Why are people afraid of player freedom?

Still only fixes one of the issues with PL.

The only issue that big teams have with PL is that they cant move loot around, The other is loot wastage but loot wastage is in every system, ML can drop things for classes you don’t have present.

Yet that is less common than having multiple rings from a boss for every player in the raid before seeing that 1 weapon or trinket drop.

Becoz I am Casual… limited play time but not a noob. And I am not in a hurry. What would I do if I rush myself to do all the content and left with nothing more to do? Been playing this game since 2004. I know what I am doing. Thank you.

I am not walled at +13. I am just taking my time. No rush. I have something else to do than WoW. But I am on the right direction… KSM first then AoTC then first 3 Bosses of Mythic Raid. I have plenty of time.

Every loot system needs to have wastage

Yes. but the system does not need to create artificial scarcity of what are usually the cool and OP items (edge of night, veinripper, and gavel just to name a few)

I don’t think that’s a PL or ML Issue, That’s a blizzard needs to adjust their rates issue.

It’s more of an issue with PL than ML.

Under ML, each item has the same probability to drop. under PL, some items can be up to 20 times as likely to drop as others.

There have been people using ML in BCC that have yet to see a single DST drop, So let’s not try that one, It’s more likely that blizzard has screwed with the rates rather than it being a direct result of PL

If I had my way, it would be up the droprate of loot by 10% across the board, Then lower Rings and Necklaces by 5% AFTERwards to put them into a little less wastey wastey.

It’s a mathematical fact that the droprate of items in PL is directly related to the number of players in the raid that the item can drop for.

I was in a few raiding guilds in EQ and Master Loot was the thing.

It was handled very fairly by an assigned person who had a list of people in the guild and what they needed. Everyone was on a spreadsheet with their gear slots and what filled them.

You earned Points called DKP for attending raids, meetings, and such. You could loose DKP for being a turd, not attending meetings, etc. ( edit: I couldn’t remember what DKP stood for, it’s Dragon Kill Points)

You could buy loot drops with your DKP from the raid.

It was all very orderly and polite. But generally that was back in the day when people seemed to be more orderly and polite. Also I would hate to be the person who had to keep spreadsheets on all that. Although I’m sure someone will make add ons if that were the case.

I’m allergic to Freedom for US, none for thee.

no, none of them answer this specific question. Imagine believe only 1 thread about topic can exist. Very very presumptuous

Boss drops token if you down it and take it to vendor. Add coins for 3-5 extra rolls per week. When you are fully geared additional tokens can create extra sockets or upgrade gear piece 0/3.

There is your progression.

They can adjust drop rates and add ML as option. Not mutually exclusive

You summed up what is happening to the internet the last ten years. They are removing freedom because of some trolls. 99% of nice people with less freedom because of 1% of trolls ruling the world.

Cool. If Master Loot add back you choose to stick with Personal Loot groups from then on. Sound like easy solution. why didnt you think of this?

they need to re-work how PL works to fix the drop rate disparity between different items.

It can be done, and Lead Dev ION said he want Master loot back. I will not accept “engine issues” as excuse to avoid readd and tweaking a 15 Year old system