Why are people against graphical updates?

For me, the problem isn’t whether the graphics are better or worse. It is whether they are true to source. The very first model updates that Blizzard did ruined the expressions I’d carefully chosen for several characters, changed eye colors, put so much shadow into hair that color changed, etc. Every update Blizzard has done has removed / destroyed looks that people loved.

Give me improved resolution of the original art, and I’d be happy.

I’d compare it to the Zelda franchise or the Tomb Raider franchise. I’m totally fine running around on 8-bit Link or angular Lara Croft, as long as the game is good (and they were). Trying to slap Link from Breath of the Wild into the 8-bit game style would just look out of place and actually be rather distracting from the enjoyment of the game. I don’t like the modern iterations of Lara Croft, and having that shoved into the original games would feel like a betrayal of who she was when I originally came to love playing her.


i guess people dont read the sticky and watch the panels or any of the other interviews they have stated their position on.


We aren’t. This was settled after BlizzCon yet it’s being brought up again as if it wasn’t. I don’t care about a graphics toggle. It doesn’t effect gameplay.

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I haven’t seen one suggestion of that.

Uhuh, sure you haven’t.

Good one. And im serious. I don’t make random statements I don’t mean. The if I were to do so they would be followed with a /s.

I haven’t seen one suggestion of it. Ohh is this where I stop replying to you so you cant bump your own thread?

the mona lisa looks horrible. just because its famous doesn’t mean its beautiful.
but since you asked… lets play the which one looks better game

h ttp://www.lakebusjournal.com/sphpblog/images/mona-lisa.jpg
won’t let me pate the link as is for some reason. remove the space.

If there were graphical option’s it would be client side anyways wouldn’t it? Or a toggled option.

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You are, if nothing else, consistent.

You’re still not getting your awful Modern graphics in this game, but the good news for you is, they’ll still be in Modern, in all their eye-bleeding ugliness.


actually they are including updated graphics, they already showed them. they aren’t updating everything just a few things. i’m just confused why people care if they do.


Well, that’s an opinion. Not one that many people would share.


I’m only against Graphical Updates that make me nauseous which has happened, in the past. Graphics are important which coincides with people and their Transmog needs. Graphics are subjective to the User. However, this is Classic and not some high tech phenomenon. That being said, I’m not too terribly keen on the whole “updated” Graphics nonsense, but I prefer this over trying to get my Classic fix by jumping through hoops, when it comes to Third Party Servers.

This is a disgusting mind set.
Just because they have more polys doesn’t make them better, and its suppose to be a legacy game so legacy graphics woo.
Its not a remaster or so they said its a museum piece or so they said from what I’ve heard.
Well replacing a mona lisa with a new mona lisa because it was made with newer art techniques it doesn’t make it better, art is art anything different ruins its value.
Main reason is because its not a reforge if it was then it will be accepted as is.


You are like Yoko Ono colorizing John Lenon’s black and white sketches after his murder. Some things you just don’t do, regardless if you think you are making it “better”.


Of course, you didn’t bother to poll anyone, even an unofficial straw poll, before asserting you speak for a majority, but of course it’s an opinion, just like the OP’s jabbering about “better graphics” is their opinion despite their efforts to claim it’s objective fact.

People who prefer eye-bleeding Modern WoW graphics have all they could ever want, in Modern WoW.

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You’d have to be incredibly stupid to believe that a majority of people would prefer the old graphics. Note, I didn’t say the majority of private server bridge dwellers like yourself.



I take it you have the capability to scroll down to the question about updated graphics on your own?

Ah, ad hominems! That’ll totally make your case.

I like the part where you link a poll (when challenged to do so, not when you were initially trying to pass off your opinion as fact) in which a vast majority chose either old graphics only or old graphics on by default, too. Ever heard of an own goal?

(Toggles, apparently, Blizzard can’t make work. Let me guess: Only someone “incredibly stupid” would expect the “old graphics by default” people to become “old graphics” people if they can’t have the toggle, since it would mean disagreeing with a brain surgeon like yourself.)

You claimed the modern graphics are awful, I linked a poll from the Classic WoW community showing that there’s support for a toggle. If I created a poll with screenshots from Vanilla graphics and screenshots with BfA graphics and asked random WoW players or people in general what is better, they’re going to say the modern/BfA graphics are better.

Your statement wasn’t “the modern graphics are awful to us no-change private server trolls”. It was

A general statement which the majority of people would not agree with because the graphics in 2004 WoW sucked, hard. They sucked back in 2004 and they suck now.

PLEASE create that poll

I’m sorry you have such horrible taste, Galdor. However, ad hominems and whining still don’t mean you speak for the majority.

I gather that you, as much as the OP of the thread, believe that your graphical sense is objective and universal; and I gather that you have nothing of value to say. There is nothing further to be gained from interacting with you.