Why are people allowed to troll/throw/grief random BG with no consequence?

My decisions certainly do. Your decision to lecture someone about gear does nothing of value.

you can post the whole picture or the person who gave you that picture since its me my mw monk is full 437s now its an epic bg not a random bg its not hindering the team that much she snow my 7th alt to be pvp geared meanwhile you are still lvl 50 and i quote . its funny how youll post pics of my monk wearing a whole 2 green pieces and not the full armory i was about fully pvp geared that wintergrasp .

I think they should make it the same ilvl gap between crafted and honor gear so the crafted gear is still useful.

Base 411 ā†’ Crafted 424 ā†’ honor 437 ā†’ conquest 450

I think everything should be within 2 raid tiers.

Using a PvE example because I donā€™t PvP ā€” With 2 raid tiers, youā€™re still asking a person in LFR gear to compete against someone in heroic raid gear. Itā€™s a huge power difference.

Anything more than that, the ungeared person might as well just get a participation award for being an inconsequential target dummy.

Did you not play shadowlands season 1? It was 80k honor to upgrade conquest to max, and you couldnā€™t upgrade your honor gear until X week because honor upgrades were locked behing story covenant renown which was timegated every week. So you were permenantly stuck with 3/7 honor gear (which was like 189 ilvl) going against people with 233 weapons and 226 conquest gear and even if you were honor capped you couldnā€™t upgrade your honor gear until blizz gave you permission to

It was significantly faster/more efficient to level an alt as necrolord and get the full covenant campaign blue necrolord set (which was higher ilvl than you could upgrade honor gear to) because it had vers on it and then wait 2 weeks to swap to your correct covenant

You also couldnā€™t get conduits from pvp and had to get exalted with venari in the maw to get conduit upgrades or sockets. Half the legendary aspects couldnā€™t be obtained from pvp either and required pveing, and ash/cinders were weekly capped so you were limited on what legendary you could make especially if you multi specced. If you didnā€™t raid you couldnā€™t get the aspects off the last boss of raid until lfr came out like 8 weeks into the season, and some specs had to wait 4 weeks to get their legendary off rotating world boss. Shadowlands was stupid af


Hello pot, meet kettle.

The point of playing an mmo in pve or pvp, is to have fun. If you can only have fun by ā€œwinningā€ then maybe this game isnā€™t for you.

I feel sad for all the people who rage when losing or lose, or just not having fun. I have fun win or lose, and try to learn something new each BG, whether it be a technique, new keybind, or playstyle of the enemy team.

Honestly, people who canā€™t learn to have fun win or lose, are the ā€œKarensā€ of the gaming world, they arenā€™t here to have fun, they are here to try to control others, and have ā€œmain characterā€ syndrome.


Well. You can get full honor gear as long as you PvP a lot while leveling and cap your honor. So it didnā€™t take you 30 minutes to get full Honor gear. It took you 30 minutes to fill in the gaps. If I wanted to level as quickly as possible and get my toon to 70, and then gear for PvP, then I have a few options.

Buy Obsidian Combatants Gear to get to ilvl 424. On the lower population realms these are VERY overpriced. No worth spending 15k on some boots that iā€™ll just replace before the end of the day.


Join BGā€™s anyway and have full honor gear in a couple of hours. The problem with this is that with every season Blizzard bumps up the ilvl of gear, but they do nothing to the leveling gear along the way. At level 69 the gear that you are getting is ~340 ilvl. If you take that gear into a BG to start gaining honor for the PvP gear, you are going in at a 110 ilvl difference.

Saying things like ā€œThis is the best gearing has ever beenā€ doesnā€™t mean that it is immune to criticism. Poop is better than Diarrhea, but that doesnā€™t mean I want to deal with the stink.

Iā€™ve mentioned it before, and iā€™ll say it again. WoW needs an ilvl floor. If If you are under 424 ilvl, then you are brought up to 424 ilvl until your own ilvl surpases it. It protects everyone. The newbies arenā€™t coming in just to get one shotted. The conquest geared players donā€™t feel like they need to carry a bunch of undergeared people. The trolls canā€™t throw games as easily. With each expansion, this gap between levelers and conquest players on increases. Ilvl floor in PvP changes that.


It isnā€™t a lecture, perhaps Google the definition for that word. It is simply pointing out that lazy players hurt the team, remember this isnā€™t a single player game but an MMO.

Surprise! I completely agree with this. It really annoys me when people show up in random BGs with 200k health and expect everyone else to carry them to gear. One is bad enough, but often itā€™s half the team, while the enemy has full gear. A completely wasted queue.

Sorry maybe I should have used the word harass instead.

Pointing something out isnā€™t harassment, now go Google the definition for that word.

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You donā€™t pay their sub, donā€™t tell them how to play! /s

In all seriousness, I wish people would accept help more readily.

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You arent their friend. You arent their teacher. They didnt ask for or want your input. After they tell you to take a hike, and you keep talking, its harassment.

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Oh, I donā€™t talk in game anymore, the only things I say in chat are incoming calls and gg.

People donā€™t want to learn.


Im in the same boat

Who said they do that? Now you are just putting words in peopleā€™s mouth, go get a job.

This. Clearly this wasnt 1 line of friendly advice, esp with multiple people talking to him.

So were you there? If not how could you know? Was doing Solo Shuffle and a DH told me not to turtle so fast under pressure, he didnā€™t harass me he was simply trying to give me advice and help.

Perhaps Google the definition for harass, cause this isnā€™t it.

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Well if you told him to shut up and his ā€œhomieā€ kept telling you the same stuff, it is.

I lose my time.

Itā€™s insane to me that people have no respect for other people, regardless as to whether itā€™s rated content or not.

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