Why are people being racist over

Actually more of a Sanders democratic socialist.

But great example of extreme left wing intolerance there.

Oh come on dude just shut up. Considering that this is a harmless addition to the game leads me to believe that there are “other” motives to why you dislike this change.

They weren’t in the game because SJWs weren’t a thing back then and crying about diversity. Blizzard now all of a sudden wants to appear woke to these people and thus decided to throw this in with ZERO foreshadowing at all or setup for it in-game leading up to this. They’re just there now because it’s PROGRESSIVE! Again, shallow virtue signalling.

Yet look at how they’re bending the knee to China? It’s two-faced.

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And again the “muh lore” reason is dumb. There are ALREADY lore breaking things in this game. I hate this excuse. If the game was always a certain way and never had lore breaking elements, I might buy that argument. But it’s almost never the case when people bring this excuse up.


Conservatives don’t care about facts

“Wouldn’t it be cool to be able to make your character look like you?” is literally the only reason why they added these customizations.

It’s delusional people like you who constantly cry about “SJWs” that make into something its not.

I think it’s funny how conservatives criticize liberals for being wimps but then turn around and throw a temper tantrum over video game character customization.

Get a life, Jesus.


This is true. Far right and far left both suck. That’s why I’m independent. Radicals of any type are not a good thing.

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It’s pointless to address their lore argument because it’s just a smokescreen for being racist


That is rich coming from a side who tries to convict people on unsubstantiated claims on the regular.

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It’s not harmless, it’s pandering to SJWs & enabling them to continue their nonsense political activism. I’m not going to shut up, I’m going to keep speaking out until hopefully one day Blizzard listens to and agrees with my sides view of things. Until then, you’re going to have to put up with me.

can we all please just flag OPs thread as “real life threat” so it gets checked by mods a little faster and removed, this is just poison ugh

But simply being or looking Asian or African is not a political view. Might be racist to assume so, and probably racist to imply anything outside racial homogeny is some kind of degredation or bad thing. If racial homogeny is of no concern to you, you probably shouldn’t have been so easily triggered by OP starting a conversation on the subject.

Could be plenty of conservative/republican Asian and African players mildly pleased to see non-Europeans among the character customization types. Plenty of people don’t care what the avatars look like, but plenty of people out there wishing they had more freckle-pattern and nosehair options. Blizzard chucking out more customization options is pandering to customers who want more customization options - not one political group or another.


Lol. Dude are you a time traveler from 2012? Be honest. This sounds like goofy Ben Shapiro, PJW,Sargon,etc talking points.


observes Blizzards Pride support

Yeah I think you’re wasting your time…

Gotta love tribalism and treating political parties like sports teams.

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You’re just making guesses as to why they did it. Unless something was said during the presentation of it?

Yeah, that is that infamous leftist intelligence and maturity we have all become used to!

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Cowpally gives you a hearty hello :kissing_smiling_eyes:

The intelligence and maturity with which we’re WINNING! SJW’S 4 LYFE!

I was just being facetious about that “Imagine being this miserable” earlier but now I mean this with every facet of my being:

Imagine being THIS miserable, oh my God.