Why are people afraid of player freedom?

Bit of a difference between people saying silly things in chat and you not getting a piece of gear, doncha think?

Master Loot is effectively LESS freedom because it takes away your personal choice. Sure, you can choose not to be a guild that uses it, but sometimes rules change. You could join an ‘open guild’ that suddenly decides, after you’ve played with the guild in raids, that ML is being introduced and, oh, certain players don’t get to have gear. And if that’s you, your choices are accept it, or leave.


Tons of them posted in all the other threads about master looter, just go read those?

you told us that because it has never happened to you, it never happens. If it doesnt ever happen we can all sleep easier at night. oh, but it does happen to others! 99+% of americans are undefeated in heavyweight boxing.

Hey now, I have a winning record when it comes to boxing.
1-0 because I quit after winning my one and only fight when everyone freaked out after I hit the other kid in the face even though they told me to aim for his face… I guess they didn’t expect me to actually do it? :man_shrugging:

no one on these forums has credibility. especially a neckbeard raider. If you want to do something actually hard go to med school or join the Marines. pixel dancing doesnt make you credible.

how much reaching are you gonna do. people build resentment for whatever they want.

well that’s just pure cherry picking.
“people only say silly things in chat, nothing more”

Personal loot takes away personal choice. what are you on about?

Never once with master loot the did game just go


what a random scenario that just doesn’t happen.

Some people think the earth is flat too.

Even with ML you’re not guaranteed loot every time, so your whole salary comparison is nonsensical.

People with bad RNG luck may do better with ML since they’re not stuck waiting for random chance to bless them.

Ahh but instead of a player acting as a lightning rod for that hate it’s Blizzard.

:rofl: :joy: :thinking: Seems to me that a system where 1 person controls who gets the loot is a lot more restrictive than personal loot.

No, removal of ML reduced the amount of discord within the raid teams, making it a better raiding environment.


I know in at least one extream case someone iced another in RL when they traded loot to a player and wouldn’t give it back.

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Apply this energy to flying as well. Because me flying doesn’t affect anyone and anyone who acts like that is a psychopath.

Who cares?

Being mad at either is dumb because it’s a video game and useless because you still don’t have the loot.

More friction between players leads to more conflict and a greater chance that the raid falls apart.

you’re basically saying you wanna change things so the people who really should not be interacting with each other… will be forced to? or something.

like if you have friends in a guild that pull stunts on you… that’s just showing some truth and you move on.

I’ve never had friction over ML issues in raids. Plenty of other guilds didn’t either. But the people worried about it could happily exist in PL guilds without needing to control other groups play.

I think they’d be more inclined to play with fun in mind, rather than having to be someone else just to grease those wheels to make that MLer or loot council send some love your way.

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Except it isn’t going to work that way.

That’s what the people who disagree are trying to tell you.

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I’ve never heard this word, but I LOVE IT!

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There’s no reason it has to not work that way unless the PL crowd is mostly lying about preferring PL and desperate to start ripping people off.

The truth about masterloot is that you can actually bond with people in your guild and stuff like that and there is a bit more a community vibe to it than personal loot, there is no denying that.

You shouldnt be able to switch to masterloot after you enter an instance and stuff like that they can easily figure out how to prevent ninjalooting but it would certainly be easier for them to just keep personal loot.

They can leave masterloot in the old versions of the game tbh. They should think about moving forward and legion was recieved well for the gearing. You played the game and you got gear. people like that surprise.