Why are people against graphical updates?

This reduction to subjectivism is ridiculous. Computer graphics were a huge boon to video gaming, bringing them into the mainstream. It may well be that some folk prefer multi user dungeons to 3D MMORPGs, but that doesn’t mean they’re both equally good.

You can apply the same reduction to gameplay ‘it’s subjective’. I recently made a game that’s just as good as WoW or CoD or Assassin’s Creed, it’s called ‘click the mouse’. Best part is your computer doesn’t even have to be on to play, so no electricity! It’s just as good as AAA games because fun is subjective :slightly_smiling_face:

For the record, I’d prefer the old models.


Scroll down to the end of the interview. Brack makes it clear that “long-term viability” isn’t a concern. This isn’t being put together for new folks, it’s being put together for the people who left and want to play Classic again.

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There was HD textures in demo I think and more shrubs etc. when you put the slider up on the settings. Hopefully it’s there on launch I really liked it. It was not too much visual change just a little spice and of course there was also the button to put Classic visuals on.

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There were no HD textures in the demo. And the enhanced graphics settings aren’t likely going to make it into the final release; demo was a very early-phase thing.

The demo was definitely more HD than what I experienced on 1.12 client a while before it. Did you play it yourself? It was more HD ingame than on video on youtube.

Have you got source that it isn’t making it into the game? I was looking forward to barrens having more shrubs where lions were resting and sneaking around.

Yeah. I asked Ythisens about it during one of his streams a few weeks ago.

Me: “Hey Ythisens, do you know if those enhanced graphics settings in the demo are supposed to make it to launch?”

Ythisens: “I don’t believe so.”

Dude’s been a treasure trove of information even after being laid off.

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Hmm okay. I get the feeling that Ythisens is trying to know more than he does, but he described it as his belief so it’s fine. Until we get an official notice about this I have my hopes up. I wouldn’t like new models or anything, but the level of what was in demo was fine in my opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s okay too. But if the objective is to be as authentic as possible, it’s likely not going to happen.

And Ythisens was the CM who had the most communication with the Classic community before he got laid off. If anyone has an idea what’s going on, it’d be him considering it was his job to know.

Morrowind, one of the most beloved games of all time, it still is.

Eh… I don’t like Morrowind, and not because of the graphics.

It reminds me of Outland. I hated Outland.

No it wasn’t. He didn’t even know that classic was going to be a thing until after they’ve been working on it for a year. He’s was never a part of the development team. And him, and a lot of the other CMs have been very clear that they only give us information that’s already released.

Read through every thread, you won’t find a single blue post that isn’t on Blizzard’s website somewhere.

Sounds to me like you’re trying to discredit the guy.

I’m not discrediting him. I’m just saying, he only knows what the development team has released. His job was basically to be the middleman between us and the entire back-end of Blizzard. He’s not going to know anything about anything they haven’t released or about any decisions they made after he left.

Certainly not the ones from AFTER he left, no. But from what I understand, he started grilling them for information regularly before he was laid off.

He already knew spell batching was being worked on before it was announced.

Definitely don’t want the new graphics. Old graphics and animations were great.

And these new spell effects and flashes and sparkles everywhere are distracting to me. They take away from my immersion screaming hey look here and here and here and it is very distracting to me.

With the old animations and effects I could tell what someone was doing. With the new flashing effects and sparkles I can’t even see the character model and what they are doing.

Is there a source for this? Do you know what stream he said this? I wasn’t aware, but that’s fantastic news.

I made a thread a ways back on my impressions of the graphics in the Demo. Basically…they changed the shadows a bit, added more vegetation to the ground, and had both the old and new water effects. I was…‘ok’ with all of it except the water. But obviously I would have preferred even a more authentic representation. So if that’s what we get, I’m ecstatic.

Probably shouldnt use the demo as a defense for your arguments.
They already said it wasnt an example of their finished product and it was something they just threw together for blizzcon.

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He has his own Twitch channel. He calls himself Sakaar there, though. It was weeks ago too, so I don’t remember specifically which stream it was.

Unfortunately I don’t think anyone clipped that. It’s really not THAT important a thing.

This is the saltiest reply I’ve seen in a while. Sounds like Dealloc is a 47 year old mom with a horrible haircut standing at customer service booth. “ Wow that’s very interesting. Please, I thirst for your overflowing brilliance. Tell me more about how these newer cookies are undeniably and objectively better then the old cookies you used to have”
Updated textures would be fine, especially with a toggle option. It’s all subjective, #nochanges is subjective. It’s a stupid point to bring up most of the time

If I go buy a taco, I don’t want it to look like a chateaubriand, even though it would look better than a taco. If I go buy a microwave, I don’t want it to look like an air fryer. If I go buy a Mazda, I don’t want it to look like a Maserati.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but if classic:WoW is going to be available, I want it to look like classic:WoW, not some cut-scene from current:WoW. Make it playable, then leave it alone. The less they “tinker” with it, the fewer chances for them to FUBAR it all to [censored] and back.