Why are people against graphical updates?

Vanilla graphics are non-immersive. They reused the same trees and buildings all over the game. Bosses used rehashed models, sometimes without even giving them a different color. BfA has actually created a unique world where no two areas look similar, all the buildings are hand crafted and unique and you’re ignorant as all hell if you think a majority of people (not just private server trolls) would prefer the old, copy paste graphics of 2004 WoW.

i have no problem with a toggle with certain caveats .

  1. the old models/rigs/animations/skins must be default.

  2. if there is an issue with the model/rigs/animations/skins being distorted or in any way messed up , the old models must work 100% of the time and again default to the old models .

  3. old models must be priority and if they have time to work on the new models on the side then so be it.

all of those will be fine with me.

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“Books are non-immersive. They reuse the same letters, words and typefaces, all over the pages. And whats with using paper? Only old book theives use paper. The majority of people prefer books on mp3, based on polls of people that like listening to books on tape in their cars. You’d be ignorant as all hell if you didnt think the majority would rather watched Peter Jacksons lotr movies rather than read the books.”


But where in the old world (Kalimdor and EK) are BfA graphics used aside from phased BfA areas?

Are you suggesting that Blizzard come in and re-do all of the textures and the old vanilla assets (such as trees) to get them up to BfA standard? Because that’s what it sounds like.

Personally, I’m happy with the graphics as they are and a product delivered on time.

Sounds like a plan to me. They’re partially there already, may as well finish the job.

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Son, they’re not even nearly there. In recreating the assets, especially, you’re suggesting a lot of work. I think you need to keep dreaming.

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They’re more or less halfway there with the NPC models, at the very least. The only original models left in MC are Ragnaros and the Flamewakers. Majordomo and the Flamewaker bosses had modern models datamined during BfA beta but they were never implemented for whatever reason.

And then what? Another six months to repaint all the textures in the old world? Nooooo, I think that given the choice, most players want timely over flashy.

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We’re still 6-8 months out from Classic.

And that’s without bringing in the art team from regular WoW, away from what they’re already working on there, to repaint textures in Classic.



How do you know they’re not already working on re-texturing the entire old world? They’ve done Darkshore and Arathi highlands to start. Anyhow, I’m not being optimistic about it, I’d be happy with a toggle for the models and the updated shadows/water. They’ve already updated a lot of the NPC models and they could easily have them finished in 7-8 months.

And don’t forget Arathi Basin. In regards to the modern game, I think it’s great that they’re finally updating the textures. It’s about dang time.

I think I’ve posted that I don’t care if y’all get a toggle for environmental graphics. It’s the models, both character and NPC, that matter to me.

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The rate at which they’re actually doing it however is 1 zone per major patch. So they’ll take about 7-8 years to do the entire old world given that =P

Though when it comes to the models, I can’t say as I care a great deal if people have the new character models but the standard should be set to the old models.

We had issues with the toggle when they had it in modern WoW. If those issues come back and they either can’t or wont fix them, then I don’t want to have to deal with them using the old models again.


Too much work…
We all know the graphics isn’t what made vanilla a good game. It was the games design and game-play. It’s simply too much work for them. I don’t think they will be risking it since this is like a test for the other potential series like bc and wotlk. They would have to redesign the entire game. Game play is still staying the same. They basically wont do any-work for this game on release without making any visual improvements.

Ill Take gameplay over graphics anyday

I wonder how stupid or how much people get paid to spout this trash out of their mouths.
Clearly the game play is already set. Keep in mind this is going to stay classic forever. You are basically going to play a stagnant game with online features of course with no future Xpacs. So at the very least this should be a “triple a title”. But we shouldn’t expect much from these small indie companies (blizzard and act vision).

Its really simple. They make less money.

The extent to which some people go to completely ignore what Blizzard says is astounding. Go back and watch the Blizzcon panel for Classic. Listen to the story about the devs tracking down the old art assets. How important they are, how vital they are. Why? So they can just replace them? Some people here need to open their ears and eyes.


im agreeing with you here man. people need to wake up .


Personally graphic changes is the only change Im okay with.

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There is a lot of hypocrisy here. I wonder how many of the purists are for playing the game in it’s original 4:3 format. Playing it in 16:9 definitely alters the original gameplay since there is a much wider view of the screen, but nobody is talking about this.

Blizzard would be stupid not to include a toggle unless it isn’t possible. I’m pretty sure even the most rabid purist is going to toggle it on after 2 days of playstation 2 era graphics.

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Oh…How very wrong you are

So every old game ever released is garbage because of dated graphics? Kek

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