Why are people being racist over

No thanks. I have a feeling it’s not the lore that makes you against this change. I gave a plausible lore explanation. Tell me how it’s absolutely impossible or hyper unlikely or just stop pretending it’s about the lore.

How is it “lore breaking”? It’s different appearances that can crop up naturally regardless of fantasy or real world setting?

I mean, I could understand “It’s lore breaking!!!” to stop Cowpallies, they did some pretty decent gymnastics to get me in the game :stuck_out_tongue:

What confuses me is he acknowledges the lore.

He acknowledges magic, i.e curse of flesh is the reasoning. So i’m not sure what his stance is.


He just thinks it’s SJW from the offset and that using magic as an explanation is a cop out (even though we have magic literally turning dark trolls into purple elves and purple elves into fair skinned elves) because well, there is no good reason. He just wants to be mad at the change while pretending to be a lore vanguard.

Well I hope you get the customization options you want someday too. This is an addition that I, and I’m sure a lot of other people, are pretty excited about. I hope that’s enough value for you to say “Yeah I’m glad the art team spent a little time on this.”

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A Classic player, calling other people being cucks to corporatism?

Do I even need to explain the irony of that?

There’s nothing wrong with being mad at changes though. Or enjoying the distinctions between the fantasy race, and the irl human race.
it doesn’t matter if it’s possible or even probable for these features to appear, nobody is right or wrong if they like them or not.

Those are choices, not genetics - stop trying to push a social convention on people.

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OR you are just imagining things and stirring crap up for no reason.

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Genetics? I hope we get Scientist one day to tell me how devolved robots caused by the magic of a Squid Monster with mouths of eyes works in the field of genetics.

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I would say there is something wrong about being so mad at the changes that you think people who like them are SJW soyboys. There is going to be more for humans than just those things. There is nothing in lore that says these options are impossible or never happened. I find the arguments against them to be thin. Like take yours, and I mean no offense by this because you have been civil and not insane, fantasy humans do not have to have all the diversity of irl humans. But there is no reason why they shouldn’t have it. There is no reason to have to follow the status quo here. But it does have the benefit of letting people have a deeper customization of their character. And that’s a pro. What are the cons?

Ah yes, The age old “Humans are boring, I play an Elf like everyone else does.”

ignoring the fact this entire universe started with the idea of Orcs v.s Humans, and one of its greatest stories ever written was about a Human Paladin who fell to darkness.

The point in lore they are talking about are the Vry’Kul who are inspired by Vikings and norse myth. Due to this some people assume that humans should be white and only white, even though there no Europe in Azeroth. So now people want to find justification for the new cosmetic options because for them WoW humans have always = real world Nordic or Caucasian humans.

It would be nice if people could see everything as simple cosmetic options but instead they see it as adding new “races” to the game.


Where did they come from? And where have they been hiding for all these years? That’s all I can think of why I don’t like it.

I suppose the only cons are that there are fewer distinctions between wow humans and actual humans- for those that prefer that sort of thing.
realistically these features will not be that noticeable for either party… I don’t think they will any way. I think that just knowing that these customizations now exist will bug people like it bugged people that they didn’t exist previously.

I havent seen an ounce od racism over it yet, and will promptly ignore those who get racist about it.

Im all for more customization.

Black looking humans apperently come from Stromgarde/Stranglethorn. We already have Makasa Flintwill as proof of that.

For years Stormwind has had Woo Ping(no one questions why we had an asian sounding human name in WoW, but now that we actually get them everyone is up in arms?). Lastly, lorewise, they were always there, just that they were never playable! In the same vein that human hunters were not a thing until Cata happen but it was certain humans were hunters/could use bows and guns before then!


Human with varying skin tones have existed since their exodus from Northrend, it was an effect of The Curse of Flesh.

Humans with Asian names have existed since Classic.

This update is purely adding faces to match those skin tones and names. This is not a retcon, it’s a graphical update.


Giant magic monsters. Invincible heroes. Cosmic gods, demons, and entities. Talking animals. Talking weapons. Old Gods. A giant sword in the planet. The planet is a living entity.

Black people.


Woo Ping from classic wow would like a word…