Why are people allowed to troll/throw/grief random BG with no consequence?

When I did rated with my group and we had a close loss. Everyone would be like " If only I had done XXX instead, we would have won." We blamed ourselves, not each other.

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But of your talking about normal bgs, like we were. Then sure, I dont care at all what they wear.

Also no they didnt cause you to lose time and effort. Both of those resources would have been used whether you won or not.

And they definitely realized that mistake the playerbase definitely made sure they realized it. And within a few weeks it was nerfed

A few days actually lol.

You do, because you gain very little honor when losing especially when it’s bad losses like OP is describing. Someone feeding 0 kills and 20 deaths is a lot. Gear matters a lot, and if they’re frequently in BGs but refuse to use PvP gear I would sort of consider that to be throwing matches/blocking team progress because they clearly earned plenty of honor. If it’s just someone gearing up, I could care less though I think the gear difference between fresh 70 and honor gear is a lot and should be fixed.

If they were running PvE gear but doing well, I similarly wouldn’t care because they’re contributing but if OP was correctly giving advice about how PvP gear scales really well in PvP and they were told off for it, I think I’d be more on OP’s side.

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You are a clown

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not really depends on the dungeons difficulty its its a queueable heroic then a fresh 70 aint going to have decked out gear for it thats the point . is to do the content to gear up . same is for randoms /epics . If you want pure decked out peeps do rated or mythic +

bad losses ? id like to see ops reflex first .

this is my monks reflex for the past two days shes fully geared now ilvl 437 ez even tho it was tough losses i still earned plenty of honor quick . So i genuinely have no clue where you get this barley any honor from . that couldn’t be any more wrong .


you answered your own question.

the game has trained players to accept a loss and still get rewarded.
free xp/honor for a loss while “pvp leveling”
and welfare honor when you lose at 70.
“who cares its not max”
“who cares its not rated”

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It’s insane to me that people don’t care about how their decisions affect others on their team. This is an MMO and when you refuse to listen to advice from other players and get one shot, yeah people get frustrated.

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No, no, and just no! An under geared player especially a HEALER can severely hurt a teams chances of winning. I played with a friend who is Hero of the Horde and even then we couldn’t carry our team because they were full of under geared players, including our two healers.

And you complaining to that healer accomplishments what? As you mentioned, they dont care what you think. All you can do is worry about yourself and play the bg. If you are good enough, bg are easy to win esp with a friend. That being said, 15 man bgs are much more difficult.


People who treat BGs like you are here are a cancer in this game. If you literally don’t care about winning don’t queue. It’s a competition, winning matters regardless if it’s rated or not. This is why I premade now so I can be teamed with people who actually want to win


People like me? Meaning people who mind their own business? because im not sure what else you could be referring to.

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not really i joined some random ppl that wanted to q with my mw and she barley had pvp gear at all severely ungeared i had top heals and we 5 capped horde in AB , most of my epics i was in top 3 heals with no pvp gear either in epics .

^ This.

Imagine a healer wearing multiple pieces of level 60 gear in max level bgs.

Please scale them up so they’re within two raid tiers of conquest gear please.

another great case for MINIMUM i-level requirements to PvP

This is a TEAM event and you NEED a TEAM to win.

when people show up who don’t care it AFFECTS everyone ELSE

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The gearing system is pretty good this expansion. I think the problem is inadequate guardrails for ensuring competitive random BGs (and I am not just talking about gear, but gear is what I will confine my comments to here).

It’s been said elsewhere that dungeons have a minimum ilvl and BGs probably should, too. I’ll add that it should increase with each season. However, you don’t want to lock people out of BGs to the point of increasing queues so, instead of making the minimum PvP ilvl a queuing threshold, just template characters up to the minimum ilvl if their current PvP ilvl is lower. The ilvl needs to be low enough that gear is still important but high enough that the template rises above critter-tier. A defensible approach might be to dispense with the crafted green PvP gear and make that the template.

I think this would largely solve the problem and break off a little something for both template and gear lovers.


Get off your high horse, people need to understand this is an MMO and your decisions affect team gameplay.