has you to point people in the right direction. Truly a knight of justice.

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I’m just throwing this out here, but you might want to cut back on the argumentative manner in which you’re speaking a bit. I don’t say this to criticize you, but to help you really since when you do things like this it enables the person who opposes your stance to latch onto what you said like a leech of sorts.

Though of course I can’t stop you or anyone from being yourselves, sooo cheers either way.

How little self-awareness do you have? A social justice warrior calling someone else a knight of justice. :smile:

That must mean we’re on the same team! Glad to work with you, Bor!

Be careful, or your people will start calling you alt-right for daring to say you work with someone who doesn’t follow the dogma.

Jokes on them, I’ve always been alt-right.

So where is your proof of ppl being racist ?

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Maybe the world of Azeroth doesn’t have the same situation Earth does? Maybe on Azeroth the humans have evolved and realize they are all a part of the Human race, rather than be blinded by something as trivial as melanin concentration.

Maybe that means that each of us could learn a lot from Azeroth’s humans in that sense. :man_shrugging:

I am happy for there being more options. Now people can make characters more akin to what makes them happiest. That in turn makes the game a better and more inclusive place.

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Oh I’m absolutely in the same boat. I’m incredibly happy to have way more options for every race. Some people can’t father or understand why we need to have these options in the game despite the fact they’ve -always- been in the game.

As expected, this thread is about as appealing as a dogs breakfast. Hardly worth the time responding.

You’re giving them the attention they seek, I imagine you’re seeking the attention as well by promoting it. I hadn’t seen any complaints about the customization options until this thread. Specifically the additional human options.

More options is almost always better. Option being the key word here.

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