Why are people being racist over

I think it is actually brave of Blizzard to do this distinct races were often left out of games for fear of “stereotyping” them something that has never been brought up with white characters as we all know the humans in WoW look nothing like us even though they are white. They open themselves up to “you think all black people look like this” I think blizzard is finally calling out how dumb this argument in a fantasy game is. Theyve also already opened up to oh you included “" but not "” .

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o i agree to that. word dont personally affect me. however, i’m not going to be upset when BBQ becky gets fired for calling a family the n word or throwing hate speech at some lgbt.

Cause why wouldn’t she be fired. bigots and sub-humans NEED to be on their Ps and Qs in this new society where your words do have consequences. and thankfully so.

Woah now, dangerous waters there mate. Going all 1488 on us?

Anything that seeks to diminish, restrict, or punish based on race, sexuality, or gender does not correlate well with civil rights.

Might want to tell that to Antifa then, because they are huge SJW and put people in the hospital for having a different opinion. You might want to tell the Universities that too because many people with opposing views of the SJW has been denied or chased off campuses so that they could not present their views.

so then the fight shouldn’t be against sjw. As a black person you have other and more factors to lend your voice against to then them.


Visually, I’m not opposed to more options for Human customization. I actually really like what we’ve been shown and will probably use one or both of the new options on some characters since they’ll be available.

However, I tend to prefer such changes / additions having an in-universe explanation. If there have never been any factions / cultures / whatever using these appearances in the game, where did they come from? Generally I’d expect something like this to come with some faction in the new expansion using the appearances to justify it – but this expansion is Shadowlands, so that’s incredibly unlikely to happen. Which means these additions are happening to appeal to people who want IRL representation in a video game that doesn’t have an actual reason to do that, which is something I don’t agree with.

Similarly, I would probably use tail options on Worgen if they decided to add that one day. I don’t think the idea is a bad one visually. Yet, I’m against that being added because we already have an established version of what Worgen look like, and arbitrarily growing a new limb goes too far for me to support. I like some level of consistency. The new human appearances aren’t as drastic as growing a new limb, but it’s the same kind of thing. Their faces are structurally different, and there’s no precedent for that for Humans in WoW right now.

The only reason I bring up the Worgen counterpart here is to point out that jumping straight to “you’re racist if you don’t like this” is incredibly stupid. There are other reasons to not support a visual change. Just because the discussion happens to include human races doesn’t mean people are being racist.

FWIW, this entire topic gets a bit messy because there were some pre-WoD model faces and skin colors that SOME people would argue were intended to be black / asian, and other people would argue were just slight variations of “default Azeroth human”.

I tend to fall into the latter camp. Those options never looked any different than the other options to me. However, I can see why someone LOOKING for those other options might be able to believe that that was the intent of them.

That argument right there is probably why some people start shouting “racist!” so quickly over this whole discussion.

If someone truly believes that the game already had black and asian customization options and that we’re now just getting upgraded versions of them, yeah, it makes sense they’d think someone against it was being a bit racist.

But those people need to realize that not everyone agrees the game has always had those options. It’s hard to tell if the game just didn’t have the graphical quality to portray what it wanted to back then, or if there was zero intention of portraying IRL ethnicity to begin with.

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so people who needlessly talk down and other who have nothing to do with them are human?

Well, agree to disagree. Unless you are actually at your job then I don’t think you should be punished for having taboo views of society & the world by losing your job and livelihood. Call me an extremist for having that opinion. I just really am not a fan of cancel culture.


the whole notion against the n word, which came about with civil rights is indeed restrictive to some people.

Calling people subhumans is normally a skinhead thing.

o my.

Well i’m not a skinhead, lol.

It’s good to be at the top

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So you calling them less than human makes you more human than they for saying the same thing about someone else? Good logic there…

sure. if you wanna say that.

i’m just excited for non boney undeads with Doyle Wolfgang Von Frankenstein hair.

I’m a gamer first and foremost. The laws are already on my side, I can live my life in peace. However, when I have free time I like to relax & enjoy my entertainment. Well, SJWs are the ones currently ruining my hobbies with their self-righteous crap, and I’ve had enough of it. They are absolutely my fight, and one day I’m going to win that fight.

You’re not going to be up there for long, I promise you that.

and that’s exactly how whites felt when integration started to occur.

As i said there’s correlations.

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Are people actually being racist over this or is this some made up outrage over a couple of random posts here and there? Most of the comments I’ve seen have been very positive for the new customization changes. The more choices, the better.

Not that it affects me since I never play humans if I can help it. But I can’t see why anyone who plays a human would be unhappy. Don’t like the choices, don’t use it.