Why are people being racist over

It’s not even that out-of-the-blue to really ask for this kind of representation since they add the skin colors for medium-dark brown but don’t include a face that even remotely resembles an ethnically black one nor did they include the hair.

The hair is a huge one. Especially for black girls who have always been told that the beautiful Disney princess flowing hair is beautiful and natural hair is unprofessional and nappy.

Right, I wish that writers would just happen to make a certain character a certain way. The worst way to have representation, which is what JK Rowling does and Activision-Blizzard has done, is take an existing character and just make’em gay to do it. If they are written as characters, good honest characters, it won’t matter who they represent or what they are because their character is good. Through story this kind of thing, where they are gay, should be revealed.

I wish I could remember the character in Mortal Kombat that is gay and he even struggles with it as people support him. This would be a great example of what I mean when it organically comes out. Anyway, bottom line I agree with you. Things should be better but the company has to care about it the right way. Pandering is not that way and I don’t think adding organic elements that SHOULD already be there is out-of-line at all.

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i agree.

i’m black and i had no issue with already making black dwarfs and humans already.

if anything they should add the skin tones to gnome lol

The difference is that I’m not asking for anything to be added to the game like SJWs are going on and on about diversity. I just want the game to continuing being about the game and not a platform to promote progressive values & other Left-leaning views.

I’m “conservative” in the sense that I want to conserve the game from Left-leaning political views.

Vertically challenged humans, calling them gnomes is rude.


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Who are these racist? What examples of this do you have?

If it’s there I’m sure some of it is racism, but in general the negative reaction to this equality of outcomes over equality of opportunity is because no matter how good the intentions are it’s a Marxist philosophy and to be fully realized requires ceding so much power and control you will always get a Marxist outcome.

I’m racist, all elves must die, they ruin everything.

Azeroth for humanity!

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o my bad.



They ruin continents, trees, themselves, each other, both the factions, the habitat, fanfic, just everything is worse because of all these elves. XD

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Lmao stay mad cuckservative :clown_face:

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This too. I remember thinking those posts were trolls because they focused on skin color and seemed to me skin colors got plenty dark and maybe they just had their gamma/graphic settings pushed up too bright. Seeing actual Asian and African faces/eyes/bonestructures come through was quite an impressive step over what the skin-color trollposts were fussing about.

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its racist dammit they are no indians and you know we manage all the servers in the back end lol hahahaha

You people are so off your rocker. There is nothing leftist about black and Asian faces being added to the game. Seriously calm down. Marx is not going to rise from the dead and behead Trump to become president as an immortal and usher in communism. Your SJW boogeyman won’t hurt you just because of face and skin tone options in Warcraft.


It’s not even about self-insertion. Why should anybody be restricted by others’ pigeonholed sense of fantasy? My hulked out fireball-slinging human is pretty danged fantastical and nothing like my real life self. He’s certainly no less fitting or creatively bankrupt than fantasy template pretty elf characters.

Mages should be scrawny nerds, we need nerd inclusion now!

They weren’t part of the game from the start & have no lore reason to exist at all. This is clearly being added specifically to appease SJWs who always go on about diversity. It’s virtue signalling & I highly dislike it. It hurts my enjoyment of the game because it shows Blizzard cares about what these self-righteous crybullies think, rather than focusing 100% on the game.

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They had a golden opportunity to do exactly that with Kul Tirans but they decided not to for some reason. I am not sure why they didn’t since THAT was the time for that.

Right on. Regardless of supposed motivations, more options in a freaking roleplaying game is never a bad thing.

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Lol imagine being this miserable.


I’d argue the ones who are so miserable in their lives that they need a billion dollar company to pander to their worldview are even more pathetic than a gamer wanting said billion dollar company to focus on the game.

They weren’t in the game because they had not made them yet ya goober. This has nothing to do with social justice. Seriously it’s just a customization option for the game. The “SJWS” didn’t force them or scare them into adding anything. If this seriously ruins the game for you, then you’re free to unsubscribe. Because it’s happening.

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