Why are people afraid of player freedom?

forced as in you’re either nice / respectful or you get banned. Of course you aren’t forced to be nice, but the ulterior is not being able to play at all. So if you want to continue to play and you are against being nice to people than quite frankly you “are forced”

Any one with a subscription has the credibility to comment here. According to the TOS you agreed on.

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I see we’ve already gone to the realm of ridiculous comments. :+1:

No. They aren’t. You have options. I’ve reiterated them twice now. Use them.

Except that’s not true. Literally nothing has changed with the social contract. It’s the same rules as in the EULA. The first section is suggestion, not rule.

Well thats another problem, Blizzard doesn’t care. The whole defense is “You knew it was master loot when you went in so the GM isn’t going to do anything”. Blizzard would have to start hiring more GM’s to enforce this but instead they been slowly pruning the people in charge of talking and interacting with the community. Even lore recently quit.

Most player especially casual don’t even if can

  1. Why did this need another thread?
  2. Nothing we say matters, it is up to the dev’s if it comes back.
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I wanted to hear anti ML players out and ask question in tltle.

There are hundreds of cases of Blizz listen to feedback. Such defeatist mindset you have

Not these days. Shadowlands really sucks in terms of end accessibility.


You have never been robbed and murdered. should we get rid of the laws prohibiting that?

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Literally told you them. But keep ignoring what’s been stated.

Oh right, all I need is a sack of gold and a full wallet.

I see once again you’re here with the most nonsensical and ridiculous comments.

You need to get better material.

Your analogy imply I dont want Blizz to ban Ninjas and Toxic players. You are wrong

the defeatist mindset comes from two things: Blizzards actions which has shown the community they often do not care at all. As well as our fellow players telling each other that no one cares about their problems. When people asked for raider io to be banned so they could particpate people told those people off and said “no one cares if you can’t get in, just make your own group”.

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Wrong. Please learn to read what I’ve posted twice now.

Because, deep down, everyone know people that prefers PL are not leaders, they’re followers that only cares about loot.

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You can pay for college and still fail out of it.

Food for thought.

Your sub doesn’t give you even an iota of credibility. You’re free to talk about whatever you want, of course - but nobody is going to take anyone who doesn’t raid at a high level’s opinion about raiding and how loot is handled seriously.

the ones who claim to be against people having control over others are the very ones that want to control those around them.

its pure irony.

stop comparing loot to your income. its not the same.

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So you’re from moonguard so you should know how toxic it can get in goldshire. I had a few dudes harassing my girlfriend constantly. She’d block them and they made alts to harass again we reported nothing happened they did it for days. I got tired of it and threatened to do something to them irl. Next day i got muted for a full 24 hours. I didn’t get banned for threatening someones life i got muted for a 24 hours. The people who made alts to bypass the block function to harass her? they kept doing it till she deleted her characters and left the game.

Blizzard Does Not Care.


To some it is.

Players are going to remember when they do or don’t get that payment and they’re going to build resentment for whoever was responsible for that, be that Blizzard or a player.