Why are people being racist over

It wasn’t your fault… they were just lactose intolerant.

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Quite a a few of them are probably from the alt-right, are incels and never associate with people outside of their own race.

Personally, I can’t wait to make my Monk Asian and one of my Warriors Black.

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Wait, what people are upset about this? It barely even registered on my radar. Is this just a poor attempt at a Sunday thread? Where is the cookie gnome, I’m hungry?

in before people realize mixed people dont give a sht about any race

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Sylvanas: “rawr, my rippling bisceps. I will bring down the mountain on you…rawr. I will outwit you with my 86D chess skills, nevermind I got played by a has-been orc warrior.”

Can we get Garrosh back so he can throw her off a cliff?

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Just another dookie on the lore who cares

It’s not bad writing, she’s just playing 46,842D chess and we just don’t understand her greatness and gargles

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I can picture it now. Garrosh lifts Sylvanas into the air. “By Felicia…” /chuck.

Because gamers are largely awful.

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You are not educated about what racism really is. You do realize there is only one ‘race’ = the human race. We are all related genetically. What you want is your RL skin color to be more visible and maybe facial features. It is a game, not RL so there are things in the game and not in the game because it is a game. Deal with it, no one cares about your skin color, i only care if you can do you role.

Stop being divisive over nothing.

In the warcraft movie it is like the new customization. IT’s not reflected ingame. Simple as that.

ps. https://www.google.com/search?q=wow+traveler+book&sxsrf=ACYBGNQAtY2fyU7lKp3PFsnNOtw2gidTLA:1572798941148&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzucLRvM7lAhUyVt8KHUseAk0Q_AUIEigB&biw=1920&bih=969#imgrc=sKckGO0BgTv5hM:

also kul tirans.

https://youtu.be/NXO0aKwwDPA?t=67 since warcraft. The game is just updating.

you want me to be honest? As someone who would be considered black, i’m not crazy about it.
The trolls while not black in skin tone definitely bring out some Jamaican culture. You can see it all over the Trolls, from their island lifestyle to how the dance and speak. They’re noble, and honorable, well some can be. The pandaren have Asian themes to them from a lot of their culture.

When you start taking about representation and its importance, yes it’s
great. But you have to include everyone.
Asian, Indian,African,Middle Eastern, European,South American, Native American,Australian,Aboriginal,Jewish,Bi,Trans,Gay,Lesbian, and so much more. Then the water becomes muddy because some may not appreciate how they’re portrayed.
The only time i ever complained about representation was on the OW forums when the LGBTQ community on the game demanded more LGBTQ characters when we had no Black characters or many other ethnicities.

So again its representation is not bad, but you need to include everyone, not just yourself if you want to play that game. And that’s Why i’m not crazy about it in a fiction fantasy video game.

I get what you’re trying to say but why are you putting bi,trans,gay, and lesbian with things like Asian,African,Aboriginal,etc? For bi, gay, and lesbian character portrayal you just have characters with those proclivities. For a trans person just have them use male or female model to whatever they transitioned to.

They can reasonably include everyone. There is nothing dramatically different between a Jewish person and other Semitic peoples for example. It doesn’t have to be so robust as you think it does to get a reasonable approximation.


gamers have no rights.

I love this guy!


Yep! Some other people have already commented similar things and I took that first post a bit further :slight_smile:

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A portion of the white population is racist, which we care about. A portion of the black population is racist, which we don’t care about. A portion of the brown population is racist, which we don’t care about. And while in a country of 330 million it all adds up to numerically many people who are racist, it doesn’t add up to anything remotely close to a racist country.

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Why are people even reacting that negatively about it? You can not use the customization options.

Because it’s nothing but pandering to SJWs, period. Africans and Asians were NEVER THERE during the start of the game. They are being added during “current year” because the types of people that post on Twitter and ResetEra about politics wanted it. It’s self-righteous, shallow virtue-signalling that serves no purpose to the lore.

I’m black myself so don’t accuse me of racism, I just really cannot stand SJWs and what they’ve done to the gaming industry. What’s even funnier is Blizzard’s virtue signalling only goes as far as China will allow it to. All these “WOKE” companies are in the end two-faced liars that worship the dollar. Once being woke stops being profitable watch Blizzard and companies like them drop these SJWs like the parasites they are.

There’s a difference between culture and appearance though. I’m black, not from Jamaica, and I have nothing to do with their culture. Why would I feel included because trolls have a culture and language that resembles Jamaicans? It’s not the same. I just want a character that can look like me, just like how caucasian people do.

Appearance-wise they are now all included. Religion and sexual orientation don’t change your appearance, and there isn’t any real world religion included in this game so it’s already fair in that aspect.

It’s not really about having to represent everyone all of the time, but more of, “why only represent one”? Why only represent caucasians? Why only represent straight relationships? If neither of those existed in WoW then it wouldn’t matter, but the fact that they do, opens up all these cans of worms.

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