Why are people against graphical updates?

the gameplay is already set. its vanilla. adding upgraded graphics doesn’t take away from this.


Would the Mona Lisa look better if you brightened it up, added some Pokemon in the background, gave her some better makeup, improved her smile?

You don’t ‘improve’ art. It’s as much a representation of the time in which it was made as anything else about it. In a project about going back in time in an authentic experience…it makes no sense. And why would players expect models from a different game be put into Classic to begin with? That’s never made any sense to me.


depends. are we talking about only having new models instead of old? that definitely takes away from it.
are we talking about a toggle where the models are buggy? that definitely takes away from it.

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Not really, but okay.

Thinking about it now, I can see why someone who plays Horde would prefer the older models I suppose. Especially Tauren and Orc players. They had a more tribal, less cartoony look to them.

As for the Alliance, I think every single race has been improved by the new models.

There is also a point where better graphics make the game worse… it’s called the uncanny valley


The new models DONT LOOK BETTER.


Okay. Think whatever you please. Just don’t expect everyone here to agree with you, especially the people who have already spelled out that they don’t.

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Excellent, that is spot on about the tauren and orcs!

The new models were not simply a polygon count upgrade. Not even a remaster. They were a redesign.

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that is subjective just like Tefra’s opinion.

what isnt as subjective is what the old graphics looked all distorted on the new model rigs when they had a “toggle” that failed miserably for years .

they couldnt do it right . so they scrapped it and havent looked back.

now all the sudden people think they can magically fix it in a project they are stitching together.

either that or people are trying to say the new models and graphics for characters should be in and that they dont look like dog poop in the old gear.

the only gear the new models/graphics would look good in would be the T3 gear and they would look out of place in the old world anyways.

seriously guys think of what youre asking for.

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they aren’t thinking about what they are asking for. they just want what they want and that’s it.


if they are thinking , they need to think again.

I agree the original gnomes were much better!


yawn try again.

New models look great in old gear: https://i.imgur.com/yXyHFtj.png


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with the right lighting alot of things look good.

in the wrong lighting which is most of the game without huge shadows the new models look horrible with the old gear.

New human models look crappy compared to the old - something changed, they look silly in retail.

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The “upgraded” models made this toon look like she got stung in the face by a swarm of bees.

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people dont want to have to use a modern computer to play, just use the toaster from 2008.

Personally Id prefer Classic graphics, being a re-release i want to feel like I’m playing classic wow not BFA.

If you have two versions of the same gameplay, 1 with worse graphics and 1 with better, why wouldn’t you want to play the one with better graphics

I feel they have become 2 very different games, my incline to play classic is to endelve into a world which is revolved around being a part of a huge epic community, having meaningful grinds and a real sense of progression, good graphics don’t apply here. while BFA looks nice, the game play is in my opinion awful and unplayable,
so my escape to classic im hoping will allow me to forget about the awful expansion

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Because there’s simply no need to update them. I have no problem with the. If people do that’s on them. They weren’t as bad as some make them out to be.