"Why are Night elf Fans so Angry"

It’s literally part of the setting bud. The old world was canonically destroyed by the chaos gods.

I know, but age of sigmar is the descendant of Warhammer Fantasy , and on top of it, the real Warhammer Fantasy comes back, called Warhammer Fantasy the old Word.

Warhammer Fantasy is a lable…not only a “Timeline”

It also encompasses everything under that label. Which age of sigmar a continuation of

No, it does not.

Its an entire lable on its own, and its not even called warhammer fantasy, its called Warhammer age of Sigmar:

Age of Sigmar is the sequel to the discontinued game Warhammer (specifically Warhammer Fantasy Battle ), after the setting was discontinued in 2015. Due to this, the game contains many of the same characters, themes, and models as its predecessor.

The setting warhammer fantasy was discontinued in 2015 and stops to exist until it will recontinued and will work with the same characters, they only share the same Charcters to an extend…thats all, even the entire setting is different in its “tone” (It has new Characters aswell that will not show up in Warhammer Fantasy, its comparable to hearthstone and wow)

I think WoW writing overall really overuses the ‘fridging’ trope in it’s stories. We see it all the time where weird story choices are made to further the narrative that really didn’t need to be there or could’ve otherwise been a different story path and wouldn’t have changed the overall outcome. There are many examples of this that are NOT involving Night Elves or Night Elf characters.

I’ll admit, while Night Elves ARE my favorite race, I would like to believe I am not under the same umbrella of fervent ‘BLIZZARD HATES NIGHT ELVES’ posters, but it’s hard to ignore that Night Elves have gotten the main brunt of this story treatment as a whole. It’s to the point where a lot of us would rather see NO development since Blizzard is incapable of giving us any sort of ‘win’ without also taking out our kneecaps.


We’re talking about two entirely different things here. Im talking about the novels and you’re talking about the table top game :stuck_out_tongue:

of course im talking about the table tob, the table tob is the groundwork of the label…

The books reference the word who were…right? as reference name for the old word.

but it don´t change that the warhammer fantasy - the story of the old world - handled their gods better then age of sigmar in my pov.

I’ve read all the books, and the Sylvanas novel was pants on head stupid for trying to reason out atrocities and genocide because she was emo.

I’d rather she be an actual villain and have her stick to her motivations. The whole “We can’t be together in death, so the Jailer has to BLOW EVERYTHING UP!” was dumb. Her torturing and trying to convince Anduin because he reminds her of her long lost dead brother was dumb. Her basically being the LITERAL reincarnation of Arthas in terms of doing evil undead crap WAS DUMB.

And the Nathanos stuff was also dumb, but I know that’s apparently a dev fanfic thing, so whatever. She was pure dag nasty evil, and no amount of “but but the Jailer!” excuses that the character DID those terrible things. Blizzard using it as a lever to then screw with -PLAYER- story and decisions made it just extra bad.

Her and Anduin going all Kung Fu Mawwalking just kicks the can down the road and was vastly unsatisfactory


I happen to like the age of sigmar books. But that’s me. Anything involving nagash is just golden

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They haven’t tho.
They lost a city.
They lost Sira.
They lost a character designed to be killed.
They have a larger cast than most of (if not literally all of) the Horde.

I don’t 'member when Kyalin was made queen of Night Elves.
Funny how this works.


Man you really have a hard on for hating Night Elves don’t you? Its like every thread you jump in to either minimize what has happened to them and then maginify every little slight they may have committed.

Like we even went as far as talking in woods to mock a peon.


Just want to point this out in how Dread always argues. Teldrassil is not just a city it’s entire zone. Darnassus is a city inside Teldrassil. On top of Darkshore being destroyed and the horde continued invasion of Ashenvale. They also lost most of their population.

It kind of shows how little he actually about anything that happens in the story when he thinks Teldrassil is Darnassus. I don’t think dread has ever made a point that wasn’t entirely in bad faith.


Like I told him, his entire premise and arguments are based solely on his own headcannon and whatever fake conversation he currently has going on in his head


I’m not talking about JUST BfA, I’m talking about the story from Cata and onward.

Your opinion =/= Everyone else’s experience.

There’s enough people who feel this way that it’s not something that’s been made up.


Yep, he just kind of makes things up and then pretends the writers are wrong when it conflicts with his head canon. We have an RP forum, he should be using that instead of RPings here with this nonsense.


Lol it took you almost a full day to come up with this weaksauce response.

We lost Tirisfal, too.
And before you or anyone else lies predictably:
Citation: Roux’s book.

So am I.
The Elves won Ashenvale, Stonetalon, Feralas, Winterspring, Felwood, and I don’t remember what others. The Elves literally had an unbroken chain of wins leading directly into Hyjal where they continued to win more.

Queen Kyalin likes to say “Ashenvale doesn’t show the night elves’ victories and only shows the Horde’s” as a means of saying nelves lost Cataclysm, but have you ever taken a look at Splintertree?
Fly out there.
See what’s going on.

nah just wasn’t gonna comment on your hypocrisy at all til I saw Amadis had.
“ye it’s okay to tout Kyalin’s word as fact, but not Amadis’s!!!”

I don’t tout Kyalin’s word as fact you idiot. I’m not the one who made this thread but I guess you think I did because all Elves look the same to you. Go see an eye doctor about your vision, and a mental health practitioner while you’re at it.


First post.

A post about Amadis.