Why are people against graphical updates?

Please define exactly what “graphical updates” means.

For what it’s worth, when Vanilla WoW is played on modern resolutions on modern hardware it is absolutely beautiful (my album from playing on a 1.12 pserver):

There are some important points to be made here:

  • For many things such as environment textures (trees, rocks, buildings, etc) there will be practically zero difference between the Vanilla client at modern resolutions, and the modern client at modern resolutions. There are only so many polygons in the art assets of the original 1-60 zones, and once you’re at 1440x2560 resolution with AA and other smoothing effects then it’s pretty much at saturation as far as improvements go. It’s probably unrealistic to expect that they’ll create newer higher resolution art assets for everything in the environment.
  • Many veteran players do not like the new models, model animations, and spell animations (myself included). IMO, the new models are too PIXAR-ish, and clash with the original art style of Vanilla WoW. There are legitimate reasons to expect the Devs can’t get a toggle to work for player models (or at least they could, but effort vs reward isn’t practical).
  • The water textures are the one thing (other than models) that are obviously different, and again, many veteran players do not like the new water. So long as the classic water texture is available, this isn’t really a problem.
  • Things such as draw distance, clutter density, etc, could be manually toggled to enormous values with console commands at pretty much any version of WoW, and so don’t really belong to the graphics update debate in my opinion.

So TLDR summary, there really aren’t any updates to be had for the environment provided you’re playing at modern resolutions. The only clear updates possible are player models, water, and perhaps shadow/lighting. Water and shadows can be toggled between classic and modern (IIRC, this is still an option in retail WoW), but player model toggles apparently were a pain to figure out.


yeah no. 10 characters.


Judging by the lack of explanation, I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what it is :slight_smile:

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Yea that’s obviously fine if you prefer the new.

The new models are in BfA.

Let Classic have the original artistic design intent for the characters. Wanting the new models in Classic is sort of like wanting the new class mechanics in Classic.


I haven’t played any modern game in years (8 years roughly) but when I dabbled in a pserver 6 months back I was shocked with how good the games graphics has held up.
So with that being said #nochanges


For me personally, I played the crap out of vanilla back in the day so I do have a certain nostalgic fondness for the old models, however I’m the kind of person who does prefer to have a sharper graphical experience if it’s possible. I hope they find a way to satisfy both crowds on this one… it’s a bit disheartening to see how nasty the comments towards each other are getting.


or it could be that in some instances, for example the tauren as a good one, that the new models look cartoony whereas the old ones made em look like really mad cows.


ya i can’t find a single thread where you come in and don’t act like this. since u were asking me in the pokemon thread.

some of my fav games have horrible graphics, i’m looking at you lands of lore 2 guardians of destiny, i still play it every few years because its fun. would i like an HD remake? hell yes i would.

did no one see the warcraft 3 HD remake thats coming? people are insanely excited!! but HD wow classic? #NOCHANGES YOU HEATHEN!!!

it really blows my mind. i would love better graphics for wow classic.


Going out on a limb but i gather you are unaware that the 1.12 client already supported up to 4k resolution, also willing to say you never played classic at max settings.
If you had you would already know that graphically there isnt much difference between BfA and classic graphics.
The biggest differences between the 2 are the character models and animations


I prefer people to be blunt with me and so I’m often blunt myself. If that’s too much for people, oh well.


Bingo. Even at 1440p the original 1-60 zone environment textures are looking as good as they’re going to get, unless they literally redesign all the art assets.

After that, the only big things left are player models/animations and water. It’s already possible to toggle water between classic and HD, and they failed to get the player model toggle to work… so there’s basically nothing left to discuss in terms of improvements.

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Eliminates grey areas and miscommunications


yes this is a good point.

people all throw around “we want updated graphics” all the time.

what does that really mean?

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sarcastically attacking people and mocking them is different from being blunt.


shouldve quoted this too.

heres some real facts for you. they tried and failed for years to get a toggle to work. it wasnt pretty . and by default it should be the old graphics seeing as how this is supposed to be as close to a 1:1 copy of vanilla as possible.


Doesnt matter how many times a person states this or provides links to back up how much of a failure toggles actually were folks still refuse to accept it


Meh :man_shrugging:

What do you want me to do? Apologize?

People need some thicker skin these days. Perhaps my sarcasm will thicken it up for them. If not, I don’t really care. I’ll keep on sharing my thoughts and opinions as I please.


Bruh, please don’t.

i’ll take gameplay over graphics any day of the week.


Graphics are okay, models aren’t. They look weird. Why would I want some floppy armed rubber band mouthed character animations and models? Gross.

Also, I’d rather have classic, not classic remastered.