Why are people against graphical updates?

To me Classic is about going back to a certain point in time with the game, it’s nothing new, it’s not meant to be perfect, or tweaked. I do like the new graphics models in retail, but I don’t want them in Classic because it would ruin the experience for me. The visuals are in your face 24/7, this would actually be the most impactful change (a bad one) in my opinion.

I want this “old-style” game with old-style mechanics and old-style communities to have old-style graphics.

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do you know what always happens, when a company decides on such things?

normally as a money grab but when they decide to release an older game of theirs, it goes in one of two directions.

  1. remaster. a simple update to graphics and audio. and they can normally be okay with this. its easy and it brings in the extra bucks. like FFX remaster. everything is kept 100% original, other than the updated graphics and musical arrangement.

  2. full on reboot. they change everything. the story, characters, designs, game play, music and graphics etc etc.

there has never, not for a very long time, been a middle ground for gaming companies. most of all when it comes to re-releases. it is always one of the two extremes. when was the last 1:1 remake (100% original) that you remember? yeah, i didnt think so.
look at the FF7 remake. it was supposed to be a ‘remake’ but turns out, the title is only there to deceive players (false marketing), while the actual game is being completely redone (full reboot). down to character redesign, world, combat/battle system, EVEN rebooting story lines. all of such are proof of what a reboot is.

so to put it bluntly; ask yourself why people are against even the slightest changes, that effort the world as it was. and decide what game YOU are wanting released. because if it is number 2, this isnt the place/game for you.


Remember when Coca-Cola™ switched to New Coke? Remember what happened?



are you smoking crack? you miss the old black dog nose every human male used to have? they looked like crap

The modern graphics options in the demo looked pretty good. I approve of it as long as players can choose whether the original or new stuff is on their screen. I will probably be maxing out the graphics, whether it be modern shadows, foliage, water, models or textures that are available.

But it should not be possible to increase sight range so you can see other players from further away than if you have Vanilla settings, as that would be unfair.

I can’t get worked up over other players in their own homes using different settings than me in a video game. The issue is if they force it on you rather than make it optional.

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I think they should overhaul and make the graphics better on everything. Especially now when they fixed the multi core threading thingy on direct 12.

Owning better computers are getting cheaper no one is using a Pentium 4 anymore… we can do with better graphics.

Graphics create atmosphere, immersion, overall a better experience.

It also shows WoW won’t be stuck in the Stone Age…


Graphics don’t necessarily make a game better and wow has always used lower end graphics so it can appeal to a wider audience

I’m with @Fyedora on all his points in post #21. The game looks amazing using today’s graphics cards set to Ultra, and it runs smoothly. I’ll add that as a subjective thing, I much prefer the more realistic, muted color schemes of vanilla over the increasingly bright, cartoony colors of subsequent expansions.

I’m also against the use of updated models-- in Classic. Just as I think the old models would be wildly out of place in retail, I think the new models would be not only weird but just ugly in Classic.
My 2c.


Yet the model itself looked better, I see a character walking around far more than their nose.


i disagree.


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One issue with the draw a lot of people have to the idea of “better graphics” is that WoW has always had this unreality feel to it because they never have gone all-out on textures and such even though they could have.

It’s counterintuitive, perhaps, but you actually can get more immersed in a cartoony-like unreality than in a more realistic and visceral presentation method like you might find in a game like Rift or Skyrim, because of the nature of the lore and the presence of a kind of magic that undergirds the overall fantasy of Azeroth.

I think a lot of people out there (certainly not all) are like me, and fear that a call for “better graphics” will lead us away from that bit of unreality that is flattered by the way WoW has done it for 14 years. You might think you’re asking for simple character model changes, and you probably are, but a lot of people hear in your request something fundamentally different and are resisting calls to shift from something core to the art of this game.

Also, people actually remember fondly trying to get down the hallway in Iron Forge to the AH and lag causing them to continually fall in that darn pit in the middle of the hall, as frustrating as that bad-technical-performance was. That kind of improvement will be in Classic and in a way it will be a tad inauthentic for people who experienced Vanilla in machines that cost less than $4,000 and not able to use a T1 connection.

I mean, holy cow – remember when 1.5 Mbaud was desirable and fast, and a DSL line gave you a tactical advantage over the majority of people in this game? I wonder if someone will make an addon that simulates an old connection speed and slows down your FPS to single digits, and how many people will try it out and laugh…

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What’s better? Star Wars? The THX remastered Star Wars? or the Star Wars Special Edition with a CGI song & dance number in Jabba’s palace?

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As an aside, I feel that this approach that Blizzard took-- the unreality that you talk about here-- makes the game date a lot better than other games from this period.

I’m with you. I’m currently re-playing Morrowind, and that game must be heavily modded if a player even wants to punch up the graphics to a more pleasing affect. (Now that’s a game that could use a good remaster; not that the current iteration of Bethesda would ever do that.) Oblivion is the same. They suffer from the problem you describe here.

It’s not that there’s not a place in the world for these types of games, and moddable single-player games at least have a pathway to fix the issue. However, an MMO like Rift will just look more and more dated as the years go by.


People, by nature, hate change. They also hate different things and demand conformity to their own viewpoint.

Having the option to use different graphics exists already in the limitations of hardware of the end user for all games.

If someone wants to see different pixels and god rays it would affect no one else but their own client and display anyway.

I could see a different “updated graphics” client for those who are so adamant they don’t want the extra space used on the drive, but if it doesn’t affect them, their opinion doesn’t really matter.


I am completely for the newer updated graphics. WoW in 2006 had the best graphics out of every game back in the day. Times are changing, and in my opinion better graphics would not impact game play what so ever. The spell animations should without a doubt be the same, but the rendering should be upgraded.

My example would be - would you rather watch the old Star Wars trilogy in 480p or the new Blue Ray version? I would love to see classic game play again… just not the pixilated 2006 graphics. This is just my opinion, just how it is with everyone on this discussion.

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  • There is nothing stopping you from playing Vanilla WoW at 1440p or even 4k resolution. When played at modern resolutions, there is virtually no difference in the environment graphics in the 1-60 zones between BfA and Vanilla.
  • Saying WoW “had the best graphics out of every game” in 2006 is completely absurd, and advanced graphics has never been the selling point of the game. Doom 3 was released in 2004, and had radically more realistic graphics. WoW from the beginning was distinctive for its cartoony non-realistic graphics.
  • Your Star Wars example is amusing. The re-release of Star Wars is widely hated (along with ET) for all the goofy stuff they inserted when they “enhanced” it, and for good reason many people prefer the original releases.
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The larger general point here is that “realistic” graphics become dated drastically faster than highly stylized cartoony graphics.

A good example is that SNES games like Chrono Trigger and Super Metroid look pretty much as good today as they did 20 years ago. In contrast, FF8 was noted for having realistic 3D player models in gameplay (not the cinematics), but by today’s standards they’re kind of a pixelated mess.

Vanilla WoW had a unique cartoony style that has held up very well over time, especially now since practically any computer can run it smoothly at very high resolutions.

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i dont think anyone would have a big issue if they had a working toggle for the character models character graphics. with the old models/gfx being the default.

the problem is they couldnt get one to work for years on live. they arent going to be able to simply put one in without serious work if they can even do it properly.

its not as ez as all that.

and for those saying the new models should be the baseline without even a choice of old models … what do you think the point of this project is if not to be as close to a 1:1 replica of vanilla?


There are way too many people who believe it is to attract modern wow players.