Why are people afraid of player freedom?

If and when master loot returns good luck on it because the forums will be flooded with hate towards the system and guess what will happen be removed YET AGAIN nice try to paint a clean and clear and sunshine and rainbow picture of master loot. I hope that it remains dead for the foreseeable future of this game that’s because it benefits everyone since personal loot has safeguards in place.

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Because rewarding 3% who want to talk to randoms strangers with third party programs and voice comms while killing scripted bosses is considered “hard” or “more worthy” than normal behaviour. The game caters to narsissistic minds who believe they are above all others. Ion included.

So… You are in fact a cheater?

That’s not really how good guilds work.

“will you trade all of your loot to the officer to be rolled off?”
see the abuse it would cause?

But you probably don’t because you’ve just admitted to being a cheater.

If only we lived in that fantasy world where only “good guilds” existed, everyone was in one and were treated equitably and fairly, and everyone’s definition of those two things were the same, there would be no loot issues.

But they don’t.
Everyone isn’t .
Most aren’t even in the rarest of really good guilds.
And most people are selfish narcissists who only feel treated fairly/equitable if they get what they want all the time.


its fine, we live in the real world, and it has the next best option.

sounds like the PL crowd.

Why would we gquit if we would just ask Blizz to continue to ban ML? Have I experienced an officer taking back my loot in PL or else be kicked? Nope.

Keep on wishing to have loot exploitation. As of now, you would never convince many of us to have ML.

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I’m partial to FFXIV’s Loot system IMHO.

Oh, so if you haven’t experienced it. it doesn’t matter or happen?
Where have I head this before?

I don’t need to. you’re not in my guild. You’re not part of my raid group.
My raiders trusted my judgement, and if I ever tried to personally benefit at their expense I would have lost that trust, and wouldn’t have been the raid lead anymore.
Weird thing that one is. trust. Comes from time being spent together. people I can call my friends now.

There exists a portion of the playerbase who want to restrict other players from making a decision that they don’t like.

Yeah, becoz I got my prize already. And taking it back is wrong. It would cause drama if I would be forced to return it. So when I win it on PL, it’s mine. No more drama.

So you’re just a cheater and selfish. I understand.

Nobody is asking for ML in LFR, so you’re safe.

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You thought I would be stay on LFR? I am Casual. I am prioritizing M+. And I have to get cheap LFR tier set to continue my favorability on Group Finder PuGs. Have you seen me kept an LFR item on any of my slots right now? And most of my items are higher ilevel than Normal Raid.

The level of guild where the optimization allowed by ML really matters is CE. If you’re going to go back to your early SL raiding of clearing normal then getting stuck on an early-mid heroic boss, ML won’t matter for you.

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but they don’t care about other people. they are just selfish and only care about themselves, and would cheat whenever they can.

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You think I would stop on Heroic Raid? Do you know I could do the easy first 3 Bosses of Mythic Raid when I reach AoTC? And you want my loots be abused when I reach Mythic Raiding? It may not matter to me right now. But it would matter to me in time even if ML would be only for Mythic Raiding.

Just keep it simple. Ban ML. Are we only talking about the top 3% of WoW population affected? Serve the majority. Ban ML.

hah. head in sand.

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I mean there’s no ML now and you’re still in LFR.

They really need to poll Mythic raiders for Mythic features tbh.

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then why haven’t you? If you’re good enough to do 3/11 mythic and aotc, then you must be good enough to not be walled at +13 in 267 4set double legendary.

You do realize you can have freedom without oppression, You can have easy loot handling for guilds without ML?

It’s called PLNR or Personal Loot No restrictions, It stops the guild from screwing people, It stops pugs screwing people, Because Agency is in the hands of the player, The individual wich would be the ultimate freedom