Why are people being racist over

they are.

theres a whole thread over on reddit where a mod even had to step in and tell people to keep it cute.

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1488 is white supremacist stuff, something hitler went on about.

Anything not white is a subhuman in those groups.

Gotta watch the lingo, you end up being like them or getting flagged for using the terminology.

Worlds getting crazy, lots of banned words and thought police now, gotta keep an eye out for whats ok and whats not, it progresses daily.

I read an article the other day that said bowl cut hairdo are white supremacy now. Poor kids with moms that can’t cut hair are default racist now.

i disagree.

i’m happy the world is moving away from allowing bigotry to be commonplace and a non-issue.

Na man, you said that. You can’t disregard what it means when you question if a person is human due to their speech. We are all human and should treat each other as such, that does not mean we have to like what everyone says or respect their position, though we should respect they are human and treat each other as such.

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Op probably saw someone say “Why are we getting different human races again?”

And immediately drops the racism card.

Only on the forums…

Makes for entertainment, but Jeeblus the massive jump the OP took in logic

It’s not the same at all, laws were literally oppressing people. Nobody is being oppressed because of a lack of diversity in a game that has nothing to do with diversity. As I said, I don’t like companies pandering to a bunch of self-righteous zealots that are only interested in making themselves look good and judging people that don’t adhere to their worldviews.

It’s only because of how obnoxious & terrible SJWs have been that some companies have decided to bend the knee to them.

I didnt.

if you wanna say that sure though.

SJW’S forever this is our game cuckservatives

died laughing at that part - but where are you seeing racism where racism didn’t already exist? 4chan and junk don’t count, show me some racism in the Warcraft forums. I’ll read further down this thread to see if you drew any out with this troll post, but would be nice for you to point out a racist one started by a racist.


So we are all playing humans right now??

its toxic to say diversity is a bad thing.

Homie conservatives don’t care about reason lmao you can’t argue with them just call them names and remind them we’re winning

So you want to go on being obtuse. You have that right, though I don’t have to agree with it. Good day, sir.

I think demanding diversity in a game that has zero to do with it to begin with is in and of itself toxic to the game and fans that simply want to enjoy the game as it is. Had the game from the start been about actual humans and various civilizations featuring actual Africans & Asians, or a race meant to be like them, from the start then that’d be one thing. This was slapped on at the last minute to appeal to SJWs, period.

I don’t like that at all, it’s pandering.

o ok


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Remove trolls, they’re racist caricatures of jamaicans… mon.

Tauren are racist towards native americans.


so we agree to disagree. Sounds good.

To be honest “lore” is a very silly reason to say you shouldn’t have racial choices in the game. There are many lore breaking things in this game. Hell, just look at the Blizzcon kigurumi outfit we got.


who is demanding?

Sure i had seen a rare post or two about having black humans maybe once a year, i never saw any sort of demands.

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Aand here it is. I don’t suppose you’re a self-righteous zealot only interested in making your obnoxious conservative justice warrior self look good and judging people who don’t adhere to your worldview…?

Sorry, OP, for thinking you were trolling. Might be this guy here you’re talking about. :slight_smile:


I don’t get what all the fuss is about, we had skin color sliders, but limited on faces.

Now we get more faces.

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