Why are people being racist over

That’s going to happen regardless. Only it’s usually about totally different race options. Like Ogres or whatever. People are always going to want more stuff in game and that’s fine. But the kind of worry you have is pretty unfounded. If people asking for things did much we’d have already had full on Alliance High Elves and Sethrak and Mogu etc. Those things have had more of a bigger voice on the forums than “Hey let’s add black people or Asian people to the game.”. Despite what the orc was saying earlier, Wow forums or similar forums for wow are generally not making threads constantly about these issues. People are not going to suddenly all demand Wow to turn into whatever tumblr stuff you’re thinking of.

And sure, I wouldn’t mind added lore. It’s not needed for me, personally. But I can see why people might want it from say, an rp perspective. But I don’t think it’s such a big hole that if it doesn’t get answered it will be a big plot hole.

The d’s fell off in the coffin.

What!? How dare you give me some lore excuse that is really thinly veiled prejudice!

Its true, the way they bounce creeps me out.


Honestly any lore argument for why humans can’t have slightly different shaped eyes or darker skin is pretty thin in a world where “evolution” or whatever its substitute is can produce like five different colours of Troll with wildly different tusk lengths

Yeah it’s pretty simple. Humans descended from Vrykul but there could have been tons of Vrykul that had a different appearance than standard pale viking people. There are different clans of them already.

This entire thread is cringe. Anyone defending adding lore breaking stuff is just some soyboy defender of trash writing and yasss queen muh power fantasy trash.

The Curse of Flesh altered the biology of Vykrul.

The end.

Hiding behind “lore” while ignoring it to defend your thinly veiled racism is worse, to be honest.


Hiding behind muh magic muh money is thinly veiled corporatism cuck. Try again.

“Warcraft can’t have black and Asian people it totally breaks the lore, SOYBOY!” is an amazing take.

I’m sure your friends on 4chan or wherever dumpster side of the internet you crawled out of are more than happy to complain about it with you.

Because people are just petty.

Sick rebuttal. Make a point next time.

“I’ll just call him racist and make 0 points and claim victory” Cringe.

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its not really about whether they can or cant. Of course they can. But does the fantasy race need to, or ought to be like irl humans? I’d say, not really.
There’s race customizations that I would like in game that people have shot down, but I don’t think it’s because of some racism or prejudice.

What point is there to be made? I mean, The Curse of Flesh has existed for awhile.

Even in Classic there are Human NPCs with Asian names and skin tone, so i’m not exactly sure where your confusion is coming from.

I really just want the option to add more noozles to my draenei.

Preemptively destroyed your point already sweaty srry.

But, it’s true? I mean you’re not wrong. It’s magic.

This is a fake universe with fictional elements? So what exactly is the problem?

Not like this is some Middle Ages history Simulator where Asian people suddenly showed up in Europe.

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