Why are people being racist over

Neither side cares about facts when they devolve into the lizard brain tribalism of the extremes.


Or, and this might be a hot take, humans have always been different colors in this fantasy setting and there’s no rhyme or reason for it or location they specifically came from- it just is, and like how every race on Azeroth can accept seeing a new race for the first time without batting an eyelash, a white colored human can look at a black colored human and think nothing of it.

You can build a strawman as much as you want, but it doesn’t refute my point. The fact you have to twist my words proves how sound my argument and logic is. “No SJW BS in my WoW” is very specific to the group that’s pushing for all this political BS that the original fandom NEVER asked for to begin with, nor the Devs of the game cared about.

Black people are great, I’m black myself. Asians are also great(I plan on living in Japan one day), however I’m 100% against SJWs and their identity politics being pandering to by a billion dollar company that in the end only cares about making money and still deals in China.

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Get them void elves out of my game, they weren’t there in vanilla lore they shouldn’t be there now!


This sounds like a variation of “I have a black friend. How can I be racist?”

you’re a human with pointy ears, and also the most played race in the entire game :thinking: dont think you have a right to say that about 'umies

It’s “I’m a black man living in America & thus have more weight on the matter vs some white progressives who want to prove a point”.

Mlk would be proud.

I dunno man. That sounds like progressive SJW nonsense where the black man has more weight than the white person. I thought it was about ideas not Identity Politics??? What happened?

Indeed he would, I’m a free black man not being chained by the law and am free to destroy a bunch of self-righteous zealots ruining my hobby.

I have a dream that one day little black humans and little white humans can play in azeroth together.

SJWs care about Identity politics, so I merely use it against them. That’s the point. They want to speak on these issues on behalf of these various groups. Well, here’s a member of said group telling them to go away & be silent. They aren’t wanted by me and many others. We just want to enjoy the game as is, without any Left-wing identity politics being inserted into the game. You know, the way it was at the start of the game.

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"Don’t add black people or Asian people to Warcraft. " - MLK

“To implement socialism and thus Communism we must implement black people and Asian people options into Warcraft” - Karl Marx

Okay Boomer.


I think the internet makes generally rational and well-meaning people like… at least 40% more stupid then they’d usually be.

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More strawmen because you can’t directly address the points I actually made. I’ve taken careful time to distinguish exactly WHO it is I hate & why. It’s not black people(I am black myself) or Asian people(I’m going to live in Japan one day). It’s SJWs and SJWs alone, period.

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“Whites only in azeroth” mlk


This thread man, i swear.

It’s not a strawman. I’m essentially taking what you’re saying to its basic core. Which is that you don’t want black or asian humans in World of Warcraft because of your own personal political views. Fun fact, I’m black as well. Hell this is my main and it’s the closest thing there is to black humans. You wanna know all of the people who would care if I was able to turn my character black in-game from my server community? No one.

You’re the one making a mountain out of an anthill. It’s a non issue. Stop making it one.

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Its all assumptions imo. Some people want lore that makes sense and a world that perfectly makes sense in terms of how is it possible to have this bla bla bla. And then others saying uou must be racist to think that way.

Everybody just needs to chill and remember its a game first and a world second

You’ve just been yelling and whining that it is SJW stuff without backing anything up. You seem offended by the very idea that they can exist in wow. You don’t care about the lore. This is just an excuse for you to complain about the SJW boogeyman. Would it be cool if they added lore about it? Yeah. Will it be SJW pandering if they don’t? No. Because it’s just options.

“Basic core” is what you WANT to hear because it twists what I’m actually saying and makes it into a more black and white issue that you can attack. When I make the distinctions that I’ve made, that again I’m black and plan on living in Japan, it takes away ALL the power of victimization that SJWs love to use to attack ppl with. You have no argument with which to refute my point, so you twist my words.

I hate SJWs, period. I hate companies that pander to their worldview & insert their identity politics, especially when it’s apparent they’re doing it to try and appear woke. Blizzard is still dealing in China, which is brutal towards its own people. Again, it doesn’t bother me what China does but I"m not spouting SJW talking points like Blizzard is.

Blizzard is two-faced and don’t actually care about the plight of any of the groups they claim they’re trying to represent with these changes. It’s merely woke political theater and nothing more. Stop with that trash and focus on the game & not trying to win points with SJWs, period.