Why are people afraid of player freedom?

Thats a great idea. If you want master loot, classic wow is there waiting for you. Cause its all about community wink wink

GD keeps insisting the majority of players prefer PL, if anything bringing ML back leaves the folks who like it to struggle to find each other.

This would be an acceptable arrangement.

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What you are asking for is opening a chance for some people to abuse the loots. Personal Loot is ensuring there is no chance for your loots to be abused by somebody else.

In my experience, Master Loot has been abused too many times on me.

  • The Guild Master fooling the whole guild that he has the utmost privilege to get the first legendary
  • The Loot Council are biased on awarding their core circle first than giving the loot to you.
  • The GM asked us that he has to award the loot to his GF or best friend for his personal reasons
  • The GM and Loot Council threaten their members that they will kick you if you oppose them. Or they would tell you to make your own guild and make your own officers officiating the loots.

etc, etc. And these always leads to Guild Drama that usually leads to Guild disband. Yeah, I experienced all of those many times in Vanilla and Wrath and also experienced exactly the same thing when I went back to Classic. Nah, let’s keep this simple. I want fair loots. I want Personal Loot.


For personal loot?
That’s not how most people do it, and that doesn’t actually make the system much faster.

and you actually think relying on people to not just hit /roll
a good idea? too much faith in people ability to follow the system and not mess it up.
“I rolled for the wrong item”
“yeah me too”

so does personal loot make people not perform?

personal loot can for sure contribute to a toxic atmosphere.

PL literally rolls everyone. do you just want a visual indicator?

and then those people find each other and play and are happy.

It doesn’t ensure anything.

All different guilds? I’m seeing a common variable.

personal loot isn’t fair, its random.

Funny thing is people are calling for censorship in chat. We don’t need it though.

People complain about the ah all the time too lol

No, master loot gives a player the ability to control other players loot. It should never be an option.

Maybe 100% guild groups, maybe. Even with that I bet we will start seeing drama in the first tier it is implemented. Some people are people pleasers and will just go along with w/e, and for every one of them there will be a “guild buddy” ready to take advantage of them. Personally I would never join a group that uses it, I had plenty of issues with it back in the day. PL > ML.

Cool, and we want you to still have that option. Lots of people didn’t have those negative experiences and would like to have their preferred system available also.

only 2 choices? I would prefer a team of crack canadian ninjas hunt them down and do unspeakable lumberjack things to them.
or maybe someone could come up with a new, better system? is there a better way? would blizzard even listen to us if we came up with one?

It’s random… not biased. So it’s fair. If you have a broken dice, RNG is RNG. But you would eventually get your loots. Master Loot is pissing off somebody else so that the one in charge gets the loot according to their unfair interest.

better is subjective.
ML is better than PL for my values.

lol, ok there. “sorry your luck sucks” sounds totally fair.

where have a heard this notion before. Where oh where.

Or you find good guilds, and this doesn’t happen.
Why do these arguments always hinge on people being bad 100% of the time.

Becoz if you can abuse the system, everyone would. How to ensure it wont be abused? Personal Loot. See?

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It feels like either a fear of abuse or they don’t want someone getting something they can’t have. Whether it’s loot, an easier time achieving something that doesn’t really mean anything to anyone else, or more options to play with, they don’t want anyone else to have it.

that’s just not how the world works.

Find guild without bad leads. See?

That’s how it works on gaming. If you could cheat, you would cheat. And Master Loot opens cheating opportunity to all. And how would the cheater be punished if the system allows them to do it?

There is a reason why Master Loot got banned before. It’s the same reason why it should not come back.


So then you’re a cheater?

I tried to swallow a cod whole once. It cod stuck in my throat.

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So are you gonna get scared when I cheat? Ban me then. Ban Master Loot and maintain Personal Loot so you would have peace of mind. See.

ML doesn’t create player choice. It gives total control to one player. No one else involved is given a choice.

There should be a choice between which type of group you want to join depending on loot type. Either a personal loot group or a master loot group.

Both types need to exist for players to have an actual choice.

I think if players want the option they should be able to turn it on for their instance, but once you’ve zoned in you know what the loot system is going to be for the raid instance. This way you don’t have someone turning on ML for certain bosses. It’s an all or nothing setting is how it should be.

If you give them a choice, it opens a way to abuse it. Let’s say, the guild leader asks his members to vote between ML and PL. And when I choose PL, I could be kicked right there becoz I am not with them on ML.

See the abuse it would cause? You dont give players choice. All Personal Loot like right now.

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