Why are people being racist over

Arguing “lore reasons” against black humans in a fantasy game with lore as borked as this one is hilarious.

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I’m more annoyed people citing Lore to be against the addition of faces, when that very lore justifies the faces. It’s very disingenuous.

Humans had multiple skin tones since their Exodus of Northrend. These faces are a graphical update, not a retcon.

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How could you do this, Blizzard?! I’m furious!..

…That we’ll most likely never see these cool options available to the new Worgen. :frowning:

I know Gilneans are probably the pastiest culture lorewise, but random ethnic features can pop up in any population and I’d love to recustomize my Worgen’s human side with more depth.

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True, I have only seen positive comments about the new options.

Remember, the black and asian skin tones have existed since Classic.

This is merely a graphic update for faces to match. The curse of flesh altered the biology of Vykrul. There is no retcon or lore stretches here.

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lol@‘lore breaking stuff’, there’s so many contradictions in the lore that I can’t keep up anymore.

Like I still don’t know which War of the Ancients happened, the original one or the second one, and if the timeline changed, was overwritten or added to, then what the hell, that makes no sense as Tyrande in WC3 should have known what an Orc was. Or is that getting changed in Warcraft 3 Remastered now too?

he sent that ball deep to the right field, ight fam imma head out.

Arcandra is probably upset over this inclusion.

Some people that are well represented in life do not understand others wanting representation. They see it as an attack on themselves because what is different wants “special treatment”. They will never get it because A) they don’t have to B) they don’t want to and C) It doesn’t affect them personally.


Nobody is being racist over skin options, you’re just making a scene for attention. Well, you have it.

Hey Keyturn, welcome to a 4 month old thread! I still stand by what I said and when this topic was relevant, 4 months ago, the proof was all over the forums. Have fun on Classic!


Pointless thread is pointless.

Welcome to the Internet Ariyote and thank you for contributing to the discussion with riveting details! :heart_decoration:

Maybe they are young and do not understand the SJW agenda?
Maybe, they don’t want the game to reflect real life…
(Why do you think some people do not enjoy playing Kul Tiran?)

I guess everyone started being racist and then just stopped.

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How is it, that someone managed to skip over the other two threads we already have going about this, and post on one that was made in November?

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That’s Life for you.

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Taindessa, let me preface this by saying I personally look forward to the customization and I think it’s cool.

That said, I haven’t seen anyone say anything that would be classified as racist. Pointing out that there was nowhere on Azeroth with human colonies separated enough to adapt through acquiring different traits is a neutral statement. So asking why, from that point of view, is not racist.

I know people like to throw words around a lot these days, but it’s not right. Let’s say there is a game set in a tropical world and everyone is brown. Then one day they go “great news guys! We’re adding white folks in!”. Would it be racist to ask why in the context of the game’s lore?

I think you’re inserting your own ideas in to people’s words. If you can quote me ONE actual racist comment about it, I’ll admit that I was wrong. But I have personally not seen what you’re referring to.

I mean, I haven’t seen a single thread that would be considered as racist, and I am on the forums a lot.

I’ve seen some point out that real-world ethnicities are not a thing in WoW because Humans are just one part of the planet’s population and they all live in the same place. We have Eastern Kingdoms humans, and some desert tribes but that is it. So having asians, africans, etc is a bit of a lore break, but it’s easy enough to ignore.

Warcraft has a lot of representation, but it is across all the races, not just the Human one.

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This is such a great point. A lot of cultures are represented in this game already. Everyone always talks about skin color. Culture is what actually has meaning, not your melanin in your skin. That’s just to protect you from skin disease in hot places or allow for more light absorption in cold places. It’s common knowledge now and the fact that people still bring this stuff up baffles me.

I’ll quote Morgan Freeman on this one: “ Stop talking about it.”