"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

The abom guards walking around too, you see one in the video as well. But I don’t think if that place wasn’t retaken they would be having a casual conversation there and then doing whatever they were doing with the night elf undead. It’s more telling that Blizzard chose Tirisfal to do that exchange, rather than somewhere in Kalimdor.

I don’t think it’s repopulated yet, and I don’t think it would be a smart idea to move the civilians back while the city is still destroyed and they really have no place to live. But the forsaken are in Tirisfal as of 8.3 as indicated by that quest.

See if that was the intended idea they could’ve done something cool there.

Perhaps Calston was able to chase off Alliance attackers with the aid of the Vilefin Murloc as led by his beloved companion Sparky.

Oh, look at him! Isn’t he the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen? Thank you, name. I feel more energetic already.

I’m always amused how the Forsaken have this reputation as some edgelord faction when 75% of it is either slapstick or deaders gushing about ugly cute things like murlocs and darkhounds.


The Alliance left long ago after the BFA intro siege. There was nothing there worth holding or keeping with Loraeron gone.

This is blizzard we are talking about, they will only once in a while do something accidentally cool anymore. Most of the wrap up stuff they don’t care about and put very little thought into it.


They could hold Scarlet Monastery, an important strategic position imo. There are other various Scarlet fortifications around Tirisfal as well.

Unless the Scarlets are still active. And if so, how strong are they, really? Honestly I have no clue.

No. But she did attack one of the biggest settlements of the faction that was competing with her over the cache of magic Uranium.

It was a border conflict, don’t know why you think it was minor.

“If you kill your enemies, they win”

It was more it was both completely unnecessary and actually counter productive to the Horde’s plan.

In the pre patch I was actually kinda hyped. A resource war between superpowers seems a good morally gray basis for a conflict.

And while the Horde were the aggressors Sylvanas’s plan added up. Occupy Teldrassil and essentially use it as a hostage to secure Kalimdor’s entire supply of Azerite. That’s certainly not nice but it’s pragmatic.

I remember discussing on these forums how it would go wrong. Some suspected perhaps the Alliance would themselves torch Teldrassil in a “sink her so the enemy can’t have her” sort of sense or as some scorched earth strategy. Maybe they’d rig the place to blow as the Horde was positioning troops there.

So Sylvanas burning the place down in lieu of a snappy comeback certainly subverted expectations.


don´t permament lost their home, she clarified it later. Teldrassil is destroyed, really destroyed…tirisfal is stil existing.


Exactly. It was CAPTIVATING. And then Blizzard messed it all up.

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Figure between the Winter Queen, Elune, the Green Dragonflight, and/or Druidic magics somebody can probably whip up some literal miracle growth to fix it right up.


In retrospect Before The Storm really should’ve let us know how dumb this was going to be.

But they outright said they weren’t going to do Garrosh again. They just had a Warchief turn into a despotic war criminal who destroyed an Alliance city in Kalimdor who escapes justice after a Siege of Orgrimmar to lead us into an immensely dissapointing expansion.

I mean I guess by the end she’s a remorseful mass murderer. That’s different from a remorseless one. Not in any meaningful way. I’m pretty sure nobody would care if Hitler left a note saying “Mein Bad”. But it is technically different I guess.


If Blizzard had intended that the forsaken had retrieved Tirisfal in 8.3, that would’ve been written in the book. It was not. They had not.

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Tbh though that whole book is a mess.

Like the Sin’Dorei didn’t join the Horde because of Garithros.

They joined the Horde because the Alliance were spying on them and actively trying to sabotage them during the Eversong questline. At the start they let in Dwarves and don’t believe the reports of Darnassian saboteurs. Until you find incriminating documents that prove their treachery. And it is described as treason in the quest text.

Meanwhile the Forsaken send a whole military force to help them secure the Ghostlands and destroy the still operational necropolis Scourgeholme being led by the traitor of elvenkind and probable sex offender Dar’Khan.

We know Sylvanas’s motives weren’t exactly benevolent but the Forsaken on the ground absolutely were. They do nothing but help.

Kinda an obvious choice what team to join at the end of that.

Do we go with the side that actively tried to sabotage us because they felt our desperate last efforts to survive were too extreme?

Or the side that sent in an army that saved us from extinction?

Hmm. Tough call.


Not only are the forsaken back in Tirisfal as of 8.3 through Lilian and others being there, but they did write it in a book, in Exploring EK, page 106 apparently:

Tirisfal Glades once again belongs to the Forsaken according to the report Shaw made for Anduin after the end of the fourth war.

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How can it be meaningful when we, the players, played right into the Legion’s hands by killing Argus, causing the Maw to malfunction in the first place? Condemning billions of souls to the maw, with or without a couple of thousand purple Elves sent by Sylvanas? What did a couple of thousand Elves “accelerate” exactly? They’re droplets on a hot stone. Remember the post about invisible obstacles I posted earlier? We’re supposed to hate Sylvanas when we’re repeatedly shown to be gullible morons who mess everything up even when we think we’re “the good guys”.

one of this elves lived more then 100 lifetimes…compared to us humans. expierience is important for the amount of anima.

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And in Roux’s book, which comes out later, they do not have a home.
Latest lore trumps older lore. Shaw was wrong. We saw no forsaken setting up homes in Tirisfal. We saw them risking ceasing to exist by remaining in Orgrimmar’s heat instead of returning to Tirisfal.

Your lies remain lies.

You don’t understand what I mean. Supposedly, there are countless parallel universes, with people being born and dying each second, on planets with people far more powerful than a bunch of tree elves living on a piece of wood in the ocean. The Maw should have been filled not even a minute after it malfunctioned.

lmao, you wanted it written in a book, and it was written in a book and shown in game. But you aren’t even quoting exactly what is said in the book you are referencing. I guess I’ll just have to use this quote from you as you try to cope with the facts that the forsaken own Tirisfal.


It wasn’t written in a book, nor was it shown in game.
Lie after lie after lie.
Shaw said the Forsaken owned Tirisfal.
He did not say they were living there.
He did not say it was safe for them to live there.
We know for a fact that they were not living there.
They risked rotting in the heat long after Calia had met with Voss.

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