"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

to be fair, its hard to feel strong sympathie when they committed the worst acts in the war



Zahir: Kyalin said … .
Treng: Amadis said …
Your response:

The hypocrisy was palpable, lol.

I’m not asking anyone to sympathize with them, just to recognize the fact that they lost their home.

And as we’ve said countless of times, Tirisfal has not turned to ashes in contrast to Teldrassil.
The Forsaken have the option to reclaim it sometime in the future, and there’s a pretty high chance they will next patch. There’s no such option for the Night Elves, unless they get a new zone.


You’re such a moron you can’t even link images correctly. Is that supposed to be a picture of you smoking a blunt? Weed rots your brain, lay off the weed.

Lay out in basic words what the hypocrisy in my posts are. Surely someone as simple minded as you can do something without having to do mental gymnastics.


The Forsaken still lost it.
They do not currently live there.

Okay, but you’re missing what Mara implied:
That I was hiding some secret like the forsaken had not lost their home.
But they had lost their home.
The Nelves lost Teldrassil.
The Forsaken lost Tirisfal.
These are facts. Teldrassil may have been destroyed, but the Forsaken could not go home and were forced to rot in Orgrimmar’s heat.

The horde blew up undercity, but are back in Tirisfal in 8.3 as shown with Calia and Lilian voss, and they are rebuilding it in 9.2.5. Tirisfal is not lost. The thing you like to omit too is that the horde destroyed their own city, the zone is still fine, the zone of teldrassil is gone.


Knew you’d lie.
Roux’s book is post 8.3 so far into the future that Calia is considered a member of the Horde and advocate of the Forsaken.

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Sorry, in game they are back in Tirisfal. Play the game for once.


Ähem, you can visit both of them there in 8.3


Sorry, meeting in Tirisfal =/= The Forsaken are living there.
Lie less.

And the Forsaken do not live there.
Visiting someone someplace =/= “they’re living there.”

Imagine trying to say Blizzard is wrong despite Blizzard never showing the Forsaken as actively living in the zone, despite selling (producing? idr if Roux’s book was free) content that fluidly explains the Forsaken have no home.


You probably watched a summary on Youtube to argue on the forums about a book you didn’t even read.

Yeah, you haven’t read a single page. She realized that the afterlife in it’s entirety, hells and heavens alike, are unjust. And even then she didn’t join the Jailer immediately. But then again, it’s no wonder you just handwave it as “being emo lol”. It’s a staple of Blizzard’s storytelling to introduce real, objective problems and to resolve them as “feelings-problems”.

“She has no motives she was just emo”
“Convincing people is just dumb lol”.

And she succeeded, by the way. She got Anduin to point out that he might have done the same choices she did.

Didn’t read the book. Didn’t even watch the cinematic. At no point in the cinematic does Sylvanas say her actions weren’t her own actions. It’s like I’m arguing with somebody who only watched summaries and some memes. Dare I remind you how the burning of Teldrassil was introduced? As the result of a conflict about resources between two factions who have killed each other for decades. But players like you can’t handle that kind of storytelling. There HAS to be an “evil for the lulz” bad guy who’s “just emo about something”, because anything else would result in “villain batting” of characters who are supposed to be “the good guys”. In other words, the Alliance player syndrome.

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I didnt say anything about living there. They visited the place to ckeck the current environment conditions. And to…sounds crazy but - therapyth the dark warden

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There are meeting in Tirisfal not Teldrassil, the forsaken have Tirisfal back, regardless if most of their population has been moved back there. That is shown in that scene with Lilian Voss and Calia.


Äh he didn’t joined her side in their argument

Tbh I think the trouble with Nelf Cata content is that most of it is pretty janky.

You do win say Darkshore but it doesn’t feel like much of a win. Because all but one of the climax quests is frankly pretty boring.

Dog fighting dragons in a tornado should be fun. But in practice you just click on them, press 1, and then they die. And if you accidentally press 2, you will slowly fly back down with no means to course correct.

Then a huge song and dance is made about that Kaiju sized shoggoth the Black Empire is unearthing. And it’s set up like you’re going to be leading an army of ents against a colossal monstrosity.

But they uh botched the ritual so the great destroyer is only slightly taller than other faceless ones. And I beat him without even using the ents for backup.

So yeah you win. But in a pretty boring way. And your victory just means this place is only 75% ruined instead of 100%. Go team.

Honestly I’d just revamp the zone as a proper fae forest. Idk about you but when I roll a 7ft tall battlecat riding Amazon chick I wanna do some violent hot girl ish in a magical faerie forest.

Didn’t really sign up to go muck around a ruined, barren shore that looks like it reads of rotting sealife.


Okay but Mara is implying that the Forsaken didn’t lose their home, and that by visiting it that means they didn’t.

Meeting in a zone doesn’t denote ownership of it.
Five Horde met in Stormwind, after all.

Actually don’t bother lying further.

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The citation is the video I linked, with the forsaken having that zone back, it’s not just lilian either, there are forsaken in the back as well. Is there citation that someone other than the forsaken owns tirisfal? The only thing we’ve seen is the forsaken having a presence there.

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I didn’t say he joined her.

Which covers nothing about zone ownership.
You lied, to the surprise of no one.

Forsaken are the only ones with a known presence there as of 8.3 as shown in the video, they are back in Tirisfal. Again cite a conflicting source saying someone else owns tirisfal, when the forsaken are the only ones with a presence there.