Why are people being racist over

If they don’t care… why do you?

SJWs are the ones who don’t care about the lore. They are so miserable in their own lives that they need a billion dollar company to pander to their feelings instead of simply enjoying the game like actual gamers have been doing for years. Why isn’t it enough to keep WoW the way it has been and not add identity politics? Because SJWs aren’t gamers, they’re political activists that seek to spread their agenda through various forms of entertainment, period.

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i’m just like, tryna wrap my head around someone getting this butthurt over a couple different colored pixel people in a video game, and I can’t quite get there.

The point I’m making here is that I hate companies that pander to SJWs. Blizzard is pandering to SJWs.

This is literally the first I’m hearing about it.

It’s almost like Blizz can’t add anything into their game without it being some sorta conspiracy theory about how they’re pandering to this that or the other thing. Like they can’t do something just because it’s cool. Like it wasn’t just some guy at a table going “you know, we really should improve the way our humans look- they can be way cooler than they are already.” - and the board going “yeah, you know. you’re right.”

Which is I’m pretty sure how that went.

Edit: Alternatively, someone on the board was like “You know, wouldn’t it be cool if humans looked like actual humans? You know, race variation and stuff. So someone can look like their avatar!”

And they were like “Yeah that’s a cool idea.”

Either way, I’m still not seeing an issue here, that because billy in some other guild on another server decides to make his avatar look more like himself, how that has anything to do with you or your gameplay other than having to look at him when you end up in a dungeon together.

Well I’m going to just say that you’re an idiot if you actually think adding new skin tones is a problem. I also think it’s hilarious that you think Blizzard shouldn’t “pander to their worldview & insert their identity politics” when you think that they should adhere to your political view.

It’s clear at this point it has nothing to do with lore but moreso to do with your limited brain capacity to understand that this is literally just a cosmetic that doesn’t affect your gameplay at all.


Guess what? Humans are in your “fantasy” game. Why should Caucasian humans be the only ones in the game?

Just because you’re black and moving to Japan doesn’t mean you don’t have stupid takes on not wanting black and Asian people options for the game. It’s not some “haha checkmate SJW. I’m BLACK and I’m moving to Japan. You can’t win now.” A stupid take is a stupid take. And you have one of them.

Nah a normal person doesn’t care about these kinds of options. Bud I’m from an rp server and I get really into the lore. I try to follow lore extensively. And this is an issue that literally nobody over there cares about. And I’m from the server that likes the lore adherence a lot. I’m going to second Jalen in calling you an idiot. If you really think sjws are going to “win” because of some darker skin tons and different facial structures in a video game then your side is pretty weak and doomed anyway.

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Hey everyone, what’s happe–

Slowly backs out of thread

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Again, what I don’t want in the game is SJW identity politics, you keep twisting my words because what I actually say completely destroys the black and white framing that SJWs like yourself love to get into. I don’t have a problem with members of my own race being represented in media as a whole, nor do I have a problem with Asians when I plan on living with them in one of their own home countries. What I hate are specifically people like YOU who feel the need whine for companies to insert YOUR political and social views into the game and companies that listen to people like YOU.

I hate SJWs, it’s as simple as that.

Stay, its an amazing insight into humanity.

People are crazy.

But this isn’t an example of that… This is just people wanting to create a character that looks like them. Why is that so hard to understand?

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Well I can’t say I’m surprised. You need help.


It’s not just people wanting to create a character that looks like them, it’s SJWs demanding diversity & companies adhering to their identity politics in a shallow attempt to look woke, while still dealing with a totalitarian government.

More strawmen because what I actually say totally destroys you.

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Sensible chuckle

Yes I dunno how I’m ever going to stand up to such knock down arguments as:

“I’m black and I’m moving to Japan.”

I actually had to schedule counseling because I don’t know how to answer your mighty arguments of facts and logic.

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Literally cite an instance where you saw “SJWs demanding diversity”. (I don’t think you can, lol.)


Says who? Blizzard added more customization options for every race because we, the players (not SJWs) asked them to.


What if they had added them without the SJW BS going on, or even despite it(they added it because they wanted to, the timing just being coincidental)? Would you still be crying about them being there where they don’t belong?

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