Why are people being racist over

Including Africans and Asians in a setting they weren’t in before, with zero lore buildup to it, after ALL these years, while going on about “diversity is our strength” during one of the previous WoW panels, along with all the other self-righteous SJW talking points Blizzard’s used, makes it clear that yes, it’s in fact political.

If none of the above had happened and we’d gotten these same new models I wouldn’t care, but it’s the fact that I KNOW this is being done AS a political statement TOWARDS SJWs that I’m pissed off about it. This is a political statement by Blizzard that they want to appear woke.

And yet again, look at their dealings with China. It’s all shallow & self-serving. Blizzard are two-faced & trying to have their cake & eat it to.

So unsub and stop supporting them. Bye felicia.


“Yeah! No blacks and asians in my World of Warcraft!”

You have to realize how ridiculous you sound.


You are ridiculous dude. Do you even understand that i think these new customization options are a good thing?

You are the exact reason i changed from Democrat to Unaffiliated. The neo-liberal is insufferable.

Some people are too far gone man.

“No SJW BS in my World of Warcraft” is what I stand for. Again, had these people been in the game at the start, WITHOUT SJWS crying about diversity, then I wouldn’t care. This is self-righteous, shallow pandering by a billion dollar company that wants to appear woke, while still dealing with China.

Sweet! Thanks for your support!

He typed from his chinese built device.

I don’t support mental midgets such as yourself.

Honestly if you think adding black people or Asian people in this game is “political correctness” or “progressive SJW bs gone too far.” you really need to step back and reevaluate your beliefs because they are pretty awful. Like it would be one thing if you just were wondering “Hey where did these variations come from? I hope they don’t just make the options and don’t come up with some cool origin for it since various cultures on earth have different histories from standard medieval fantasy tropes.” but this isn’t what’s being said.


Supporting a cause I support is satisfactory in itself!

I don’t care about Hong Kong, if anything I am on China’s side here. Why should they give a damn what a bunch of SJWs think? Blizzard cares about money, first and foremost. How can they claim SJW values so hard and yet deal with a country like China? It’s hypocritical and proves how fake & shallow all that SJW nonsense they spout is.

If you preach SJW values then you don’t deal with China the way Blizzard does. They want their cake & want to eat it too.

Right so what you’re saying is…

You can twist your words as much as you want to justify it. But this is what you’re essentially saying.


Keep going.

Some people wanted actual customization of the existing models though, not race pandering. Guess that could be the reason why some folks are annoyed, including myself.

There’s nothing wrong with more customization options. It’s a good thing and if you don’t like it, just don’t use the new choices. WoW’s customization is so horribly outdated. It’s about time they did something to it. And again, I don’t even play humans. I don’t care about the human customizations. But I’m happy for our human loving players that they get more choices.

Personally I think they’re great additions and glad they’re being added to the game.

But to be fair, if the human race in wow had been used for the pandaren (asian), Tauren (native american), or various troll (mayan, incan, tribal islander, etc) instead of the medieval theme and players had wanted a “white” option to be more representative of themselves it never would have been added. It would have been condemned as cultural appropriation and such

but again i’m glad the options are being added and think it’s good for the game. Just think it’s important to at least consider both sides of the argument even if you don’t agree with one.

It was a preview. That already said blood elves getting 40+ new customizations, dwarves getting wildhammer looks, trolls getting different looks, etc.

I’m sure there’s more than the one slide they showed for humans.

I’m not racist, nor am I shallow. Don’t come to us about “BuT mUh LoRe” when this is the actual and true reason. You’re just unwilling to accept it. I can’t tell if you’re serious, if you’re trolling or if you’re a hypocrite.

WoW is a fantasy game. The idea of having Asians, African Americans, Europeans or any other real world race in this fantasy game is absolutely absurd! They were never in the game to begin with and they should not be implemented.

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How is adding different race looks not “actual customization of the existing models” ? I guess you didn’t want new hair styles, beard options, or hair colors either then?