Why are people being racist over

It breaks the pseudo-European fantasy the Humans give when out of nowhere black and asian charcters pop out in Stormwind, Gilneas, or Kul’tiras

It isn’t specified what skin colour the curse of flesh, but the game running for several years has proven that the Humans are caucasian-inspired people. Not everything has to be verified by a written canon. Makes the game unable to stand on it’s own

As an Asian, I’m fine with diverse skin colours and faces as long as their for a new, undiscovered nation of Humans living off somewhere and not mix them with the Humans from the Eastern Kingdoms

Racialization happens when people now identify their characters in game as Asian, Blacks, Latinos, etc.

Until now playable humans are just Humans

People can be mad if they want, I’m just happy I can finally play an Asian monk without having to be a panda :star_struck:

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It’s either a european fantasy or a caucasian fantasy. You have to pick one because europeans aren’t the only caucasians in the world.

Err I’m sorry but excuse me? I’m black and I’ve always wanted to create a dark skinned human with coarse hair. I don’t post on twitter and I don’t really care much about politics at all, I just want to make characters that look like me in video games, especially when other people can.

You can already make a darkish skinned toned character and people don’t give a crap. Humans have always been humans and they’re still going to be humans. This is a non-issue and no decent person actually cares. If you actually think that this is going to have a negative effect on the game then it just shows what kind of person you actually are.


A dark-skinned, white man is still a white man

You realize civil rights falls under SJW correct…

It really doesn’t. When I say SJW I’m speaking specifically about this group of overly-opinionated, virtuous internet warriors that have inserted themselves into various fandoms that literally nobody wanted them in and subverted them. Civil rights and all of that is to be applauded. SJWs are merely self-righteous posers looking for a cause to fight for and prove how better they are than others.


How does bring up race have to do with getting more lgbt characters?

It does. All of the white people who got fired cause they said the n word were saught out by sjw.

It’s weird how you people are against justice.

What you’re talking about isn’t the civil rights of previous eras that led to laws being changed for people that were getting attacked by the law. You’re talking about witch hunts designed to ruin the lives of people that don’t adhere to the SJW dogma. Cancel culture is cancer and needs to die in a fire.

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We were always in these communities and we’re never going away! SJW’s 4 LYFE! Find another game if you can’t hang with the basic respect and empathy for other human beings wave!

You don’t have to go away, you just need to be silent and let games be games without demanding your agendas be shoved into everything. If you refuse to go away then I’ll continue speaking out against you people & everything you represent.

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so people should be allowed to go on loud racial and bigoted rants in public and everyone should be fine with it? Including their jobs?

Civil rights = SJW

Why is it the first time I am hearing about these “racist” people is from someone ranting about it? I did not actually here it from the “racist” people but from people complaining about them. If you didn’t go making a big deal about them I never would have heard about them and would not have cared about the implementation of said races being added.

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The common application of SJW denotes behavior contrary to civil rights.

Yes, exactly. If you aren’t threatening somebody with physical violence then what you say really doesn’t matter. Call me the N-word & I’ll call you something back or tell yo to go F-yourself. I’m not going to try to get you fired from your job. Assuming of course you’re not AT your job doing that and in the streets or something.

Since these customizations are incoming for humans, I guess it’s time to invent another non-human race to depict a medieval european culture. Either monstrous our cutes. As long as they live in stone castles, pray in dim cathedrals, or ruled by kings weilding swords

they correlate.

Seeing the overreactions from both sides is highly entertaining. Thanks y’all for livening up my Sunday, a day I don’t usually have off so I don’t know what to do with this free time today :rofl: