Why are people allowed to troll/throw/grief random BG with no consequence?

So theres this horde shammy i see in random BGs all the time, i wont say his name (i wish i could) but every time i see this kid he has on really low ilvl pve gear.

me and my homies have tried to explain to him about the pvp gear that scales up much higher, but he refuse to get it… he even flame us and tell us to ST*U for trying to explain the honor gear to him

every time i get this kid on my team its a loss because hes just wasting a slot. getting 1 shot everywhere he goes with his 200k hp… he finishes every game with 0 kills, 20 deaths… less damage done than a level 10 critter

god man. this stupid gearing system really sucks. i hate that my team has to get punished because we get people like that who refuse to buy the pvp gear =(

ok end rant sorry just tilted this morning


Its insane to me that people actually care what other people wear in random bgs. Its not rated, you dont lose anything from a loss.
Maybe its just me having done thousands of bgs, but nothing a random does will ever upset me lol. Plus if its a 10 man bg, those are EASY to carry anyone. Especially since you have “homies” with you.


if it happened in a dungeon people would care

but its mega cringe to care in a random bg i guess

the thread kinda seems to have upset u ngl


nobody ever won by being apathetic about the game and trying their best. winners are competitive and try hard.


Winners dont complain and blame others for their loss. They should have played better.


spoken like someone who has never met one. some of the greatest players of all time on their respective sports do not make good role models.


I think you may be mistaking winners for losers because I described exactly how one reacts to losses.

It’s frustrating, but not much more you can do.

I play BGs to win. That’s fun for me. So when someone on the team is deliberately throwing or when people refuse to improve something game after game (gear in this case), it makes it less fun. However, it is a random BG so I can’t realistically expect others to feel the same as me. Best to just do your best and move on to the next game.


there is more to the feeling in that moment than just not having fun, when you try hard and realize the people you are try harding for aren’t returning the favor, not because they lack the ability, but because they lack the will, it stings with a hint of betrayal. perhaps if you are facing some rival players, you might even add some layers of embarrassment on top of it. this is on top of the layers of frustration and anger from failed attempts in a losing game. it really is a complex set of emotions all going off at once in that moment.

this is why people premade. people who play to win group up with other people who play to win in order to avoid having people who don’t play to win on their team.


LOL, you people are funny, name any expansion besides this one, that as soon as you ding 70, you can be full honor gear?
Proof for those who refuse to believe it. (not only full honor gear, but I had 4k honor left over after buying all slots)


I think the gearing system is really good this xpac.


i think what you are trying to do is corporatize competition and pvp. this idea that competitive players should also be role models is only so they can be marketed and profited off of.


You can’t carry a Shadowlands negativity troll routine into Dragonflight.


It wasn’t trolling SLs honor gear was the worst implementation of honor gear they have ever added to the game.


Personally I didn’t think it was that bad

No worries. We can relate.

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I dont kink shame but im pretty sure youd have to be an avid CBT enjoyer to also enjoy shadowlands honor gearing.

More power to you though.


What was so bad about it. All you had to do was get it and upgrade it and then do the same with conquest gear. Dragonflight is just minus the upgrading part

Took hours, 10s of hours grinding just to get a set that was 26ilvl below fully upgraded conquest. Or 20 below 1800 upgraded conquest.

Massive grind with a crap end reward.

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In his case it is.