Why are people against graphical updates?

Pretty sure vanilla client was/is playable in other formats. Even on the grand old “recommended” pentium 3.

By the way, the demo showed that there is already classic and modern graphics for the engine set up they plan on using.

Whether or not they decide to add new character models is something I couldn’t find anything about.

lol at putting words in my mouth.

Well, you are wrong. WoW could be played in widescreen as a stretched 4:3 image.

I really hope they add the new animations.

no changes doesn’t necessarily apply to stuff like that. it applies to game-play.

maybe you should actually learn what the no changes stance is.


Didn’t they say at BlizzCon that the graphics would be toggleable? The no change crowd doesn’t care about what other people see. Just the gameplay. Mat you have seemed pretty knowledgeable. Do you remember if it was confirmed? I’m pretty sure it was…

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Toggled it off in the demo. I play pservers and prefer the old graphics. New graphics just isn’t vanilla. I don’t care what everyone else sees though. Pretty sure it’s going to be a toggle.

“stuff like that” changes gameplay whether you understand what I’m talking about or not.

maybe you should actually google how field of view affects pvp games.

except this game has always been pve first and pvp second. and guess what? i’m going to be running classic graphics.
but wah let me try to catch no changers in their argument without even knowing what no changes means.

lol my friend, it affects the game as a whole. I just used PvP as it’s an easier example to understand and find it on the internet since you are still not getting it.

Better graphics means better immersion, which for an RPG is paramount. In that regard, immersion of “old” wow vs Retail was years behind.

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Better graphics doesn’t always mean better. Especially when better is subjective. For example, I personally believe old tauren is better then new.


LOL, OMG. What? boggle
The best RPGs ever made are either pen-and-paper or they’re so old now that the graphics are terrible and must be heavily modded to get them up to, say, 2008 level graphics.
Ever play vanilla Morrowind?


All I hear is wah wah I want crap graphics, blocky movement, crap liquid physics, low res animations and trees that look like a toddler finger painted them. I for one want to experience vanilla in 4k cause why the hell not? Even if my PC couldn’t run it on ultra in 4K. It would still look better on medium setting in 4K than ultra does in 1080P. Also the fact is computers are much more powerful now, so having crap graphics just means the devs are lazy. It doesn’t cost what it used to run WoW on ultra in 1080P these days.

Yes a lot of you want the Vanilla experience but I also feel like none of you remember the grind that was vanilla. In todays short attention span society I can guarantee that Vanilla is going to die in the a$$ People all over WoWs Facebook page who played in Vanilla are complaining about the rep wall infront of the new races? Anyone remember how long it took to get to 60 let alone grind rep without world quests and an abundance of dailies?

So yes they should be working on either updated graphics altogether or a HD toggle like in the Master Chief Collection. Its a lot of work but this is Blizzard we’re talking about. They have the resources, sure less human workforce now Activision is at the reins but still.

“All good RPGs were pre 2008” you’re wrong and you could not be more wrong. Witcher 3? Assassins Creed Odyssey and Origins? Are they bad? If you say yes… go get a mental health check up cause I think you need to be medicated. Odyssey had more plot twists than my grandmothers colonoscopy (that’s a joke btw incase one of you get stuck on the comparison).

TL:DR update the graphics, get with the times and enjoy the grind of vanilla with better animations.


Is it the graphics that make those games good or the story?
Also better graphics is entirely subjective.

The graphics in wow have never been all that great period.

One of the major factors in Classic is long-term viability. This benefits both Blizzard and the player-base and will ultimately decide the fate of Classic. If we’re not even attempting to attract players to the game, Classic will not be viable long-term.

I, for one, would love to see Classic become a great MMO on its own. Newer models and better resolution would 100% serve to make Classic a lasting game.

Even more, have you guys seen the new WSG/AB? They are AMAZING. To even think of having that as an option in actual Classic gives me butterflies.

Better graphics are not subjective. It is literally a billion dollar industry to improve graphics quality. Higher resolution, better models… why even argue with that?

Personally, what else would take them almost 2 years? I definitely expect better graphics and would be disappointed without them.


I’m in favor of keeping the vanilla graphics and having only that as the unified visual of the game for all players across the board.

I don’t care if retail graphics “look better.”

For me, it’s all about the PvP advantage that the vanilla water gave you. It was bad a$$ using the surface texture of water to help conceal you while traveling along the coast of a territory held by the opposing faction. Entire raids. Entire groups going to kill a faction leader! Like 60+ players!

As apposed to retail water where you can see right through the surface all the way to the bottom.

In the context of Classic, I thoroughly believe vanilla graphics are superior. They lent well to world PvP WHEN world PvP was heavily supported.

Vanilla graphics need to be the only option. As a PC gamer I’m a firm believer in options where graphics deserve very single option imaginable and find it incredibly lazy when they’re not allowed.

Blizz has the ability. We see that in retail. But such an option set is simply not cohesive within the Classic setting.

Don’t overlook the games true greatness with crappy graphics. Sure, its 2006 graphics, but the game is still good. I don’t like people who only select a game just because of graphics.

4 people re writing and debugging 1.12 code to work on 7.3 client.
Also for 1 if those 2 years they didn’t even have 4 people

I think a lot of the water in Vanilla was transparent/translucent but some of the rivers and lakes were completely opaque.

I don’t remember water ever having different levels of transparency. I remember different colors and shades.

But unless you tab-targeted an enemy in the water on off-chance, it’d be damn difficult to visually see someone in the water in any case. Almost impossible if you weren’t expecting them.