Why are people afraid of player freedom?

Must have been a bigger problem with ML, than folks realize for them to remove it in the first place. I don’t give Blizz much credit 95% of the time, but pretty sure they looked into the ML probs it was causing before they up, and just removed it.

Thats funny right thar lol.

2 reasons my guildmates don’t like it:

  1. Jerk master looters.

  2. Time consuming.

They were around for it and didn’t really have nice things to say about it.

If there’s a choice, I could care less if some groups want masterloot.

well this is just wishful thinking isn’t it? Wasnt the context about people that would resent each other around what happens with loot?

Or you know… just show up and play your class.

I’m actually so confused that I keep seeing this one.

Currently in runs it takes so long for people to reroll off PL gear, then they have to find the person and trade it. in combat? gotta wait. and try trading again.

How in the world were people taking more than a couple minutes to give out loot before, while everyone else just does trash to the next boss.
is there something im missing?

Since its out of their hands they can’t direct it at each other since they have no control over it.

Hahaha. Oh if only life was that simple.

i feel like the only issue is if you do a random and the master looter in charge will likely pin the loot to someone else intentionly.

rare, specially if they dont say anything about it, thats the only fear.

tho a guild run needing randoms, might prioritize guild members over the randoms that were invited, while welcome to do so, it just feels cheated out of if they did not even roll.

of course it is rare, but fear of that chance is what’s most likely getting to em.
me personaly?
idc, just let folks do w/e, if they are afraid, just add bonus rolls again to calm em down.

It really can be.
How many times was gear ninjad from you?
How many times was it not. now what’s the actual percent of that happening to you?

I’ve had gear ninjad from me. I know what it’s like.

I’m not gonna spend the rest of my life afraid that it’s happening at all times.
And this mindset that PL is to “protect the players” has more controlling notions than anything else that I can see.

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Do a random what? Dungeon? This isn’t going to be in dungeons.

Oh, you’re talking about pugs?

I can probably 1000% guarantee that ML will only be for full guild groups. One pug and it’s PL. If they don’t make it full guild groups, someone needs to smack them upside the head.

Three things need to be done for ML:

  1. Full guild groups only
  2. Obviously it’s a choice to use
  3. If ML is enabled, it rolls from the entire loot table, not just the classes in the raid, to cut down on stacking
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Good for you.

Not the case for everyone else.

sorry i got alcohol in me.
random folks they sign up with.


i’ma stop you right there…
im not sober enough for a debate
but i am enough to say, you explained very well in a good detail on what to do in case you feel worried about pugs, i’m just listin what some folks maybe afraid of.

I understand. I just wanted to point out the three things for those people, so that they understand where, I think, most of ML supporters are coming from.



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thank you, this has been my teddy talk.
Time for more drinky, an thank you for bein a good friendo!


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you’re advocating for people to live in fear of a past event in a video game, rather than just healing and moving on?

I’m suggesting that newcomers could easily be taken advantage of.

Get a better rolling system in place

For example 6 items

Roll 1-110 item 1
1-120 item 2
1-130 item 3


Easy to see who is rolling for what and who won it.

I think it should be a choice each player can make when joining either a pug, LFG, or Guild run, in the form of a required active consent box the player makes before joining.


  • PUGs/Guild runs: Organizer must choose either Personal or Master Loot before being allowed to accept others into a group. Once selected it cannot be changed during the existence of the group. When joining the group, players are given a pop-up window that displays the type of loot the group will be, and must agree before being allowed to join the group, or decline. Window has a 1 min timer.

  • When joining a random group in LFG, player must select the type of loot preference before being allowed into the queue.

This way, everyone gets the type of loot group they want to join.

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Give ML back Blizzard. Bring back player choice because PL sucks.

Master Looter just propagates elitism.

Person A is my friend, they get loot.
Person B is better than you, they get loot.

Those are the only reasons people want Master Loot.
Even if your guild is fair about loot, it still just adds obligation and expectations to the people who get loot to perform. That isn’t something that contributes to a healthy non toxic atmosphere.

Personal Loot is the way.


Master loot gave birth to systems like the DKP of old, which tbh I didn’t mind.

I’d love for the need/greed loot system to come back

Something about rolling on an item feels better than personal loot

Sure, you might not win - but you’ve basically got a chance at something, with personal loots it’s just like BL nothing. Atleast need/greed gives a glimmer of hope :joy:

Also mount drops e.g: NW dungeon are so much more exciting if the whole party can roll rather than player X looted it and done. Kinda kills the excitement

It’s great that you feel that way, and we’d still want PL to be available to everyone who agrees. But that shouldn’t be the only option.

Yeah, but if you allow some people to choose ML – you create an environment where players can be obligated to participate – or potentially excluded from content for choosing PL.

I’m all for player choice. At most I’d say allow players to trade items the game considers upgrades. Even that can create situations where players are forced to give up items due to social demands.

Personal Loot has problems, but at least the players are protected from social pressures because of it.

Need/Greed/Master Loot can work wonderfully when your fellow human beings aren’t trash. It just only takes one to completely ruin someone elses experience.

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