"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

Forsaken safely gathering in a nonhostile zone that hasn’t belonged to anyone but them somehow means to you it’s a zone they don’t have. Stop lying. Your hypocrisy is palpable.

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Five people gathering in a zone that is hostile to the point that the Forsaken are forced to rot in Orgrimmar’s heat rather than going home.

It’s not hostile, stop lying.

There are undead who literally try to kill the horde.
Stop lying.

Tbf I’m 90% sure that’s an oversight.

Those are class trainers. Some were also standing around an otherwise abandoned Deathknell as well. I think Blizz just straight up forgot to remove them.

At least per the exploring Azeroth book the place is still functionally abandoned. Understandably there’s feral Blight skeletons all over the place now. Nothing the Forsaken military couldn’t handle but they were all deployed to Darkshore.

For no reason at all. Seriously why were they sent there to raise Kaldorei? That goes directly against Sylvanas’s plan. She is taking souls away from the Jailor.

And its not like they serve some great strategic purpose. The Dark Warden was a decent lieutenant for her lieutenant I guess. Until she got one shot by Baine and sent to Tyrande all tied up with a little bow. Where she decides to spare her but not before slashing her throat. Which because she’s undead doesn’t kill her. So it came off as just kinda weirdly petty.

As for Tirisfal I do think the Forsaken will get it back. But knowing how lazy Blizz has been with this I’d genuinely not be surprised if they just made the BFA version inaccessible and just said the Cata one is canon again now. The Forsaken rebuilt everything precisely as it was before.


Doesn’t support your argument, liar.

Where is it said that Tirisfal is hostile to the forsaken? Why aren’t you citing any sources? The horde destroyed the undercity, civilians would need a place to live, but there is nothing saying that anyone other than the forsaken have a presence in the zone.

The undead summoned by Sylvanas?

Blizzard: The Forsaken have no home to go to outside of Orgrimmar.
Evelyssa: Blizzard’s lying.


Anyway, this argument is over. Mara and Evelyssa can’t be argued with in good faith, as this argument goes to show just how far they’re willing to lie rather than to admit that they were wrong.

Dreadmoore: Blizzard’s lying.

Still fails at properly posting images

Lol you’re still showing your hypocrisy. You’ve never admitted you’ve been wrong yet you’re wrong all the time. GTFO, you lost.


That’s the catch, they aren’t. It’s just Blizzard inventing obstacles for a character to jump over while also pretending that those obstacles were just a figment of the character’s imagination. Only to later snip with the finger and reveal that there were obstacles all along and the player is actually the gullible bad guy. If you know what I mean.

I think the cutscene with the undead night elves being in Tirisfal would indicate the forsaken military is there in tirisfal, this would have been after Sylvanas flew off. Maybe they could all still be stationed in Org, but it seems at that point with lilian seemingly being the defacto leader of the forsaken now, the military is at least there in 8.3. The civilians might not all be back in the zone, but the forsaken are as of that quest.

Yeah, we seem to already have updates to the zone in 9.2.5 where they are rebuilding.

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They’re not as far as I can tell. It’s just Voss and some sad unnelves meeting Derek and Calia.

Nothing else is expanded upon. I remember because this pissed me right the hell off. We’re standing in the shadow of the Forsaken’s ruined homeland and all the game cares about is how sad the unnelves are.


There were forsaken military as far back as early BFA, a little further away from the Scar there are Forsaken abominations continuing their patrols and Forsaken npcs hanging around.

Unlike the Horde the Alliance ignored civilian Forsaken and went straight for Sylvanas in Lordaeron.

What would have prefered given the Forsaken’s actions in BFA?

Ay lmaoooo
Now I know you are trolling.

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You don’t know anything about me, Smallioz. Otherwise you’d know that I think that BFA did a better job at explaining the destruction of Teldrassil than Shadowlands. Because a decade long faction conflict about resources that took many lives and produced many, many grievances is a far more tangible reason than a more or less philosophical problem about “justice” in “the afterlife”. But you can’t have the former kind of story with Orcs who turn around the second war is declared and say “Umm, actually, we like Humans.”. Shadowlands did a worse job than BFA, but it’s not idiotic.

Most things in this game don’t get expanded on unfortunately, we just have to go off the little bits of info we get. The undead night elves, who were loyal horde soldiers for unknown reasons, with a blood elf dark ranger, got all the way over there from Darkshore. I wish they just scrapped that storyline, but they decided to expand on it for the horde for some reason.

So it indicates more than just Voss is there even if you assume the forsaken in the background are an oversight, which it doesn’t seem like it would be since no one else is really contesting the zone other than feral undead created by sylvanas and the blight.

It doesn’t mean the forsaken are fully back as of 8.3, and with undercity destroyed you wouldn’t want to bring the civilians there anyway, but it shows they have a presence there with no opposition other than the kind of feral undead they have to deal with.

Dave Kosak was the main narrative dev during Cataclysm and MoP. It’s pretty much on record that he hated and didnt care to understand night elves, or the Alliance in general. He especially seemed to have it out for Tyrande.

Excellent post, Zahir.


The Alliance Horde war in cataclysm was about Horde’s need for resources so they began a war under garrosh to get those resources.
The war in BFA had very little to do with resources but an imagined future threat by Sylvanas to convince Saurfang and I imagine the rest of the Horde leadership to prosecute a war to break the Alliance and ensure future safety.

They were both idiotic in many ways. For BFA to work characters like Saurfang and much of the Horde had to collectively become unthinking cowards to allow Sylvanas to start a war on no basis on a race that had never threatened the Horde after WC3 in any way and to also support this Warchief after she went against every the new horde supposedly stands for.

The only ones that went along with it are the people (and players) that liked the Old Horde from dreanor.


I’m 99% sure it was just the class trainers at the Calston Estate. Which would suggest it was an oversight.

Because where’s Lord Calston? Where’s Apothecary Johaan? Where’s Gordo, the abomination who picks flowers? Where are the Deathguard?

I do think the Forsaken will inevitably get the place back but seeing like 9 people standing near an abandoned estate just does not suggest it’s been retaken and repopulated.

This a moot point as I figure it will be sooner or later. But at the end of BFA that just isn’t the case.


It started as a conflict about Azerite. It’s the same kind of story as Cataclysm, and worked better than Shadowlands for the reasons above.

Sure, ignore the battle of Warsong Gulch raging since Vanilla. Pretend it’s “normal” for Orcs to freak out when a Warchief DARES to destroy an enemy city.

Sylvanas did not attack Teldrassil to secure a massive cache of Azerite resources to have hegemony over this powerful resource and secure supremacy over the Alliance.
That is not why the war was started.

The Battle of Warsong Gultch is minor border conflict between one orc clan and the NE rangers who are defending their own land. And again this is an aggression from the Orcs rather than Night Elves.
The Night Elves despite being attacked by the Orcs did not make this conflict any bigger than it should have been and continued to play defese. At no point did Tyrande or rest of Alliance use this as an excuse to begin a war to extinguish the Horde from the world.

I love how the indignity is a city that is begin destroyed.
Never mind that it was an entire zone, full of refugees that had run away from the Horde onslaught and… ugh what’s the point? You know what the Horde did but instead you choose to minimize it. Why should I have a good faith discussion with you at all?

Yeah sure the Horde leaders should not have been horrified by Sylvanas’ actions in BFA. Bunch of Alliance boot licker cowards they should have killed more!!! RAWR! PRAISE THE DARK LORD AND HIS DARK LEGIONS RAAAAAAWR.
Is that better?