Why are people afraid of player freedom?

If you bring back ML, it solves this drop rate issue with PL.

The trick is how to fix this issue within PL. that’s not an engine issue, and this is a math issue.

Technically it only gives 1 player the freedom to decide loot however they want. Everyone else is captive to their whims.

And if they ninja item, they’ll never be able to recruit for a group again. Wow bad action has consequence… in an MMO :scream: (Also ninjas should be banned)

I … I don’t even know what to say when people are SO BAD at analogies.

Like, do you just not understand?? Or are you purposefully being deceptive just to get people to agree with you?

Most likely that.

Master Looter is terrible design for everyone except guild raiders, and even then ‘loot council’ was historically used to gear friends. I no longer raid but over the course of the 15 years I’ve played this game I’ve seen dozens of examples of master loot being exploited.

With personal loot guilds can’t ‘trial’ people and deny them gear, in spite of their time/effort, and PUGs can’t set loot rules that exclude people (such as reserves), or ninja things all together.

You seem quite confuse, I will simplify. Classic: You have DKP guilds. GDKP guilds. Soft REz guilds. Loot Council guild. MS>OS guild. and mix bewteen

How many loot org methods can Retail guilds offer ?

I’ll wait

The people who are afraid of the return of these features tend to be the same people who complained about never being able to find a group on their servers when servers were closed and had a sense of community…Once you understand this, the why is pretty obvious.

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I’m not confused at all. There are 148 posts in this thread right now… the VERY FIRST RESPONSE blows this entire stupid thread out of the water. To say nothing of the other 147 that, many of them, point out the very same thing.

How many examples of “stupid” you have … doesn’t make any of them “smart.” gg

You forgot to answer question

I clearly did.

Waffling about whatever first reply was isn’t answer question.

Your initial reply was restating what first reply did better anyway, do you have any of your own thoughts to add

I’m wait for answer in number

Ninja items wasn’t an issue in master loot. Ninja items only happened when the first person to loot the boss got everything which wasn’t how the master loot system worked in Legion. Then the game simply sent all loot to the raid lead automatically. There was no consequences for that person to withhold loot from deserving individuals. They were the raid lead if you didn’t like it, you could quit. Quitting of course didn’t give you loot.

Master loot allowed loot dictatorships to exist in guilds. Personal loot is more democratic and free. The only “deficiency” with personal loot is the restriction on trading items. Remove that and there is no argument for master loot.

Calling it “freedom” is like saying a dictator allows fair elections when he jails all rivals.

Me no understandering thee questionings.

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Dictatorship is key defined by not being able to leave. Are you forced to stay in a Master Loot or “Loot Council” guild? Do they force you to raid everyweek while steal your gear?

your reply is filled with alarmist stupidity

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Blizzard does suspend people in game for things they say in chat… so that’s an odd thing to bring up.

That aside, things people say in Chat can not influence my personal progression as far as item drops - at least under the current system. Master Loot will change that.

If Master Loot comes back, the Loot Lords could deny you loot if you don’t compliment their shoes enough.

“Oh then leave the guild,” is the common refrain - but by the time you find out the Guild doesn’t handle loot fairly, you lost out on the loot lockout for that week.

The current loot system takes other players out of the loot decisions and chooses between the participants with equal measure. That is the most fair.

Randomness is unearned. Every raid has best tank, best healer, most deserving.

You want to restrict Player freedom to decide loot based on fringe case, just ask people in Classic about how much your “Loot Lord” dystopia is not base on reality.

You being in guild at all knowing they use Master Loot is a conscious choice. You showing up to Trial raid and seeing Loot options: another conscious choice.

“Imagine players choosing what system they want best knowing Cons of both… how horrible!! Players should be forced to accept Personal Loot for their own good.”

Master loot puts all power of looting in 1 person’s hands. That’s a dictatorship.
Stop trying to gaslight the whole forum.

The guild only exists with consent of the members. If nobody logged in guild would no longer exist, if everyone gquit over ninja the guild would no longer exist.

Starting to see it yet?

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You can’t simply leave a dictatorship the same way you can leave a guild.